Accountancy MCQ Questions with Answer part 3
Categories: MCQ Accountancy
Accountancy MCQ Questions with Answer part 3
Q1. The term current assets include:
- Stock
- Debtors
- Cash
- All of these
Answer: (d)
Q2. Which of the following is not a part of financial statement of a company?
- Profit & Loss A/c
- Balance Sheet
- Ledger Account
- Cash Flow Statement
Answer: (c)
Q3. Under which heading of Balance Sheet is general reserve shown:
- Miscellaneous Expenditure
- Share Capital
- Reserves & Surplus
- None of these
Answer: (c)
Q4. Current Assets on the Assets side of Balance Sheet of a Company includes:
- Sundry Debtors
- Cash in hand
- Stock
- All of these
Answer: (d)
Q5. As per provisions of Companies Act, 2013 under which Section, the final accounts of a company is prepard :
- 128
- 210
- 129
- 212
Answer: (c)
Q6. According to which part of Schedule III of the Indian Companies Act, 2013, Indian companies have to prepare Balance Sheet:
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
Answer: (a)
Q7. Balance sheet of companies is now prepared in :
- Horizontal Form
- Vertical Form
- Either (a) or (b) Form
- None of these
Answer: (b)
Q8. Goodwill of a company is shown on the assets side of the Balance Sheet under the head.
- Current Assets
- Non-current Assets
- Miscellaneous Expenditure
- None of these
Answer: (b)
Q9. The form of Balance Sheet as per Companies Act, 2013 is:
- Horizontal
- Horizontal or Vertical
- Vertical
- None of these
Answer: (c)
Q10. Which of the following assets is not shown undeer the head ‘Fixed Asset’ in the Balance Sheet?
- Goodwill
- Bills Receivable
- Buildings
- Vehicle
Answer: (b)