Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer Part 2
Categories: Science study MCQ Arts
Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer Part 2
Q1. The study of insects is called what?
- entomology
- insectology
- zoology
- garbology
Answer: Option C
Q2. Eremology is the study of what?
- science of truth
- large dark spaces
- deserts
- hermits
Answer: Option C
Q3. Garbology is the study of what?
- garbage
- Greta Garbo
- terrible ideas
- supercharged engines
Answer: Option A
Q4. The study of gems and jewels is called?
A. jewology
B. gemmology
C. geogeny
D. gerontology
Answer: Option B
Q5. Gnomonics is the art of what?
- the art of making beautiful moments
- the art of records
- the art of gnomes
- the art of measuring time with sundials
Answer: Option D
Q6. Graphology is the study of what?
- grapes
- alcoholic drink Grappa
- handwriting
- grammophones
Answer: Option C
Q7. Heliology is the study of what?
- extra light gases
- frying in space
- helium gas
- sun
Answer: Option D
Q8. The study of saints is called?
- sanctomony
- hagiology
- spiritonomy
- desontonomy
Answer: Option B
Q9. Hematology is the study of what?
- earth's uttermost atmosphere
- home decoration options
- blood
- weather change patterns
Answer: Option C
Q10. Hoplology is the study of what?
- time loops
- beer hops
- weapons
- pier vibration from the sea
Answer: Option C
Q11. Graphology is the study of what?
- grapes
- alcoholic drink Grappa
- handwriting
- gramophones
Answer: Option C