Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer Part 2

Categories: Science study MCQ Arts

Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer Part 2


Q1. The study of insects is called what?

  1. entomology
  2. insectology
  3. zoology
  4. garbology

Answer: Option C


Q2. Eremology is the study of what?

  1. science of truth
  2. large dark spaces
  3. deserts
  4. hermits

Answer: Option C


Q3. Garbology is the study of what?

  1. garbage
  2. Greta Garbo
  3. terrible ideas
  4. supercharged engines

Answer: Option A


Q4. The study of gems and jewels is called?

A. jewology

B. gemmology

C. geogeny

D. gerontology

Answer: Option B


Q5. Gnomonics is the art of what?

  1. the art of making beautiful moments
  2. the art of records
  3. the art of gnomes
  4. the art of measuring time with sundials

Answer: Option D


Q6. Graphology is the study of what?

  1. grapes
  2. alcoholic drink Grappa
  3. handwriting
  4. grammophones

Answer: Option C


Q7. Heliology is the study of what?

  1. extra light gases
  2. frying in space
  3. helium gas
  4. sun

Answer: Option D


Q8. The study of saints is called?

  1. sanctomony
  2. hagiology
  3. spiritonomy
  4. desontonomy

Answer: Option B


Q9. Hematology is the study of what?

  1. earth's uttermost atmosphere
  2. home decoration options
  3. blood
  4. weather change patterns

Answer: Option C


Q10. Hoplology is the study of what?

  1. time loops
  2. beer hops
  3. weapons
  4. pier vibration from the sea

Answer: Option C


Q11. Graphology is the study of what?

  1. grapes
  2. alcoholic drink Grappa
  3. handwriting
  4. gramophones

Answer: Option C

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