Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer Part 3

Categories: Science study MCQ Arts

Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer Part 3


Q1. Heliology is the study of what?

  1. extra light gases
  2. frying in space
  3. helium gas
  4. sun

Answer: Option D


Q2. The study of saints is called?

  1. sanctomony
  2. hagiology
  3. spiritonomy
  4. desontonomy

Answer: Option B



Q3. Hematology is the study of what?

  1. earth's uttermost atmosphere
  2. home decoration options
  3. blood
  4. weather change patterns

Answer: Option C


Q4. Hoplology is the study of what?

  1. time loops
  2. beer hops
  3. weapons
  4. pier vibration from the sea

Answer: Option C


Q5.Bromatology is the study of what?

  1. brothers
  2. siblings
  3. brains nervous system
  4. food

Answer: Option D


Q6. The study of thunder is called what?

  1. thorology
  2. electrology
  3. brontology
  4. bamology

Answer: Option C


Q7. Cartography is the study and science of what?

  1. pens and ink
  2. cars and car parts
  3. hearts and veins
  4. maps and globes

Answer: Option D


Q8. The science of echoes is called what?

  1. catacoombics
  2. catacoustics
  3. acoustics
  4. chorology

Answer: Option B


Q9. Chaology is the science of what?

  1. carbon measurement
  2. chaos and chaos theory
  3. ancient Chinese handwriting
  4. study of cha-cha latin dance

Answer: Option B


Q10. Bromatology is the study of what?

  1. brothers
  2. siblings
  3. brains nervous system
  4. food

Answer: Option D

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