Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer
Categories: Science study MCQ Arts
Science and Arts Study MCQ Question with Answer
Q1. The study of therapeutics is called?
- aedoelogy
- agonomy
- aerdonetics
- aceology
Answer: Option D
Q2. The study of sound is called?
- soundics
- vibronomy
- acoustonomy
- acoustics
Answer: Option D
Q3. The study of the atmosphere is called?
- aerology
- meteorology
- antonology
- egostics
Answer: Option A
Q4. What is the study of truth called?
- alethiology
- atmology
- truthology
- cethology
Answer: Option A
Q5. The study of the heart is called?
- heartology
- catoustics
- cardonomy
- cardiology
Answer: Option A
Q6. Ichthyology is the study of what?
- beer
- vegetables
- meat
- fish
Answer: Option D
Q7. Ideogeny is the study of what?
- origins of ideas
- study of religious idealogy
- making legitimate identification papers
- study of hymns
Answer: Option A
Q8. Horticulture is the study of what?
- ancient cultures in Egypt
- gardening
- plastic flowers
- cultural differences
Answer: Option B
Q9. Kinematics is the study of what?
- study of motion
- study of cinema
- study of kinetic electricity
- study of Chinese customs
Answer: Option A
Q10. Metrology is the study of what?
- weights and measures
- weather patterns
- underground transport methods
- men and women dressing the same way
Answer: Option A