Which of the following statements are correct? 1. The conditional operator (?:) returns one of two values depending on the value of a Boolean expression. 2. The as operator in C#.NET is used to perform conversions between compatible reference types. 3. The &* operator is also used to declare pointer types and to dereference pointers. 4. The -> operator combines pointer dereferencing and member access. 5. In addition to being used to specify the order of operations in an expression, brackets [ ] are used to specify casts or type conversions.

Which of the following statements are correct?

1. The conditional operator (?:) returns one of two values depending on the value of a Boolean expression.
2. The as operator in C#.NET is used to perform conversions between compatible reference types.
3. The &* operator is also used to declare pointer types and to dereference pointers.
4. The -> operator combines pointer dereferencing and member access.
5. In addition to being used to specify the order of operations in an expression, brackets [ ] are used to specify casts or type conversions.





Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15

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