What are the distinct layers are of Storm's codebase?

What are the distinct layers are of Storm's codebase?

1.First, Storm was designed from the very beginning to be compatible with multiple languages. Nimbus is a Thrift service and topologies are defined as Thrift structures. The usage of Thrift allows Storm to be used from any language

2.Second, all of Storm's interfaces are specified as Java interfaces. So even though there's a lot of Clojure in Storm's implementation, all usage must go through the Java API. This means

3.Third, Storm's implementation is largely in Clojure. Line-wise, Storm is about half Java code, half Clojure code. But Clojure is much more expressive, so in reality the great majority of the impl

4. All of the above

Posted Date:-2022-09-20 10:49:19

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