A Senator must be at least:
1.25 years old
2.30 years old
3.35 years old
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
According to 26th US Amendmentevery citizen has right to vote must be at least of:
1.18 years of age
2.21 years of age
3.23 years of age
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
After the civil war 1861-1864the southern confederate states had to be:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Democratic Republican Party was led by:
1.Ibrahim Lincoln
2.General Bright
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
During the absence of the Vice-Presidentthe Senate is presided by:
1.The President
2.The President Pro-tempore
3.The Speaker
4.The Attorney General
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In USA there are:
1.Two stages of presidential election
2.There stages of presidential election
3.Four stages of presidential election
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The federalists were led by:
1.George Washington
2.Alexander V Hamilton
3.Mr. Burr
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The first 10 amendments are called:
1.Bill of Rights
2.The implied powers
3.Senatorial courtesy
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The first federal judicial system in the world is of:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The first ten Amendments passed by Congress on September 251789 and ratified on:
1.October 17,1790
2.February 4,1791
3.December 151791
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The member of House of Representatives must be at least:
1.20 years old
2.25 years old
3.30 years old
4.35 years old
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The term of US House of Representatives is:
1.2 years
2.3 years
3.4 years
4.5 years
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The term of US Senators is:
1.2 years
2.4 years
3.6 years
4.5 years
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The two-party system in America is due to:
1.The peculiar constitutional set up
2.The peculiar political atmosphere
3.The Peculiar social fabric
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The US Customs Court was set up in:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The US Senate comprises:
1.98 members
2.100 members
3.102 members
4.103 members
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Thomas B heed was speaker:
1.From 1895 to 1898
2.From 1896 to 1898
3.From 1896 to 1899
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Uncle Joe was the popular name of:
2.James Clark
3.Joseph G.Cannon
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
If Vice-President becomes the President of USwho acts as a presiding head of the Senate:
1.President Pro-tempore
3. Attorney General
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In Americathere are jurisdictions:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In the USA a senator is elected for a term of:
1.Four years
2.Five years
3.Six years
4.Seven years
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
National Republican Party replaced:
1.The federal party
2.Democratic Republic party
3.Conservative party
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The Congress sits at a place in Washington called near White House:
1.Capital Hill
2.Mount Everest
3.10 Downing Street
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The US Congress meets at least:
1.Twice in a year
2.Three times in a year
3.Once in a year
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Who sworn as the 44th President of the United States:
1.Bill Clinton
2.Ronald Reagan
3.George W. Bush
4. Barak Obama
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
An amendment is made by:
1.Ratification of 2/3 members of the state
2.Ratification by 3/4 legislatures of the state
3. Ratification by 1/5 legislatures of the state
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
he American constitution is:
1.A rigid constitution
2.An elaborate constitution
3.An elastic constitution
4. A redundant constitution
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
he Presiding officer of the US House of Representative is:
1.The President
2.The Vice-President
3.The Speaker
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In Americaa Judge may retire on attaining the age of:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In Americathe judges of the Supreme Court can declare any law passed by the Congress or the state legislature to be unconstitutional if it violates the provisions of the Constitution is is technically known as:
1. Implied Powers
2.Bill of Rights
3.Executive agreements
4.Judicial Review
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In case of impeachment of a Presidentthe Senate is required a majority of:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In the beginningthe Senate was comprised on:
1.20 members
2.25 members
3.26 members
4.29 members
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In the USthe Court of claims was set up in:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In the USthe Supreme Court has increased the powers of the centre by means of:
1.Bill of Rights
2.Doctrine of Implied Powers
3.Judicial Review
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
In USin case of impeachment of President which Chamber sits as the Cief Court of Justice:
1.The Senate
2.House of Representatives
3.House of Commons
4.House of Lords
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Money Bills can originate only in:
1.The Senate
2.The house of representatives
3.The House of Lords
4.The House of Commons
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
n UShow many amendments have been made now?
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Nomination of party candidates for the office of president is made by:
1.Party central committee meeting
2.Party parliamentary committee meeting
3.Party national conventions
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Obama is the president of which country:
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
One third of the senators retire after every:
1.Two years
2.Three years
3.One years
4. Four years
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Property restrictions to vote or to hold office were abolished in:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
Speaker is the nominee of:
1.The President
2. The states legislatures
3.The majority party of the House
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The American constitution proclaims itself to be:
1.An international law
2.Supreme law of the land
3.A cohesive law of the land
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The constitution of imposes:
1.Three tests on a presidential candidate
2.Two tests on a presidential candidate
3. No test on presidential candidate
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The first federal judicial is system of the world is:
1. American judicial system
2.English judicial system
3.Frenchludicial system
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The first ten amendments were passed by congress on September 251789 and ratified on:
1.October 171790
2.February 4,1791
3.December 151791
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The general policy of the Republican was:
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The House of Representatives comprises:
1. 435 members
2. 436 members
3.437 members
4.438 members
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The House of Representatives had initially:
1.60 members
2.75 members
3.100 members
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The Judicial power of the US is to be vested in:
1.The Senate
2.The Congress
3.The House of Representatives
4. The Supreme Cour
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The main trouble with the American federation was:
1.Representation of bigger and smaller states
2.Representation of working class
3.Representation of red Indians
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The National Industrial Recovery Act was passed:
1.In 1933
2.In 1934
3.In 1935
4.In 1932
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The presidential term is:
1.Three years
2.Two years
3.four years
4.five years
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The Presiding officer of the US Senate is:
1.The President
2.The vice-President
3.The President Pro-tempore
4.The Attorney General
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The sessions of House of Representatives begins every year on:
1. 3rd of January
2.20th of January
3.23rd of March
4.1st of April
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The Speaker of the House of Representatives owes allegiance to:
1.Majority Party
2.Opposition Party
3.No Party
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
The very first notable feature of the American constitution is:
1.Democaratic centralism
2. Democratic de-centralism
3.Popular sovereignty
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
There was no provision for the judicial system in the:
1.Bill of rights
2.Articles of Confederation
3.The Proclamation of Independence
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10
When a new congress meets for the first time:
1. The house chooses its chairman
2.The house of representatives chooses it speaker
3.The house of representative chooses it president
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2021-07-29 01:05:10