______ terms refer more to relationship rather than to kin.
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
_________ is action that is oriented to social norms and falls within the band of behaviour permitted by the norm.
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
_________ is possible only if surplus is large enough to make it worthwhile.
4.Market economy
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
___________ is a feature of industrial society.
2.Joint family
3.Jajmani system
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
____________ in a political system is based on the expectations that those who make the decisions will meet certain obligations
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
____________ refers to goods, services or assistance freely given to kin, friends and neighbours without any explicit statement that anything is expected in return.
2.Generalized reciprocity
3.Balanced reciprocity
4.Mutual exchange
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
____________action involves a clear awareness of goal.
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
A fundamental aim of _________ is the closer integration of the rural civilization and urban civilization.
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
A Nambudri family is called
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Accommodation is ?the process in which man attains a sense of harmony with his environment?. Which of the following statements do you think is not correct?
1.Accommodation follows conflict
2.Accommodation may result in cooperation
3.Accommodation is an unconscious activity
4.It is assimilation
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
According to G.H. Mead, the child firstly learns to responds to his-
1.Generalised others
2.Significant others
4.Society as a whole
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
According to Pareto, all elites__________
1.decay in quality
2.increase their quality
3.become more stable with the lapse of time
4.gradually gain power
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Changes in social positions with regard to variations in occupations, prestige, income, wealth, power and social class are referred to as
1.social change
2.international mobility
3.social mobility
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Generalized others? of Mead is meant
1.Parents of the children
2.Family members
3.Community as a whole
4.Nothing can be said of it
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Human society had passed through three stages, namely savagery, barbarism and civilization, according to
3.Auguste Comte
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Immigrants in all societies are at first
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
In India which of the following was true about caste system in the past?
1.it was based on birth
2.it was based on religion
3.it was based on the ability of the persons
4.it was based on feudal system
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Integration of a community is
4.A matter of adjustment
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Mark the correct statement out of the following
1.Nearly everyone is deviant in society
2.Leaders are not deviant people
3.Thinkers are never deviants in the absolute sense of the word
4.Deviance does not cause and damage to the society
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Population explosion means_______
1.increased rate of births
2.high birth rates and high death rates
3.drastic shift in the balance between birth and death
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Select the correct statement out of the following
1.Deviant behaviour helps in creating new norms
2.All forms of deviations are socially useful
3.Deviation from norms makes the society up to date
4.Deviance should be encouraged to the maximum
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Socialisation is a learning process in which a child is influenced by
1.Cognitive learning
2.Evaluative learning
3.Effective learning
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Talking of different stages of socialization who among the following has brought the notion of oral stage, anal stage, oedipal stage and adolescence?
1.Sigmund Freud
2.G.H. Mead
3.C.H. Cooley
4.R.K. Merton
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
The child when become aware of his membership is the family and his social roles assigned to and expected of him is according to Freud
1.Oral Stage
2.Anal Stage
3.Oedipal Stage
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
The concept of looking self-glass means
1.A man?s seeing himself in to a mirror
2.Self-evaluation in the period of crisis
3.The individual?s imagination of how others see him or her
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
The first woman who called for International Women?s Day in 1910 was
1.Margret Cousin
2.Aruna Asaf Ali
3.Clara Zetkin
4.Lucy Stone
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
The SAARC Decade for the Girl Child was
1.1961 ? 1970
2.1991 ? 2000
3.1971 ? 1980
4.1975 ? 1985
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
The system under which the boys and the girls are allowed to test each other?s compatibility before marriage is known as
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Vertical mobility involves
1.change in role
2.change in occupation
3.change in group
4.change in social class position
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
What is institutionalised evasion?
1.The evasion of norms established by some institutions
2.The evasion which is imported by some institution
3.When norms of evasion are recognised and sanctioned by a group it is institutionalised norm
4.When an institution is established to train the individuals to evade some norms
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
What name is associated with the theory of looking self-glass?
1.C.H. Cooley
2.G.H. Mead
3.S. Freud
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
When Lord Buddha renounced his crown, he showed deviant behaviour. It was due to
1.Personal factors
3.The causes explained by the physical type theories
4.Failures in the process of socialization
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
When the secondary sexual characters appear in boys and girls showing as inclination of freedom indication towards opposite sex and a feeling they ensure from Parental case is that of his
1.Oral stage
2.Anal Stage
3.Oedipal stage
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which among the following elements work efficiently in the process of socialization?
1.Environmental condition
2.Physical and Psychological heritage
3.Cultural heritage
4.Family pattern in which one is born
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which among the following is not right?
1.Accommodation eliminates conflict
2.Accommodation leads to assimilation
3.Accommodation is a step towards integration
4.Accommodation is appeasement of an adamant group
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which among the following is true of superego?
1.It is the internalization of custom and culture as a whole
2.It speaks of morality and social order
3.Superego is thoroughly developed by Parental rewards & parents
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which Art. of the constitution deals with the appointment of a Minister in charge of tribal welfare?
1.Art. 164
2.Art. 165
3.Art. 166
4.Art. 167
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which factors do not hinder the assimilation of minority groups with the majority groups?
1.Sympathetic attitude on the part of the majority group
2.Misbehaviour of the minority
3.Minority insisting on its culture
4.Overbearing attitude of the dominating group
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which of the following is not a good point in deviant behaviour?
1.Deviant behaviour helps in creating new norms
2.Deviant behaviour helps in adopting a culture
3.Deviant behaviour shown by preceding generation may become the norms of the succeeding generation
4.Deviant behaviour helps in creating reshuffle which may be useful for a group
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which one of the following does not fall under the category of deviant behaviour?
1.Quarrel of a child with his father
2.Addiction to drugs
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which one of the following is NOT a disadvantage of Polygamy?
1.It creates jealousy among family members
2.The fullest development of members of the family becomes difficult
3.Living standard and status of women comes down
4.The women are treated respectfully in the family
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which one of the following is NOT a valid criticism against Syndicalist philosophy
1.It is unscientific
2.It is vague
3.It is negative in nature
4.It provides guarantee against misuse of authority
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which one of the following is NOT one of the features of urban community?
1.contacts are non-segmental
2.in it there is anonymity
3.in it there is homelessness
4.in it there is social heterogeneity
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which one of the following is NOT true of Art. 338 of the constitution?
1.It has made a provision for the appointment of special officer for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
2.It says that the President shall be given a report on the working of constitutional safeguards
3.The president of India shall get the report placed before the Parliament
4.The report shall be placed after every five years
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Which one of the following is true statement about the schedule castes and the scheduled tribes?
1.Socially they have been neglected
2.Socially they are being uplifted
3.Socially no change is being brought about among them
4.Socially the society is opposed to their coming up
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Who calls ?clan? a compromise ?kingroup??
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Who criticized certain aspects of Spencer?s evolutionary theory?
1.L.T. Hobhouse
2.Karl Marx
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Who differentiated material and non-material culture in his discussion of social change?
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Who has defined family as a group governed by a sex- relationship sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and upbringing of children?
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25
Wright Mills explains elite rule in _____________ terms rather than in_________ terms
1.institutional, psychological
2.economical, psychological
3.institutional, economical
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2021-01-15 02:54:25