The minimum error distribution in the period of software development is in
2.Design phase
4.Requirement analysis
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
A 32 bit microprocessor has the word length equal to
1.2 bytes
2.4 bytes
3.8 bytes
4.32 bytes
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
A module that is supplied along with the programming language translator to make the language easier is called
1.A benchmark program
2.A data structure
3. An intrinsic function
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
A new technology which provides the ability to create an artificial world and have people interact with it is called
2.Alternative reality
3.Virtual reality
4.3-D reality
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it is called a
4.User response
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
A single integrated program may contain
1.An operating system and an application program
2.Programs that take care of all the basic accounting systems used by a business
3. Word processing, spread sheet processing, graphics, and data management
4.Both (b) and (c)
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Abbreviate the term BSS.
1.Box Structure Specification
2.Box Statistical Specification
3.Box Statistical System
4.Box Structure Sampling
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Abbreviate the term CMMI.
1.Capability Maturity Model Integration
2.Capability Model Maturity Integration
3.Capability Maturity Model Instructions
4.Capability Model Maturity Instructions
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
All variables must be declared at the beginning of
1. A PASCAL program
2.A BASIC program
3.An assembly language program
4.A machine language program
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
An examples of an expert system is
1.A structural analysis program
2. The Internist, a medical diagnosis program
3.A stock and bond analysis program
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
An inventory management program can assist with
1. The distribution of inventory
2.The purchasing of inventory
3.The planning of inventory
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is
1.Magnetic tape
3.Punch card reader
4. Optical scanners
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
BNF is a meta-language for
1. Shell programming
2.Specifying the syntax of a language
3.Real-time programming
4.Describing how program works
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Configuration management is not concerned with
1.Choice of hardware configuration for an application
2.Controlling changes to the source code
3.Controlling documentation changes
4.Maintaining versions of software
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Constantine suggests four organizational paradigms for software engineering teams. The best project team organizational model to use when handling extremely complex problems is ________ .
1.Random paradigm
2.Open paradigm
3.Synchronous paradigm
4.Closed paradigm
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Data flow diagram, regular expression and transition table can be combined to provide _____ for functional specification of system software.
1.Event Table
2.Decision table
3.Finite state automata
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Data structure suitable for the application is discussed in
1.Interface design
2.Procedural design
3.Architectural design
4. Data design
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
First level of prototype is evaluated by ______ .
4.System Analyst
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
For the best Software model suitable for the project, in which of the phase the developers decide a roadmap for project plan?
1.Software Design
2.System Analysis
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Game programs include
1. Video arcade games
2.Adventure games
3.Simulation games
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Home finance programs are
1.Inventory management programs
2.Project management programs
3.Accounting programs
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
If a file is to be moved from main memory to a disk, the directory file would be modified by the
1.File manager
2.Command processor
3. I/0 managers
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
In an IBM PC, ROM contains
1.The file manager
2.The I/0 manager
3.The operating system supervisor
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
In object oriented design of software
1.Classes are always different
2. Classes are defined based on the attributes of objects
3.Objects inherit the properties of the class
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
In object oriented design of software, objects have
1.Attributes name and operations
2.Attributes and name only
3.Operations and name only
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
In testing phase, the efforts distribution is
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Line of code(LOC) of the product comes under which type of measures?
1.Indirect measures
2.Direct measures
4.None of the above.
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The data flow model of an application mainly shows
1.communication network structure
2.decision and control information
3.processing requirements and the flow of data
4.the underlying data and the relationship among them
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The extent to which the software can control to operate correctly despite the introduction of invalid input is called as
2.Fault tolerance
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The graph theoretic concept will be useful in software testing is
1.Euler an cycle
2.Hamiltonian circuit
3.Cyclamate number
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The maximum error distribution is in
4.Requirement analysis
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The model which estimates the total effort in terms of person, months of the technical project staff, is
1.COCOMO Model
2.Waterfall model
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The principle, a function can always be replaced by its value (irrespective of the context), without changing the meaning is called
1.Referential transparency
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The process togather the software requirements from Client, Analyze and Document is known as ______ .
1.Requirement engineering process
2.Requirement elicitation process
3.User interface requirements
4.Software system analyst
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
The shell
1.Accepts command from the user
2.Maintains directories of files
3.Translates the keyboards character codes
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
To write a program that solves a given problem, a programmer
1.Debugs the program
2.Designs an algorithm
3.Codes an algorithm in a programming language
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Types of design phase 1s/are
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Use of recursion
1.makes debugging easier
2. reduces execution time
3.makes software bug-free
4.enhances logical clarity and reduces code size
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
What is the detailed sequence of steps that describes the interaction between the user and the application?
1.Scenario scripts
2.Support classes
3.Key classes
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
What is the main aim of Software engineering?
1.Reliable software
2.Cost effective software
3.Reliable and cost effective software
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
What is the testing to ensure the WebApp properly interfaces with other applications or databases?
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
When elements of module are grouped together that are executed sequentially in order to perform a task, is called ______ .
1.Procedural cohesion
2.Logical cohesion
3.Emporal cohesion
4.Co-incidental cohesion
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Which classes represent data stores (e.g., a database) that will persist beyond the execution of the software?
1.Process classes
2.System classes
3.Persistent classes
4.User interface classes
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Which coupling is also known as Global coupling ?
1.Content coupling
2.Stamp coupling
3.Data coupling
4.Common coupling
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Which of the following is (are) required by top-down design?
2.Step-wise refinement
3.Flow charging
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Which risks identify Potential Design, Implementation, Interface, Verification and Maintenance Problems?
1.Project risk
2.Business risk
3.Technical risk
4.Schedule risk
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Which Variation control in the context of software engineering involves controlling variation?
1.Process applied
2.Resources expended
3.Product quality attributes
4.All mentioned above
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
Who manages the effects of change throughout the software process?
1.Software project tracking and control
2.Software configuration management
4.Technical reviews
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34
You are working in CareerRide as a project manager. What will you do to minimize the risk of software failure?
1.Request a large budget
2.You will increase the team size
3.Track progress
4.None of the above.
Posted Date:-2021-06-17 03:56:34