Engineering/Civil Engineering (MCQS) Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering SET 5 Sample Test,Sample questions

A direct shear test possesses the following disadvantage:

1.A relatively thin thickness of sample permits quick drainage

2.A relatively thin thickness of sample permits quick dissipation of pore pressure developed during the test

3.As the test progresses the area under shear, gradually changes

4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A soil mass is said to be in plastic equilibrium if

1. it is stressed to maximum is on the verge of failure is in plastic stage starts flowing.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A soil not fully consolidated under the existing over-burden pressure, is called


2.normally consolidated


4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A soil sample of mass specific gravity 1.92, has a moisture content 30%. If the specific gravity of solids is 2.75, the void ratio, is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Tergazhi's theory of one dimensional consolidation assumes

1.soil is homogeneous and fully saturated

2.water and soil particles are incompressible

3.deformation of the soil, is entirely due to change in volume

4. all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The Mohr's straight theory is based on the following fact :

1. Material fails essentially by shear

2.Ultimate strength of the material is determined by the stress in the plane of slip

3.Failure criterion is independent of the intermediate principal stress

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A flow net may be utilised for the determination of

1.exit gradient


3.hydrostatic pressure

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Hydrometer readings are corrected for:

1.temperature correction

2.meniscus correction

3.dispersing agent correction

4.temperature, meniscus and dispersing agent corrections.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

If voids ratio is 0.67, water content is 0.188 and specific gravity is 2.68, the degree of saturation of the soil, is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

If water content of a soil is 40%, G is 2.70 and void ratio is 1.35, the degree of saturation is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

1.The range of water content between the liquid limit and plastic limit, is called plasticity index.

2.The ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural water content to the plasticity index of soils, is called consistency index

3.The ratio of natural water content minus its plastic limit to its plasticity index is called liquidity index

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The plasticity of fine soils may be assessed by means of

1.dry strength test

2. toughness test

3.dilatancy test

4.all of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The pressure that builds up in pore water due to load increment on the soil, is termed

1.excess pore pressure

2.excess hydrostatic pressure

3.hydrodynamic pressure

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The ratio of the weight of water to the weight of solids in a given mass of soil, is known


2.specific gravity

3.void ratio

4.water content.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The specific gravity of Calcite is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A grillage foundation provided for heavily loaded isolated columns treated as spread foundation

3.consists of two sets of perpendicularly placed steel beams

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A plane inclined at an angle φ to the horizontal at which the soil is expected to stay in the absence of any lateral support, is known as

1.natural slope line

2.repose line

3.the φ line

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A structure is erected on an impervious clay whose thickness is 12 m. Drainage is possible both at upper and lower surfaces. Coefficient of consolidation is 0.015 cm2 per minute. For attaining 50% consolidation with a time factor 0.20, the number of days required





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

A triaxial shear test is prefered to direct shear test, because can be performed under all three driange conditions with complete control

2.precise measurement of pore pressure and change in volume during test, is not posible

3.stress distribution on the failure plane, is non uniform

4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

An unsaturated 100 cm3 sample of soil weighs 190 g. If its dried weight is 160 g, water content of the soil, is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Chemical weathering of soil is caused due to




4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

During seepage through a soil, direction of seepage is always

1.parallel to equipotential lines

2.perpendicular to stream lines

3.perpendicular to equipotential lines

4.none of these

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

he length/diameter ratio of cylindrical specimens used in triaxial test, is generally





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Soils containing organic matters

1.are of spongy nature

2.swell with decrease of moisture

3.shrink with increase of moisture content

4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

On wetting, cohesive soils,

1.loose permeability

2.gain shear strength

3.loose elasticity

4. decrease their shear strength.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

On wetting, cohesive soils,

1. loose permeability

2. gain shear strength

3.loose elasticity

4.decrease their shear strength.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

1.The object of classifying soils is to arrange them into groups according to their properties and behaviour

2.A soil classification system is meant to provide an accepted and systematic method of describing the various types of soils eliminating personal factors

3.The first category of soil classification is based on grain size of the soil

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

1.When stress decreases, void, ratio decreases

2.When stress decreases, coefficient of permeability decreases

3.When stress decreases, coefficient of volume change decreases

4.When stress decreases void ratio, co-effi-cients of per-meability and volume change decrease.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

1.The dry density reduces by addition of water after attaining optimum moisture content

2.The line joining the peak of three moisture content graphs obtained by using three compactive energies, is called line of optimus

3. Well graded coarse grained soils can be compacted to a very high density as compared to fine grained soils

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

1.The permeability of the coarse-grained soils may be reduced by grouting.

2.The process of injecting fluids (i.e. grouts) into the pores space of the soil, is called grouting.

3. The grouting increases the soil strength.

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Talus' is the soil transported by




4.gravitational force.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Tergazhi's theory of one dimensional consolidation assumes

1.load is applied in one direction

2. coefficient of permeability is constant

3.excess pore water drains out only in the vertical direction

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The angle of internal friction is maximum for

1.angular-grained loose sand

2.angular-grained dense sand

3.round-grained dense sand

4. round-grained loose sand

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The bearing capacity of a soil depends upon

1.size of the particles

2.shape of the particles

3.cohesive properties of particles

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The density of soil can be increased reducing the space occupied by air elastic compression of soil grains expelling water from pores

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The neutral stress in a soil mass is

1.force per neutral area

2.force per effective area

3. stess taken up by the pore water

4.stress taken up by solid particles.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The property of a soil which allows it to be deformed rapidly without rupture, elastic rebound and also a volume change, is known





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The ratio of emax and emin of silty sand, is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The ratio of volume of air voids to the volume of total voids, is known as

1.air content

2.percentage air voids

3.percentage voids


Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

The slip at critical angle, is generally known

1.δ 1-line

2.rupture plane

3.slip plane

4.all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Through a point in a loaded soil mass, there exists n typical planes mutually orthogonal on which the stress is wholly normal and no shear stress acts, if n is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Which one of the following statements is true for Mohr-Coulomb envelope ?

A. Coulomb suggests that the relationship between shear strength and normal stress, is adequately represented by the straight line

1.Coulomb suggests that the relationship between shear strength and normal stress, is adequately represented by the straight line

2.The generalised Mohr theory suggests that, though the shear stress depends on the normal stress, the relation is not linear

3.Coulomb and Mohr suggest that a definite relationship exists among the principal stress and the angle of internal friction

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34

Which one of the following statements is true for Mohr-Coulomb envelope ?

1.size of the particles

2.The generalised Mohr theory suggests that, though the shear stress depends on the normal stress, the relation is not linear

3.Coulomb and Mohr suggest that a definite relationship exists among the principal stress and the angle of internal friction

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 21:29:34


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