What is the Indus valley culture called Harappan culture?
1.The first discovery comes from Harappa
2.It was first discovery by a person called Harappa
3.Harappa is the biggest site discovered so far
4.Most of the valuable remains have come from Harappa
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the literacy rate of Punjab?
1.63.615 per cent
2.61.03 per cent
3.69.95 per cent
4.65.07 per cent
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the measurement of the volleyball court?
1.5 m x 4 m divided into two parts by a net
2.8 m x 7 m divided into two parts by a net
3.18 m x 9 m divided into two parts by a net
4.12 m x 11 m divided into two parts by a net
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the population density of Manipur?
1.107/sq. km
2.207/sq. km
3.307/sq. km
4.407/sq. km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the purpose of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)?
1.Sustained economic growth
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the purpose of SAARC?
1.To promote the welfare of the people of South Asia
2.To improve the environment of security in the region
3.To accelerate economic growth and cultural development
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When and where was weightlifting introduced in Olympics?
1.1986 at Athens
2.1988 at Seoul
3.1924 at St. Louis
4.1908 at London
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did Afghanistan ends monarchy and became a republic?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did China exploded first atomic device?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin land on the moon?
2. July 21, 1970
3. July 21, 1963
4. July 21, 1972
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When is the Haryana Day?
1. September 1
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When there is a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood, the breathing rate
3.first increases and then decreases
4.is not affected
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the capital of Dadra and Nagar Haveli?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the language mostly used in Madhya Pradesh?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the measurement of the badminton court for singles?
1.13.41 m x 6.10 m
2.13.41 m x 5.18 m
3.12.30 m x 7.66 m
4.12.30 m x 6.23 m
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the normal red blood count per cubic mm?
1.2 million red blood cells
2. 3 million red blood cells
3.4 million red blood cells
4. 5 million red blood cells
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did France became Republic?
1.1789 AD
2.1798 AD
3.1792 AD
4.1729 AD
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did US solar system probe Voyager-two discovered six new moons of the planet Uranus?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
Yelena Isinbayeva is associated with which of the following games/sports?
2.Pole vault
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When light passes from air into glass it experiences change of
1.frequency and wavelength
2.frequency and speed
3.wavelength and speed
4.frequency, wavelength and speed
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is Bhakti movement?
1. It is a social and religious movement form about AD 500 to 1600
2. It is the movement that influenced the developed of regional language because it emphasised peoples everyday speech
3.both (a) and (b)
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is Magna Carta?
1.It was a charter of Rights granted to the Englishmen during 1215 AD by King John II
2. It was a charter guaranteeing the freedom of the barons, the church and the common man
3.It is the foundation stone of the rights and liberties of the English people
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the approximate area of Bihar?
1.94,163 sq. km
2.1,35,100 sq. km
3. 3,702 sq. km
4.1,96,024 sq. km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the covered area of Gujarat state?
1.3,702 sq. km
2. 1,35,100 sq. km
3. 1,96,024 sq. km
4.. 94,163 sq. km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the density of population in Chandigarh?
1.7,902/sq. km
2.1,008/sq. km
3.5,512/sq. km
4. 2,669/sq. km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the duration of football match?
1. Two 15 minute period with a reset at half time
2. Two 25 minute period with a reset at half time
3.Two 35 minute period with a reset at half time
4.Two 45 minute period with a reset at half time
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the function of a dynamo?
1.To convert heat energy into light energy
2.To convert light energy into heat energy
3.To convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
4.To convert electrical energy into mechanical energy
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the height of Nainital, Uttaranchal above sea level?
1.7,500 ft above sea level
2.3,500 ft above sea level
3.7,168 ft above sea level
4. 6,400 ft above sea level
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the literacy rate of Chhattisgarh?
1. 47.53 per cent
2.65.18 per cent
3. 82.32 per cent
4.60.91 per cent
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the literacy rate of Himachal Pradesh?
1.68.59 per cent
2.77.13 per cent
3.22.63 per cent
4.54.40 per cent
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the literacy rate of Maharashtra?
1.77.27 per cent
2. 66.26 per cent
3.55.25 per cent
4.44.24 per cent
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the population density of Andhra Pradesh?
1.275/sq km
2. 13/sq km
3. 340/sq km
4. 154/sq km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the population density of Kerala?
1.819/sq. km
2.602/sq. km
3.415/sq. km
4.500/sq. km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the population density of Madhya Pradesh?
1.202/sq. km
2.196/sq. km
3.116/sq. km
4.68/sq. km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the population density of Nagaland?
1.120/sq. km
2.220/sq. km
3.320/sq. km
4.420/sq. km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the population of Assam?
1. 140/sq km
2.340/sq km
3.240/sq km
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the purpose of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)?
1.Promotes International Trade with a view to accelerate economic growth of developing countries
2.Promotes International Monetary co-operation & expansion of International Trade
3.Set rules for World Trade
4.Set rules for World Trade
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the range of missile Akash?
1.4 km
2.25 km
3.500 m to 9 km
4.150 km
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the role of WTO (World Trade Organisation)?
1.To settle trade disputes between nations
2.To widen the principal of free trade to sectors such as services and agriculture
3.both (a) and (b)
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What is the S.I. unit of temperature?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What was the purpose of EFTA (European Free Trade Association)?
1.To remove all tariffs on trade of industrial goods between the member countries
2.To aid the creation of a single west European market to help boost world trade
3.both (a) and (b)
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What was the purpose of establishing the European Economic Community (EEC)?
1. To promote a common market and economic prosperity among member countries
2.To create a single market for free import and export among
3.both (a) and (b)
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What was the purpose of establishment of NATO?
1.To maintain and develop individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack
2.To defend economic and trade interests of the developing nations of the world
3.TO provide collective defence and economic cooperation in south-east Asia
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
What were the main factors responsible for World War I?
1.Nationalism and imperialism
2.Militarism and entangling alliances
3.Mutual rivalry, hatred and distrust within the countries
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When a given amount of air is cooled
1.the amount of moisture it can hold decreases
2.its absolute humidity decreases
3.its relative humidity remains constant
4. its absolute humidity increases
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When a moving bus stops suddenly, the passenger are pushed forward because of the
1.friction between the earth and the bus
2.friction between the passengers and the earth
3.inertia of the passengers
4.inertia of the bus
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When and where athletics introduced in the Olympics?
1.1896 at Athens
2.1900 at Paris
3.1992 at Barcelona
4. 1995 at Athens
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When and where is the next winter Olympics scheduled to be held?
1.2015, Salt Lake City (USA)
2.2016, Turin (Italy)
3.2017, Nagono (Japan)
4.2018, Pyeongchang (South Korea)
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When and where was basketball introduced in Olympics as a medal event?
1.1992 at Barcilona
2.1928 at Paris
3. 1936 at Berlin
4.1900 at Athens
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When and where was hockey introduced for women in Olympics?
1.1908 at London
2.1980 at Moscow
3.1936 at Berlin
4.1924 at Paris
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When and where was tennis introduced in the Asian Games?
1. In 1958 at Tokyo
2.In 1962 at Jakarta
3.In 1966 at Bangkok
4.In 1974 at Teheran
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When cream is separated from milk
1. the density of milk increases
2.the density of milk decreases
3.the density of milk remains unchanged
4. it becomes more viscous
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did 19 NATO members and 11 Partners for Peace join hands for peace plan for Kosovo Crisis?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did Ashoka became emperor of India?
1.336 BC
2.375 BC
3.279 BC
4.264 BC
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did Christopher Columbus discovered the West Indies?
1.1455 AD
2. 1492 AD
3.1139 AD
4.1556 AD
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did Commander Robert Peary discovered North Pole?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did first test tube baby - Louise Brown born?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did India enter into space age by launching the satellite Aryabhatta?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did India hosted the Common wealth meeting?
1. 1961 at Bangalore
2.1976 at Pune
3.1983 at New Delhi
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did Margaret Thatcher became the first women Prime Minister of Britain?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did the USSR formally disintegrates into 15 republics?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When did Yuri Alekseyevich Gagaris of Russia, the first man to reach space, reached space?
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When does Russia celebrates its Independence Day?
1.14th November
2. 8th October
3.9th August
4.12th June
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When does the Indonesian settlement in the Malay Peninsula took place?
1.2400 BC
2. 2300 BC
3. 2200 BC
4. 2100 BC
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When is Lal Bahadur Shastris death anniversary?
2.January, 20
3.January, 27
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When is the International Workers Day?
1.15th April
2.12th December
3.1st May
4. 1st August
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When is the Worlds Diabetes Day?
1.14th November
2.11th December
3.15th October
4.1st July
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When the Aryans advanced towards India reaching the Ganges and the Yamuna rivers? It was the time of rise of Ganges Civilization.
1. 2200 BC
2. 1200 BC
3. 2000 BC
4.1500 BC
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
When the batsman, in cricket, is out without scoring a single run, is called
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
Where did 2010 Commonwealth Games took place?
1.Beijing, China.
2.Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3. Victoria, Canada
4.New Delhi, India
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
Yuri Gagarin was
1. a Russian cosmonaut & became the first man to travel in space.
2.the first person to fly at great height of about 340 km from the earth
3.both (a) and (b)
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46
Zakir Hussain was
1. the third President of India
2.Indias second vice President
3.both (a) and (b)
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-03-06 02:48:46