NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022/NEET Biology MCQS Mock Test Paper 27 Sample Test,Sample questions

A foetus’ determination of gender is dependent on

1.mother’s age

2.father’s health

3.egg’s nature

4.sperm’s nature

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

 If a boy has sexual characters of that of a girl, its genotype would be





Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

 In EMP pathway, the process by which ATP is formed from ADP is


2.oxidative phosphorylation

3. substrate-level phosphorylation phosphorylation

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

 This number of Barr bodies are found in a female with XXXX chromosomes





Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

 This structure is absent in frogs and present in man

1.thyroid gland

2. adrenal gland

3.salivary gland

4. pancreas

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

In an entity with genetic composition AA+XXY such as Drosophila will be a normal female. In the case of mammals, it will be?

1. Turner


3.Normal female

4.Normal male

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

In erythrocytes, the EMP pathway or glycolysis produces pyruvate which is metabolized further to





Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

In humans, this pair of food constituents arrive at the stomach in a state of complete indigestion

1.Starch and protein

2. Fat and starch

3.Cellulose and protein

4.Cellulose and fat

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

In the last step of the EMP pathway or glycolysis, this substrate is used



3.1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate

4.Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

In this plant, sex determination was first studied





Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

Minimum peristalsis takes place in


2. Duodenum



Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

Pick the incorrect statement

1.cephalic phase of gastric secretion does not involve the release of gastrin

2.contraction of pyloric sphincter is caused due to large doses of gastrin

3.deficiency of intrinsic factor causes pernicious anaemia

4.gastric peristalsis includes propulsive grinding and mixing movements

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

The activity of this enzyme increases when the ATP supply of a cell depletes


2. Phosphofructokinase-1


4.Pyruvate kinase

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

Theory of linkage was put forward by

1. De Vries


3.Bateson and Punnet


Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This enzyme catalyzes the first step of glycolysis or the EMP pathway


2. Pyruvate kinase



Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This hormone facilitates the secretion of HCl from the stomach





Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This is incorrect about vitamins

1.tocopherol is anti-sterility vitamin

2.vitamins are indispensable for life

3.vitamins act as a source of energy

4.vitamins are organic catalysts

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This is most likely to happen if parietal cells of the gut epithelium turn partially non-functional

1.Steapsin turns all the more effective

2.pH of the stomach will sharply decline

3.Efficiency of pancreatic enzymes will reduce particularly of lipase and trypsin

4.Inadequate hydrolysis of pepsin into peptones and proteoses

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This is not one of the steps between the glycolysis of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate

1.formation of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate

2. oxidation of NADH to NAD+

3. ATP synthesis

4.catalysis by phosphoglycerate kinase

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This macromineral is essential for the synthesis of insulin



3. iodine


Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This prevents keratinization of the skin

1.Vitamin D

2. Vitamin C

3.Vitamin B

4.Vitamin A

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This regulates the peristalsis of the intestine

1.Brachial plexus

2.Sacral plexus

3.Auerbach’s plexus

4. Discoidal plexus

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

This technique can be used to detect the chromosomal abnormality of an unborn baby

1. Tissue culture


3.CAT Scanning


Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

When yeasts carry out alcoholic fermentation of glucose, the coenzyme – thiamine pyrophosphate is needed by


2.pyruvate decarboxylase

3. lactate dehydrogenase


Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28

________ discovered XY sex chromosomes

1.M J D White

2.Nettil Stevans

3.R Brown


Posted Date:-2021-02-22 09:37:28


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