Sociology/Sociology Questions and Answers for GK Sample Test,Sample questions

 A legitimate right to give certain orders or commands is called:





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:43:10

 A marriage always occurring outside a certain group of relations, is called-





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:27:22

 According to Karl Marx, class membership depends upon:



3.Mode of productivity

4.Productivity relations

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:44:17

 Assertion (A) – The proliferation of machines and increasing use of technology in the service of human beings have changed the life-style of people.

Reason (R) – The modem machine technology has brought radical changes by emphasising on rational approach to life.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A

3.A is true but R is false

4. A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 11:48:22

 Assertion (A) – With the help of computer, the organisation of work and the location of work are altered.

Reason (R) – The, computer makes possible increased surveillance of workers and depersonalisation.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:48:32

 Assertion (A)- After independence, some castes developed vested interests in Backwardness.

1. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:39:36

 Assertion (A): In demography, stability refers to a situation in which the age distributions of both male and female population remain unchanged, and the rates of growth which may be positive, negative or zero, are constant.

Reason (R): The age specific fertility rates and the age specific mortality rates remain constant over time.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4. A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:34:55

 Consider the following characteristics:

1. Economic relations based on barter and exchange

2. Manufacturing of capital goods

3. Absence of specialisation based on technical ability

4. Absence of regular market

Which of these are salient characteristics of primitive economy?

1.1, 2 and 3

2.1, 3 and 4

3.2, 3 and 4

4.1 and 4

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:44:35

 Societies which are relatively small, non-literate, homogeneous and cohesive are called:

1.Folk societies

2.Urban societies

3.Rural societies

4. Industrial societies

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:43:23

 The specialisation of work tasks by which different occupations are combined, within a production system, is called:

1.Production system

2. Production relations

3.Mode of production

4.Division of labour

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:49:33

 Upward or downward social mobility in a stratification system within the course of an individuals career is called:

1. Zero-sum mobility

2.Horizontal mobility

3.Inter-generational mobility

4. Intra-generational mobility

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:33:26

 Which one of the following is the distinctive characteristic of human society in comparison to the animal society?




4.Group life

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 11:48:49

 Who among the following called village community as a little community?

1.Max Mueller


3.Henry Maine

4.Robert Redfield

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:21:08

A body of people having monopoly over the use of force and exercising control within a definite territory is called:





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:45:19

A process whereby the norms and rules in various social settings grow and crystallise is called:





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:16:57

A social situation where two or more conflicting groups resolve not to fight further, to adjust with each other leaving the causes of conflict unresolved and agreeing to get certain benefits on mutual basis is conceptualised as the process of:





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 11:51:24

According to Hindu traditional belief, marriage is a





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:27:58

According to Max Weber, members of the same:

1.Class have common life style

2.Class have common life chances

3. Class belong to the same status group

4.Status group belong to the same class

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:34:45

Assertion (A) – Absence of high degree of division of labour is a common feature of all simple societies.

Reason (R) – A simple society can survive without division of labour.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2. Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:40:57

Assertion (A) – In India, it is possible to change ones religion but not caste.

Reason (R) – In India, an individual inherits caste by birth, while membership of religious groups is acquired.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2. Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:41:38

Assertion (A) – It is estimated that even if India attains a replacement level of fertility by 2010 and maintains it thereafter, it will end up with a population of 1.7 billion towards the end of the twenty-first century.

Reason (R) – Current age-structure of population indicates a continuous increase in size of population.

1. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2. Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:33:52

Assertion (A) – It is estimated that even if India attains a replacement level of fertility by 2010 and maintains it thereafter, it will end up with a population of 1.7 billion towards the end of the twenty-first century.

Reason (R) – Current age-structure of population indicates a continuous increase in size of population.

1. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2. Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:33:53

Assertion (A) – Numerous theories have been put forward to explain the origin of society.

Reason (R) – The theories of society do not provide adequate exploration of its origin, they are therefore numerous.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4. A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:20:02

Assertion (A) – Social change is always planned.

Reason (R) – Societies are not resistant to change.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:23:41

Assertion (A) – The power and prestige which land­owning castes command put them in dominating positions vis-a-vis all castes, including those castes which have ritually higher status than their own.

Reason (R) – Land ownership is a crucial factor in establishing dominance.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is true but R is false

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:40:18

Assertion (A) – Today there is strong emphasis on economic growth accompanies by social justice.

Reason (R) – The earlier emphasis on economic growth has led to wider disparities between rich and poor, rural and the urban people in India.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:47:57

Assertion (A)- A loW caste person usually Sanskritises its style of life and ritual on becoming wealthy.

Reason (R)- Sanskritisation resolves the inconsistency between newly acquired wealth and low ritual rank.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:38:49

Assertion (A)- Man is the product of the cultural milieu in which he is born.

Reason (R)- Culture determines every aspect of human personality.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2. Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:19:30

Assertion (A)- Members of the extended family typically live together in a single household or in adjacent households.

Reason (R)- They function as an integrated economic unit.

1. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:30:41

Assertion (A)- Social mobility is necessarily more in class societies than in caste societies.

Reason (R)- A single individual in a class society can move up to a class higher than that of his birth.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A

3.A is true but R is false

4. A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:38:16

Assertion (A)- The peasant movements of India have brought in some agrarian reforms.
Reason (R)- Such movements are always well organised at the grassroot level.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3. A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 11:53:19

Assertion (A): India has largest population in the world next to China.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:36:34

Assertion (A): Kinship is clearly a wider category than family.

Reason (R): It includes not only husband, wife and their children, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:31:13

Assertion (A): Racial prejudice refers to an attitude that predisposes people of a racial group to think or act negatively towards other racial groups.

Reason (R): It arises from unfounded beliefs in racial superiority and inferiority.

1. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3.A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:18:47

Assertion (A): The age structure of the population of India has shown no appreciable change although the death rate is declining rapidly since 1950.

1.Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

2.Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A.

3. A is true but R is false

4.A is false but R is true.

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:35:57

Communist societies are classified as:

1.First World

2.Second World

3.Third World

4.Fourth World

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:21:41

Consider the following characteristic features:

1. Formal organisation

2. Militancy

3. Collective bargaining

4. Political affiliation

Which of these are typical of genuine trade unions:

1.1, 2 and 4

2.3 and 4

3.2, 3 and 4

4.1, 3 and 4

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:47:04

Consider the following characteristics:

1. Husband may be a casual visitor

2. Wives come to live in the houses of their husbands

3. Children have ordinarily no right over property of the mother’s family

4. Father is the supreme head of the family

Which of these characteristics are those of a Patriarchal family?

1.2, 3 and 4

2.1, 3 and 4

3.2 and 4

4.1, 2 and 4

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:28:33

Consider the following features:

1. Fixed spheres of competence of different offices

2. Charismatic authority

3. Impersonality

4. Recruitment based on merit

Which of these are typical of bureaucratic organisation?

1. 1, 2 and 3

2.1, 3 and 4

3.2, 3 and 4

4.1 and 4

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:40:02

Consider the following stages of evolutions:

1. Monogamy

2. Polygyny

3. Polyandry

4. Promiscuity

According to unilineal evolutionists, the universally correct sequence of these evolutions is

1.3, 4, 1 and 2

2. 4, 3, 1 and 2

3.4, 3, 2 and 1

4.3, 4, 2 and 1

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:29:38

Consider the following statements with respect to the pressure groups:

1. They articulate their group interests

2. They exercise their influence on government

3. They safeguard their group interests

4. They bring pressure on general public

Which of these are correct?

1. 1 and 4

2.1 and 2

3.1, 2 and 3

4.2, 3 and 4

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:41:51

Consider the following statements- Dalit Movement seeks:

1. To raise social awareness among Dalits about their rights

2. Privileges for the Dalits

3. To bring social change through revolution

Which of these are correct?

1.1 and 2

2.2 and 3

3. 1 and 3

4.1, 2 and 3

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:25:47

Consider the following statements:

1. Marx distinguished between class-in-itself and class- for-itself

2. Marx distinguished between class and status group

3. Marx distinguished between bourgeoisie and proletariat

4. Marx distinguished between productivity relations and mode of productivity

Which of these are correct?

1.1, 2 and 3

2.1, 3 and 4

3.1, 2 and 4

4.2, 3 and 4

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:33:51

Consider the following statements:

The possible consequence of change in mortality is that it affects

1. Family structure

2. Intensity of interpersonalities

3. Fertility

4. Birth rate

Which of these are correct?

1.1 and 2

2. 2, 3 and 4

3.1, 3 and 4

4.1, 2 and 3

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:32:59

Consider the following:

1. Gross Reproduction Rate

2. Child-Woman Ratio

3. Age Specific Fertility Rate

4. Median age at first marriage

Which of these are used to estimate fertility rate from the census data?

1. 1, 2 and 3

2.2 and 4

3.3 and 4

4. 1, 3 and 4

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:32:00

Human relations within urban society are characterised by:

1.Mutual trust

2. Increased communications

3.Increased primary interaction

4.Indirect and impersonal contacts

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:59:45

If a married couple lives with a brother of the groom’s mother, then the couple follows which one of the following residency rules?


2.Neolocal residence

3. Avunculocal residence


Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:24:47

Illegal activities carried out by professionals and businessmen are called

1.Organised crimes


3.Juvenile delinquencies

4. White collar crimes

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:43:45

Illegal activities carried out by professionals and businessmen are called:

1.Organised crimes

2. Alienations

3. Juvenile delinquencies

4.White collar crimes

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 15:03:35

In the event of a decline in the rate of socio-economic change, social mobility likewise tends to decline in:

1.Caste stratification

2.Estate stratification

3.Class stratification

4.Ethnic stratification

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:32:51

Louis Wirth was one of the first to analyse the effects of:





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:00:30

Production and exchange of goods and services for the satisfaction of wants is called:

1.Productive action


3.Economic action

4.Rational action

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:58:29

Reservation for Schedules Castes is provided in terms of their:


2.Economic necessities


4.Low ritual positions

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:46:16

Social distance scale as a technique for measuring attitudes was developed by

1.L. Thurstone

2.L. Guttman

3.A. L. Lundberg

4.E. Bogardus

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:16:26

The concept of Post-Partum Amenorrhea (PPA) refers to the

1.Period between two menstruations of a woman

2.Period between the last menstruations and the birth of a baby

3.Spacing between two births by a woman

4.Period wherein women may not menstruate after the birth of a baby

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:28:56

The concept of Post-Partum Amenorrhea (PPA) refers to the

1.Period between two menstruations of a woman

2.Period between the last menstruations and the birth of a baby

3.Spacing between two births by a woman

4.Period wherein women may not menstruate after the birth of a baby

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:28:56

The existence of structural inequalities between groups in a given society in terms of their differential access to material or symbolic rewards is called:





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:31:47

The feeling of ethnocentrism by a group in a multilateral society results in:

1. Strengthening of loyalty to all cultures

2. Weakening of loyalty to all cultures

3.Cultural harmony

4.Cultural conflict

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:22:11

The number of children under five years of age divided by the number of women between the age group of 15-44 years, multiplied by 1000 is called:

1. General fertility rate

2.Crude birth rate

3.Fertility ratio


Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:38:40

The process of social mobility found latently within the caste system in India is identified by M. N. Srinivas as:





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:37:21

The provisions for appointing Backward Class Commission are contained in:

1.Article 340 of the Constitution of India

2.Simon Commission Report

3.Government of India Act, 1935

4.The Directive Principles of State Policy

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:28:07

The sociological term used to describe the statuses 0 intern, resident and independent medical practitioner successively occupied by a medical student is:

1.Status sequence

2.Status group

3.Status set

4.Achieved status

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:13:18

The tendency to see one’s own ideas, beliefs and practices superior to that of others is called:


2. Self-orientation



Posted Date:-2024-01-10 11:49:40

The term kinship refers to a set of relationships between:

1.Consanguineal relatives

2.Affinal relatives

3.Relatives of three generations

4.Consanguineal and affinal relatives

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:24:16

The term Scheduled Caste has:

1.Clearly been defined in the Directive Principles of State Policy

2.Clearly been defined in one of the Articles of the Constitution of India

3.Clearly been defined in the Preamble to the Constitutional of India

4.No been defined in the Constitution of India

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:45:50

Through Tebhaga Moveihent, the sharecroppers demanded to retain:

1. One-third of their produce

2.Three-fourth of their produce

3.Two-third of their produce

4.Half of their produce

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:26:19

Training given to a person for acquiring membership in a non-membership group is called:




4.Anticipatory socialisation

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:20:33

Weber’s typology of action include:

1.Action and reaction

2.Rational action in relation to goal, rational action in relation to value, emotional action and traditional action

3.Traditional action, charismatic action and rational action

4.Class-based action and status-based action

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:17:28

Which of the following types of authorities have been identified by Max Weber?

1.Rational, emotional and traditional

2. Rational, charismatic and traditional

3.Traditional, ideal and rational

4.Traditional, modern and post-modern

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:44:49

Which one of the following is a constitutional safeguard for Scheduled Castes?

1.Providing agriculture land to them

2.Providing employment to them

3.Providing houses to them

4.Abolition of untouchability

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:44:03

Which one of the following is an example of anticipatory socialisation?

1.Parents socialising their unmarried daughters for appropriate adjustments with their husbands’ families in the life after marriage

2.A house-wife teaching her maid about proper ways of doing things in the household

3.Training of soldiers to fight enemies

4.A manager undergoing a training programme for improving his communication skills

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:15:51

Which one of the following is important to differentiate between the social group and the social category?

1. Size of the groups

2. Reciprocal communication

3.Geographical location

4.Formal rules and regulations

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 11:52:07

Which one of the following is not an economic institution in the strict sociological sense?



3.Division of labour


Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:50:23

Which one of the following is the characteristic feature of classification of family into matrilineal and patrilineal family?

1.Residence of spouse

2.Sexual division of labour

3.Descendants of the same ancestor

4.Differential power of male and female

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:28:59

Which one of the following may become a reference group for a given person?

1.The group to which the person belongs or does not belong

2. Only that group to which the person does not belong

3.Only that group to which the person belongs

4.Only that group of which the person is a member only on the basis of achievement

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:10:52

Which one of the following population indicates the possibility of high demographic investment?

1.A population whose age structure represents a narrow base and a gradually tapering top

2.A population whose median age is very low

3.A population in which youth dependency is low and old-age dependency is high

4.A population where greater fraction is engaged in nonagricultural activities

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:37:51

Which one of the following population indicates the possibility of high demographic investment?

1.A population whose age structure represents a narrow base and a gradually tapering top

2.A population whose median age is very low

3.A population in which youth dependency is low and old-age dependency is high

4.A population where greater fraction is engaged in nonagricultural activities

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:37:52

Which one of the following practices of bringing up children gives rise to the authoritarian personality in adult life?

1.Advice instead of domination

2.Matter of prestige instead of the situation

3.Encouragement instead of criticism

4.Withholding reward instead of punishment

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:18:12

Which one of the following provisions has been provided in the Constitution of India to facilitate provision of drinking water for the Scheduled Castes?

1.Construction of new wells for them

2.Their resettlement at places where drinking water is available in plenty

3.Removing restrictions on the use of all wells and water tanks

4.Launching of Specific Drinking Water Programmes for them

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:32:20

Which one of the following sequence correctly represents the order of stages of development of personality as postulated by Sigmund Freud?

1.Anal, phallic, oral, latency, adolescence

2.Phallic, anal, oral, latency, adolescence

3. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, adolescence

4.Oral, anal, phallic, adolescence, latency

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:15:16

Which one of the following statements best explains the usually observed inverted V shaped relationship between level of education and fertility in an environment of illiteracy?

1. Education has practically no effect on fertility rate in an environment dominated by illiteracy

2.The theory of threshold hypothesis explains the observed inverted V shaped relationship between education and fertility

3. Interference of level of income actually disturbs the expected inverse relationship between level of education and fertility

4. Opportunity to participate in the paid labour force is virtually absent for mothers in a socially backward environment

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:30:56

Which one of the following statements correctly define role-set?

1.Different roles played by different persons of different status

2.Different roles played by same person in different capacities

3.Different roles played by the same person in same capacity

4.Similar roles played by different persons of same status

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:12:48

Which one of the following terms is used to explain the state of cultural system in which the cultural elements change in unequal rates disrupting the harmony between material and non-material aspects?

1.Cultural disintegration

2.Cultural dis-organisation

3.Cultural lag

4.Cultural ambivalence

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 11:50:15

Which one of the following theories refutes the assumption that richness in itself brings down birth rate or in poverty the rate is bound to go up?

1.Optimum theory of population

2.Theory of increasing prosperity

3.Theory of rationalism

4.Theory of voluntarism

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:39:09

Which one of the following tribal groups is not proto Austroloid?





Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:42:16

Who among the following characterised the movement from simpler societies to complex societies as one from status to contract?

1.H. Maine

2.W.H. Summer

3.H. Spencer

4.C. Simmel

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:45:49

Who among the following is empowered to appoint a Special Officer to safeguard the interests of the minorities in a state?

1. The Prime Minister

2.The Parliament

3.The President

4.The Union Cabinet

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 13:42:44

Who among the following viewed feudal society as an intermediate stage both chronologically and logically between the slave and modern capitalism?




4.Marx and Engels

Posted Date:-2024-01-10 12:35:24


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  2. Indian Society-Introducing Indian Society Part 2
  3. Indian Society-Introducing Indian Society Part 3
  4. Indian Society-Introducing Indian Society Part 4
  5. Indian Society-Introducing Indian Society Part 6
  6. Indian Society-Introducing Indian Society Part 5
  7. Indian Society-Introducing Indian Society Part 7
  8. Indian Society-Introducing Indian Society Part 8
  9. Social Structure and change in India Part 2
  10. Social Structure and change in India Part 1
  11. Social Structure and change in India Part 3
  12. Sociology of Indian Society
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  16. Sociology Objective Type question set 2
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  22. Sociology Questions and Answers for Ph.d Entrance Examination SET - 2
  23. Sociology Questions and Answers for Civil Services Examination
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