According to Marx, various forms of exploitative mode of production have been
1.slavery, feudalism, and capitalism
2. slavery, barbarism and capitalism
3.slavery, bourgeoisie, and capitalis
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:03:50
According to Weber____________, refers to the unequal distribution of economic rewards whereas ___________refers to the unequal distribution of social honour.
1. class, caste
2. power, prestige
3.class, status
4.caste, class
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:06:56
As compared to Marx’s analysis, Weber’s analysis of social stratification is
3. More complex and diversified
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:44:30
Freud’s ‘Id’ can best be translated as____________.
4.Social conscience
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:01:58
George Simmel’s classification of group as monad, dyad, triad etc. is based on:
1.physical proximity
2.nature of membership relations
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:41:24
Identify the particular element that dominates in the material culture:
1. Religion and Morality
2.Science and Technology
3. Custom and Tradition
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:11:28
In ______ family the husband goes to live in the house of his wife.
3.joint family
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:47:49
In______ family, the wife goes and lives in the house of her husband.
2. patrilineal
4.joint family
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:48:38
It was as the founder of “Positive” movement that- achieved recognition as a philosopher, and although modem sociologists do not consider his theories as anything other than a series of interesting speculations, they recognize that he was responsible for demonstrating the need for an objective systematic study of society.
1. Auguste Comte
2.Saint Simon
3.Herbert Spencer
4.Emile Durkheim
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:16:14
Kula exchange consists of the circulation of two items, i.e., __________ and ____________.
1. Shell armbands and Mwali
2.Mwali and Soulva
3.Shell disc necklace and Soulva
4. none of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:19:14
Mark out the factor contributing to high maternal mortality rate-
1. Antenatal Care
3.Increase in the number of working women
4.Early Marriage
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:56:04
Reflexive role-taking is defined by
1.C.H. Cooley
2. G.H. Mead
3.M. Mead
4.R. Linton
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:33:23
Rural and urban centres have co-existed in India, except for a brief interlude during the
1.Indus valley
2.Medieval period
3. Rig-vedic period
4.Gupta period
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:40:10
Rural and urban centres share some common facets of life. They show
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:41:09
The precedence of one role over another is called
1. Role primary
2.Role order
3.Preferential role
4.Primary role
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:27:43
The theory of diet principle in social demography was given by
2.Double day
3.D. Ricardo
4. K. Mannheim
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:50:49
What do you think is the importance of Panchayat System?
1.It make possible the participation of the village community in the working of the body politic
2.It encourages initiative and enterprise for the common good at the local level
3. It gives individuality, character and a sense of responsibility to the village community
4. All of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:22:42
What is the theoretical framework that focuses on the level of economic development as the determinant of birth and death rates, referred to as?
1.Malthusian Theory of population
2.Optimum Theory of population
3.Demographic Transition Theory
4.Theory of social capillarity
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:08:05
Which among the following is not true regarding, ‘reflexive role taking’?
1.Taking the role of another by viewing oneself from the point of view of the other
2. Reflexive role taking allows a person to become object in himself as other’s see him
3.The concept of reflexive role taking is like precedence of one role over another.
4.The concept of reflexive role taking is similar to the Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self.
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:31:39
Which of the following terms was used for an ordinary fortified town where inland trade was an important activity?
2. Nagara
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:23:51
Which of the following was a topic of study in early sociology?:
4. History
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:14:05
Which one of the following statements about kinship is NOT true?
1. Its usages create group of kins
2.It creates relationship structure
3.It defines role of different relationships
4. It indicates expected behaviour of kins
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:52:47
Who among the following authors initially used the term ‘social physics’ for Sociology?
1. Spencer
2. Comte
4. Weber
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:12:45
Who among the following have applied reference group theory in understanding sanskritization process in India’?
1.Damle and Lynch
2.O. Lewis and Majumdar
3.Marriott and Singer
4.Srinivas and Beteille
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:43:45
Who defined family in this way? ‘The family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption; constituting a single household, interacting and intercommunicating with each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and father, brother and sister; creating a common culture’
1.L.H. Morgan
2.Maclver and Page
3.E.W. Burgess and H. J. Locke
4.Park and Burgess
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:52:45
Who of the following has defined institution by saying that, “Institution is definite organisation pursuing some specific interest in a specific way”?
1. R.M. Maclver
4. E.A. Ross
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:36:17
Whose opinion is this?Stratification is an inevitable part of all human societies. If value consensus is an essential component of all societies, then it follows that some form of stratification will result from the ranking of individuals in terms of common value
1.K. Marx
2. K. Davis
3.M. Tumin
4.T. Parsons
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:45:53
‘The state originates and continues to exist for the sake of the best life’. Whose opinion is this?
2.C.W. Mills
3.R. Dahl
4.W. Pareto
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:39:17
. Find the odd one out-
3. Kaman
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:09:26
. In adelphic polyandry form of marriage the children are treated as the offspring of the-
1. youngest brother
2. eldest brother
3.maternal uncle
4. none of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:07:06
. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the growth of traditional societies?
1.Community and associational life is kept loose without any prescribed basis of social existence
2. Perpetuation of tribal and caste affiliation
3.Perpetuation of kinship and clanship
4.Continuation of agriculture as the dominant activity.
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:36:37
. Which tribal group practices two religions (old tribal cult and Mahayana Buddhism)?
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:48:40
. Who among the following has emphasized upon the functional aspects of stratification?
1.Durkheim, Weber, Parsons
2.Marx, Weber, Davis
3.Davis, Moore, Parsons
4. Lenski, C.W. Mills, Parsons
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:58:56
: Who of the following had defined society as union in itself?
1. Giddings
2.A.W. Green
3. R.M. Maclver
4. John F. Cuber
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:25:56
A world Conference on the issues of women was organised by the United Nations in 1975. Which among the following was the venue?
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:55:22
According to Marx’s classic phrase, the proletariat are a __________
1.class in themselves
2.class for themselves
3.class by themselves
4. class through themselves
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:05:55
According to Weber, which are stems from an individual’s emotional stage at a particular time?
1.Affective action
2.Reflective action
3. Spring action
4.Rational action
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 14:52:28
According to whom the ‘self’ develops in a social context and is nurtured by primary groups?
1.Charles H. Cooley
2. Ruth Benedict
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:05:26
An author thought of ‘society to be consisting in the consciousness of kind’. Identify from among the following:
1. Cooley
2. Ward
3. Simmel
4. Giddings
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:13:38
Behaviour of an individual in a particular role providing a pattern or model upon which another individual bases his behaviour in performing the same role is called
1.Role model
2. Role pattern
3.Role actor
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:30:13
Dialectic of Sex was authored by-
1.Shulamith Firestone
2. Babuef
3. Farah Naqvi
4. Deepa Mehta
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:57:08
Group Mind’ was written by:
2. Mac Dougall
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:19:13
If in a family, the offspring’s inherit the mother’s name, the family is called-
4. matrilineal
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:44:43
If in a kinship system, maternal uncle enjoys a pre-eminent place in the life of his nephews and nieces as a matter of convention, the kinship usage is called_____.
2. amitate
3. couvade
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:50:41
In his book ‘People of India’ who said ‘that probably there has existed in man a tendency to vary. This desire must have driven men to seek marital alliance with strangers, unfamiliar and unknown to him’.
4. Westermarck
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:28:03
In Madhya Pradesh, shifting cultivation is named as ___________.
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:13:41
In which year the term ‘Sociology’ was coined?
1. 1798
3. 1839
4. 1839
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:16:14
It can be said that in India and perhaps also in……… , the political role of the priestly class has shaped political thought and religion.
2.Byzatium, the Inca Empire and Ancient Egypt
3.China and Mesopotamia
4.China and Japan
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:42:11
Kula exchange system is distinctly different for common barter called __________ , since it involves a higher level of trust.
2. Soulva
4. none of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:17:20
Marx believed that western society had developed through the following main epochs. They are –
1.primitive communism, ancient society, feudal society and capitalist society
2.savagery, feudalism and capitalism
3. slavery, barbarism and feudalism
4.feudalism, capitalism and’ socialism
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:10:56
Middle quartile is known as:
3. harmonic mean
4.geometric mean
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:55:28
Name the sociologist who had made distinction between achieved status and ascribed status.
1.R.K. Merton
2.K. Davis
3. C.H. Cooley
4.R. Linton
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:34:29
One is not born but rather becomes a woman”. Who said this?
1.John Stuart Mill
2. Betty Friedan
3.Simone de Beauvoir
4.Shulamith Firestone
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:08:46
One’s wife’s brother is one’s_________.
1.primary kin
2.tertiary kin
3. affinal secondary kin
4. secondary kin
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:49:19
Optimum Population Theory was given by
1.Edwin Canon
2. J.S. Mills
3.Adam Smith
4.H. Spencer
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:51:32
Sociology has been derived from the Latin word ‘Societus’ and ‘logos’, which means:
1.Friend or companion and science
2. Society and laws
3.Sociability and science
4.Society and science
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:15:04
The change from the occupational role to the retirement role is an example of situation involving a degree of
1.role -detachment
2.role discontinuity
3. preferential role
4.primary role
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:24:35
The Child Marriage Act amended in___________ (year) raised the minimum age of marriage for girls from 15 to 18 years.
2. 1976
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:54:32
The concept of T and ‘Me’ is attributed the name of-
1.C.H. Cooley
2.G.H. Mead
3. Sigmund Freud
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:03:53
The eldest male member of the Tarwad is known as_____.
1. patriarch
3. Nokna
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:46:20
The impact of urbanization during medieval period worked through:
1.Artisans in the towns
2.Army on move
3. Nobles, chiefs and Jagirdars
4.Petty government officials
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:21:16
The Indian approach to planning is
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:46:47
The principle or set of principles by which ego’s consanguineal relatives are determined is technically known as-
1. rules of residence
2. rules of kinship
3.rules of descent
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:53:31
The Sema Naga use_________ for mother, father’s, brother’s wife and mother’s sister.
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:49:48
The system under which boys and girls are allowed to mix with each other and are given maximum permissible mixing facility by society before marriage is known as:
1.probationary marriage
2.experimental marriage
3.compassionate marriage
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:43:59
The tendency on the part of one or more of the component factors to behave in such a way as to disturb the equilibrium of interactive process”, is the definition given by-
1. W.G. Sumner
2. Emile Durkheim
3.R.K. Merton
4.Talcott Parsons
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:00:49
The term ‘Legitimacy’ stands for
2. Coercion
4.Absolute power
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:43:44
The term ‘sociology’ was coined by
1.Saint Simon
2. Herbert Spencer
3.Auguste Comte
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:14:27
The word ‘Sociology’ is made up of two words. These are-
1.Societies and Logy
2. Societia and Logistia
3.Socious and Logos
4.Socia & Logos
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:18:17
Tribe is a ________ group whereas caste is a _________ group., territorial
2.political, territorial
3. territorial, social
4. social, religious
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:12:31
Viewing the geographic area covered by the system as a circle, the-travel only clockwise and ___________ travel only counter _________ clockwise
1.Soulva, Mwali
2.Mwali, Soulva
3.Soulva, shell necklace
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:16:39
When the offsprings inherit the father’s name, the family is called-
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:46:54
Which among the following do you think was NOT the function of the ancient Panchayat?
1.To advise the king in day-to-day matters of administration
2.To look after the local matters, including the collection of revenue
3.To provide the public facility
4.To provide in all matters cooperation to the local people and to invite the same in working out of the local problems
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:21:49
Which among the following has influenced man’s faith and belief most?
1.the habitats
2. levels of culture achieved
3.the expanding experience
4. the in-born feeling
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 14:55:54
Which among the following is secondary group’?
1. Nurses attending upon patient
2.Production efficiency council in a factory
3. A picnic group
4.Cooperative Society
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:45:56
Which among the following is secondary group’?
1. Nurses attending upon patient
2.Production efficiency council in a factory
3. A picnic group
4.Cooperative Society
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 13:27:57
Which among the following tribal group is supposed to be the most primitive on Indian mainland?
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:50:05
Which family is formed by an individual when he marries and has children?
1.Family of orientation
2.Family of pro-creation
3. Nuclear family
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:45:43
Which of the following determine India’s fertility rate?
1.Religious importance of the male child.
2.Social security value of children
3.Economic value of children
4.Intrinsic value of children
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:10:16
Which of the following is employed to mean the numerous sub-divisions of a varnal?
1. Jati
2. Caste
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:01:27
Which of the following tribes is expert in cultivation?
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:15:10
Which tribe names their girls’ dormitory as ‘yo’?
1.Konayak Naga
3.Angami Naga
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:08:37
Who among the following follow the matrilineal family system?
1.Nairs of Kerala
3. Kadars
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:47:20
Who among the following has examined the effect of modern division of labour on work and leisure?
1.T. Veblen
3.G. Friedmann
4.R. Centres
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:38:29
Who among the following introduced the concept of ‘imaginary reference group’?
1. New Comb
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:42:39
Who among the following was on the opinion that” A gift is a social substitute for money among moneyless cultures.”?
1. Ogburn and Nimkoff
3. Frazer
4. Polyan
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:29:40
Who defined family as a ‘group of persons whose relations to one another are based upon consanguinity and who are therefore kin to one another.’?
1.J. Goody
2. Kingsley Davis
3.Maclver and Page
4.L.H. Morgan
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:54:01
Who gave the name ‘Harijans’ to the untouchables?
1. Indian constitution
2. B.R. Ambdedkar
3.M.K. Gandhi
4.G.S. Ghurye
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:04:22
Who has given the concept of status-set?
1.T. Parsons
2.K. Davis
3.R.K. Merton
4. Parson
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:36:28
Who holds the view that? Vedas says that family property is not property of the family. But was the property of the head of house, usually the father, and that the other members of the family only had moral claims upon it which the father could ignore.
1.Macdonell and Keith
2.Max Muller
4. S.C. Dubey
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:39:24
Who maintained that those who perform successfully in terms of society’s values will be ranked highly and they will be likely to receive a variety of rewards.
4.Redcliffe Brown
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:00:22
Who of the following has said that “A social institution is a functional configuration of culture pattern”?
1.Kimball Young
4.Gillin and Gillin
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:37:20
Who was the chairperson of the National Commission on Self Employed Women and Women in Informal Sector in 1987?
1.Vina Mazumdar
2.Ela Bhat
3. Madhuri Shah
4. Armati Desai
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:59:46
Whose definition is this? ‘Tribe is an indigenous unit speaking a common language, claiming a common descent, living in a particular geographical area, backward in technology, pre-literate, loyally observing social and political customs based on kinship.’
1.A conference at Shillong in 1962
2.Earth Summit at Rio in 1992
3.Radcliffe Brown
4.Indigenous People Conference, Sav Paulo 1937
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 09:02:11
With whose name will you associate the ‘Voluntaristic theory of Action’?
2. Weber
3. Tonnies
4. Durkheim
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 14:53:18
__ means giving up self-interest or hostility for the sake of mutual benefit.
1.Negative reciprocity
2.Balanced reciprocity
3.Generalized reciprocity
4.Exchange of gifts
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:18:16
____ is an exchange transaction that involves direct movement of goods or services between parties.
1. Redistribution
3.Market exchange
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 16:19:54
‘Society is the web of social relationships’ whose definition is this?
2.H. Maine
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 08:21:25
“A motivated tendency of an actor to behave in contravention of one or more institutionalised normative patterns” is a definition of-
1.Deviant Behaviour
2.Customary obedience
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 15:01:25
“Social institutions are sets of organised human relationships established by common will” was said by:
1.C.H. Colley
2. E.A. Ross
3. Kingsley Davis
4. Sheriff and Sheriff
Posted Date:-2024-01-06 11:38:43