“The United Nations was not created to take humanity to the heaven, but to save it from the hell.” Who made this statement?
1.Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
2. Kofi Annan
3.Ban Kimoon
4. Dag Hammarskjold
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:06:01
Choose the correct answer: Which of the following country is a South Asian country?
1. Japan
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:58:47
Earth Summit was attended by:
1. 170 states
2. 59 states
3.191 states
4. 184 states.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:30:06
How many States acceded to Chemical Weapons Conventions?
1. 102
2. 155
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:23:56
In January 2007 which of the following countries joined E.U.?
1.Finland and Sweden
2.Denmark and Ireland
3. Bulgaria and Romania
4. Germany and England
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:57:37
In which security, force is both the principal threat to security and the principal means of achieving security?
1. Non-traditional
3.Not a threat
4.Balance of power
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:24:38
In which year Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Communist Party of U.S.S.R.?
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:47:40
In which year Unification of Germany took place?
1.October 1990
2. January 1990
3. October 2000
4.January 1995
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:58:02
In which year was Janata Dal formed?
2. 1982
4. 1988
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:30:45
India became a member of the U.N. in:
2. 1947
4. 1962
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:04:06
India signed and ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol in:
1.August 2002
2. July 2006
3. August 2000
4. August 2005
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:28:57
Operation Iraqi Freedom was launched on:
1.21 April 2003
2.19 March 2004
3.23 March 2003
4. 19 March 2003
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:50:43
Russia took over the U.S.S.R. seat in the U.N. in:
1.December 1991
2.November 1989
3.December 1990
4. October 1992.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:48:11
The ‘ASEAN Way’
1. Reflects the lifestyle of ASEAN members
2. A form of interaction among ASEAN members that is informal and co-operative.
3.The defence policy followed by the ASEAN members.
4.The road that connects all the ASEAN members.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:56:04
The Council of Europe was established
4. 1994
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:57:06
The Earth Summit was held at:
2. New York
3. New Delhi
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:27:17
The main reason for India’s partition is:
1.Adamant attitude of Jinnah
2.Communal riots and disorder
3.Failure of the Interim Government
4. All of these
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:33:54
The U.N. agency concerned with the safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology is:
1.The UN Committee on Disarmament
2. International Atomic Energy Agency
3.UN International Safeguard Committee
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:02:44
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was held in:
1. 2004
3. 2001
4. 1992
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:28:26
The World Council of Indigenous Peoples was formed in:
4. 2007
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:29:38
What were the consequences of the Partition of India in 1947?
1. Transfer of Population
2. Refugees Problem
3. Problem of Minorities
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:34:27
When India got Independence?
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:33:18
Which among the following are True about the Global Commons?
1.The earth’s atmosphere, Antarctica ocean floor and outer space are considered as part of the global commons.
2.The global commons arc outside the sovereign jurisdiction.
3.The question of managing the global commons reflected the North-South divide.
4.The countries of the North are more concerned about the protection of the global common than the countries of the South.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:26:47
Which among the following best explains the reason for growing concerns about the environment?
1.The developed countries are concerned about protecting nature.
2.Protection of the environment is vital for indigenous people and natural habitats.
3.The environmental degradation caused by human activities has become pervasive and has reached a dangerous level.
4. None of the above.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:26:01
Which among the following Is NOT an Outcome of the disintegration of the USS.R.?
1. End of the ideological war between the U.S and U.S.S.R
2.Birth of CTS
3.Change in the balance of power in the world order
4.Crises in the Middle East.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:47:01
Which among the following statements about hegemony is incorrect?
1.The word implies the leadership or predominance of one state.
2.It was used to denote the predominance of Athena in ancient Greece.
3.The country has a hegemonic position will possess unchallenged military power.
4.Hegemonic position is fixed. Once a hegemon. always a hegemon.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:53:29
Which among the following statements about the Cold War is wrong?
1. It was a competition between the US and Soviet Union and their respective allies
2.It was an ideological war between the superpowers
3.It triggered of an arms race
4.The US and U.S.S.R. were engaged in direct wars
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:40:06
Which among the following statements about the partition is incorrect?
1.Partition of India was the outcome of the ‘Two Nation Theory.’
2.Punjab and Bengal were the two provinces divided on the basis of religion.
3.East Pakistan and West Pakistan were not contiguous.
4.The scheme of partition included a plan for the transfer of population across the border.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:32:29
Which among the following statements does not reflect the objectives of NAM?
1.Enabling newly decolonized countries to pursue independent policies
2.Not to joining any military alliances
3.Following a policy of neutrality on global issues
4.Focus on elimination of global economic inequalities
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:40:46
Which among the following statements is wrong about the Contemporary World Order? Or Which of the following statements are incorrect about the contemporary world order?
1.There is an absence of a world government, which could regulate the state’s behaviour.
2.The U.S. is the predominant player in world affairs.
3.States are using force against one another.
4. States which violate international law, are severely punished by the U.N.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:54:20
Which among the following statements is wrong with regard to Operation Iraqi Freedom’?
1.More than forty countries joined in the U.S.-led coalition of the willing to invade Iraq.
2.The reason given for invading Iraq was to prevent it from developing weapons of mass destruction.
3.The action was taken within the prior approval of the U.N.
4.The US-led coalition did not face major resistance from Iraqi forces.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:55:06
Which among the following statements that describe the nature of the Soviet economy is wrong?
1.Socialism was the dominant ideology
2.State ownership/control existed over the factors of production
3.People enjoyed economic freedom
4.Every aspect of the economy was planned and controlled by the State
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:46:31
Which among the following would give more weightage to India’s proposal for a permanent member in the Security Council.
1.Nuclear Capability
2.It has been a member of the UN since its inception
3.It is located in Asia
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:01:58
Which of the following country is not a South Asian country?
1. Bangladesh
2. India
3. Bhutan
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:59:26
Which of the following is a component of traditional security?
1.Alliance building
2. Preventing war
3. Balance of power
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:23:30
Which of the following is a source of insecurity?
1. Human Rights
2. Balance of Power
3.Global Poverty
4.Alliance Building
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:22:59
Which of the following statements about the NIEQ is false?
1.Give the LDCs control over their natural resources
2. Obtain access to Western markets
3. Reduce the cost of technology from the Western countries
4. Provide the developed countries with a greater role in international economic institutions
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:44:21
Which of the following was not a member of NATO?
1.The U.S.A.
2. England
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:42:56
Which of the following was not a member of SEATO?
1. U.S.S.R.
2.New Zealand
4. Australia
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:43:24
Which one of the following is not a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council?
1. Russia
3. China
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:04:58
Which one of the following statements about the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is false?
1.Politics in Sri Lanka openly favoured the Sinhalas.
2. Interests of Tamils were neglected.
3. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam were supported by the SAARC countries.
4.There was no political equality in Sri Lanka.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:00:16
Which one of the following statements related to the Iraq invasion by the US is incorrect?
1.More than forty other countries were involved in this invasion
2.The UN had given consent to invade Iraq
3.The invasion was to prevent Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction
4.The US lost over 3000 military personnel in this war
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:51:23
Which one of the following was a part of its global war on terrorism by the US.?
1. ‘Operation desert storm’
2.Computer war
3. ‘Operation enduring freedom’
4.Videogame war
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:51:56
Which one of the following was NOT given primacy by the makers of the Soviet System?
1.Abolition of private property
2.Society based on the principle of equality
3.No opposition party to be allowed
4.No state control over the economy
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:48:49
Who among the following adopted the ‘Open door’ policy?
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 00:56:33
Who blocked the Second term for Boutros Ghali as Secretary-General?
1. USA
2. India
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:05:26
Who headed the coalition government of 1989?
1.Chandra Shekhar
2. V.P. Singh
3.I.K. Gujral
4.Rajiv Gandhi.
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:31:19
Who was the first woman President of the U.N. General Assembly?
1.Sarojini Naidu
2.Aruna Asaf Ali
3. Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
4. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:04:32
World Environment Day is celebrated each year on:
1. 5 March
2. 5 June
3.5 January
4. 7 June
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:27:55
WTO is serving as the successor to which of the following organisations:
1.General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
2.General Arrangement on Trade and Tariff
3.World Health Organisation
4. UN Development Programme
Posted Date:-2022-11-20 01:03:38