1000 x 2000 mm door with double shutter is designated as
1.10 DT 20
2.10 DS 20
3.1000 DS 2000
4.1000 DT 2000
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:50:45
A brick with its shorter face in the direction of the wall is
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:38:09
A green building is the
1.structure that aims to reduce negative environmental effects
2.building surrounded with garden
3.one with green colour
4.all the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:41:56
A solid core of rock is formed inside the cylinder in the case of A solid core of rock is formed inside the cylinder in the case of
1.wash boring
2.diamond drilling
3.percussion drilling
4.auger boring
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:45:38
A type of bond in brick masonry consisting of alternate courses of header and stretchers is
1.flemish band
2.english band
3.header band
4.stretchers band
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:38:19
A type of bond in the brick masonry in which each course consists of alternate headers and stretchers is
1. flemish bond
2.dutch bond
3.raking bond
4.english bond
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:48:24
A water meter measures quantity of water
1.by measuring weight of water passing per second
2.by measuring velocity and time
3.by counting filling and emptying of a chamber of known quantity
4.any of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:22:03
A watertight chamber, which becomes a permanent part of the construction work is known as
3.well foundation
4.raft foundation
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:39:58
Brick layers scaffolding consists of
1.Any number of standards
2.One or two rows of standards
3.Two rows of standards
4.Only one row of standards
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:33:22
Brick masonry constructed within a framework of wooden members to act as partition walls is called
1. block partition
2.brick noggin
3. lath partition
4.trussed partition
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:49:14
Building line is
1.least horizontal distance of temporary or permanent part of the building from the edge of street
2. least horizontal distance of temporary or permanent building from centre line of street
3. least horizontal distance of the permanent portion of the building from the edge of the street in front of the building
4.least horizontal distance of the permanent portion of the building from centre line of street in front of the building
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:05:37
Cantilever scaffolding is used when
1.the space at ground level is required to be free of obstruction
2. in any of the above situations
3. the construction is in upper parts of multistory building
4. the ground is too weak to receive standards
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 04:05:01
Construction of a wall starts from
1.one corner and proceeds to other corner
2.middle portion and proceeds toward corners
3. both corners and proceeds to middle portion
4. any of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:25:08
Curing is required for
2.Lime concrete work
3.R.C.C. works
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:42:15
Development of fine hair cracks in plastered surface is known as
1. blistering
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:57:44
Doors meant to allow fresh air and at the same time prevent entry of insects is known as
1.rolling shutter
3.Wire gauzed door
4.lowered door
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:45:34
External walls should have a minimum thickness of plaster of
1.12 mm
2.15 mm
3.20 mm
4. 25 mm
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:32:04
Fire resistance is highest in case of
1.Brick masonry
2. Timber structure
3.Stone masonry
4.R.C.C. works
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:26:32
Flooring with marble arrangement in different patterns in lime surkhi or cement mortar is known as
1. marble flooring
2. tiled flooring
3.mosaic flooring
4.terrazzo flooring
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:39:07
Flying shores are used to strengthen
1.Single wall
2.Tall walls
3.Two adjacent walls
4.Any of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:35:21
For pile driving near the existing buildings piles preferred as
1. cast in situ concrete piles
2. timber piles
3.precast concrete piles
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:38:12
In jack arch flooring the gap between two adjacent I-sections is covered with
1. timber arch
2.concrete arch
3.either brick arch or concrete arch
4.brick arch
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:43:51
In Madras terrace roof, furring pieces are provided
1.to facilitate decentring
2.to give required slope to the top surface
3. to support brick to be laid
4.to span between two I-sections
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:44:32
Ledge is a
1.vertical member of door frame
2.vertical member of a shutter
3.horizontal member of a door frame
4.horizontal member of a shutter
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:36:08
Masons scaffolding consists of
1. any number of rows standards
2.one or two rows of standards
3.only one row of standards
4. two rows of standards
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:26:14
Materials used for floor finishes are
2.mud and murram
4.all of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:51:45
Maximum bearing capacity of soil is that of
1. Fine sand
2.Sand clay mixture
3.Soft rock
4. Coarse sand
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:24:08
PVC pipes loosely fixed to walls
1.to allow longitudinal expansion
2. to allow lateral expansion
3.since tight fitting may damage them
4.all the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:52:06
Reinforced brick construction is commonly used for
1.compound walls
4.partition walls
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:01:24
Roof in which slab is directly supported by column is known as
1.flat slab
2. two way slab
3.grid floor
4.beam and slab floor
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:06:34
Sand blasting is the process of
1.Dressing stones
2.Making carvings on the surface of stone
3.Quarrying of igneous rock
4.Quarrying of sedimentary rock
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:25:06
Steps provided from ground to main entrance in external wall is called
4.any of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:58:56
Suitable foundation for steel column is
1.grillage footing
2.strap footing
3.combined foundation
4.mat foundation
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:41:25
The best arrangement for decentring of an arch is
1. using sand box method
2.using wood centring
3.providing wedges between centrings and staging
4.using steel centring
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:58:25
The brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face of a wall is known as
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 04:09:33
The cheapest stone masonry is
1. flint walling
2. random square rubble masonry
3. uncoursed random rubble masonry
4.dry rubble masonry
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:47:20
The fixture provided on external door for locking is known as
1. tower bolt
2.barred bolt
3.flush bolt
4.aldrop bolt
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:15:46
The inclined surface on the abutment which acts as a seat for the arch is known as
1.Skew back
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:27:30
The maximum bearing capacity of soil is that of
1.dry coarse sandy soil
2. hard rocks
3.soft clay soil
4. black cotton soil
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 04:06:14
The mortar in which both cement and lime are used as binding materials, is called
1.cement mortar
2. gauged mortar
3. fire resistant mortar
4. light weight mortar
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:40:30
The opening provided in sloping roof with its top parallel to the surface, is called
1.louvered window
2. lantern window
3.dormer window
4.sky light window
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:41:52
The pile which supports the load partly by friction and partly by resting on hard stratum is called
1.friction bearing pile
2. friction pile
3.bearing pile
4.rough pile
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:29:22
The system in which filtration and humidity control are exercised at a central point but heating and cooling systems are installed separately for different rooms is known as
1. combined system
2.semi conditioned system
3.self contained system
4. central system
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:50:25
The type of stairs with curved well formed between the two adjacent flights is known as
1. geometric stair
2.dog logged stair
3. turning stair
4. open newel stair
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:08:30
The type of stairs with curved well formed between the two adjacent flights is known as The projection of head or soil of a door or window frame are
1. chocks
4. open newel stair
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:19:35
The X-ray rooms are plastered with
1. Plaster of Paris
2.Keen's cement
3.Martin's cement
4.Barium plaster
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:21:00
To improve earthquake resistance of a building provide
1.Roof band
2.Lintel band
3.Plinth band
4.All the three
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:37:00
To make concrete blocks light
1. light weight aggregates may be used
2.sections may be made hollow
3.fine aggregate may be avoided
4.any of the above may be used
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 02:37:13
Usual sizes of concrete blocks are
1. 400 x 200 x 200 mm
2.400 x 200 x 190 mm
3. 200 x 200 x 100 mm
4.190 x 90 x 90 mm
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:39:25
Very commonly used covering materials for steel trussed roof is
1.A.C. sheets
2.G.I. sheets
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:30:42
When large openings are to be made in existing wall, the type of temporary work used is
1.dead shore
3.raking shore
4. flying shore
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:54:50
Which one of the following is not a type of flat roof
1. Madras terrace roof
2.Rajasthan terrace roof
3.Maharashtra and M.P. terrace roofs
4.Punjab terrace roof
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:29:21
Which one of the following is not a type of trap used
1. intercepting trap
2.gully trap
3.floor trap
4.street trap
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 01:43:06
Which one of the following is wrong about ventilators?
1.it is by providing vertically pivoted shutter
2. it is by providing horizontally pivoted shutter
3.opening may be with cement mortar jail work
4.opening left may be of brick jail work
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:57:06
Wooden planks used to fix the ends of common rafters projecting beyond sloping top f a gable wall are known as
1. eve boards
2.ridge piece
4.barge board
Posted Date:-2022-09-23 03:59:25