By what name is the heart muscle known?
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:13:28
How are cardiac cells mechanically attached to each other? By their
1. mitochondria
2.sarcolemma junctions
4. intercalated discs
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:08:59
The heart can be made to beat faster by which of the following?
1. sympathetic stimulation of the SA node
2.parasympathetic stimulation of the SA node
3. parasympathetic stimulation of the AV node
4.sympathetic stimulation of the AV node
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:12:39
The heart receives its own oxygenated blood supply via the
1. the foramen ovale
2. the coronary sinus
3. the pulmonary veins
4. coronary arteries
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 06:08:03
What is meant by a diastolic blood pressure of 100 mm Hg?
1. the maximum pressure at the start of the aorta and pulmonary trunk during ventricular contraction.
2. the minimum pressure at the start of the aorta before the start of a ventricular contraction
3. The minimum blood pressure measured when resting.
4. the maximum pressure at the start of the aorta during ventricular contraction.
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 05:58:34
What is the innermost layer of the heart wall known as?
1. pericardium
2. visceral pericardium
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:08:05
What is the name of the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
1. tricuspid valve
2.aortic valve
3. semi-lunar valve
4.mitral valve
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:53:07
What is the outermost layer of the heart wall known as?
1. pericardium
2.parietal membrane
3. epicardium
4. endocardium
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:10:18
What structure in the heart prevents backflow of blood into the right atrium?
1. The tricuspid valve
2. The bicuspid valve
3. The mitral valve
4. The foramen ovale
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 06:06:58
What structure in the heart prevents backflow of blood into the right atrium?
1. The tricuspid valve
2. The bicuspid valve
3. The mitral valve
4. The foramen ovale
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 06:07:02
Where is the aortic valve located?
1. between the left atrium and left ventricle
2. between the right atrium and right ventricle
3. between the left ventricle and the aorta
4.between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:51:27
Which tissue is supplied with blood via the coronary arteries?
1. the aorta
2. the corona
3. the lungs
4. the myocardium
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 05:57:08
Why is the myocardium of the right ventricle thinner than that of the left ventricle?
1. it pumps blood into the high resistance systemic circulation.
2. it pumps blood into the low resistance pulmonary circulation
3. it results from left ventricular hypertrophy due to increased peripheral resistance.
4. the left ventricle has to pump a greater volume of blood than the right ventricle
Posted Date:-2022-08-24 22:14:24