git fetch + git merge equal to?
1.git push
2. git branch
3.git pull
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:15:56
How do you save the current state of your code into the git version control?
1.Using git stage
2.Using git commit
3.Using git push
4.Using git add
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:59:44
Identify the correct commit syntax for all changes with a message?
1. git add -a "I'm coding"
2.git commit -am "I'm coding"
3.git message -am "I'm coding"
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:46:41
The _________ command is a convenient way to set configuration options for defining the behavior of the repository, user information and preferences, git installation-based configurations, and many such things
1.git head
2. git conflict
3.git status
4.git config
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:15:27
The files that can be committed are always present in git
1.working directory
2.staging area
3.unstaged area
4.Anywhere, there is no barrier
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:16:46
Which of the following Git repository hosting functions?
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:51:38
Which of these git client commands creates a copy of the repository?
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:01:35
A _________ keeps track of the contributions of the developers working as a team on the projects.
1. CVS
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:14:15
A head is nothing but a reference to the last commit object of a branch.
2. No
3.Can be yes or no
4.Can not say
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:17:36
A repository is a file structure where git stores all the project-based files.
3.Can be true or false
4.Can not say
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:14:41
Command is useful for getting a high-level overview of the project history
1.git rebase
2.git reset --hard
3.git log --author=""
4.git log --oneline
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:03:13
Command line environment is used for interacting with git
1.Git Lab
3.Git Boot
4.Git Bash
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:04:01
command to download all the objects and references from a specific repository
1. git log -n
2.git fetch
3.git help
4.git config --list
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:02:00
Git can be used for which project?
1. Java enterprise project
2..Net project
3.File version management
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:17:11
GIT comes from
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:48:00
How do you create a copy of a lab under your own GitHub account so that you can solve the lab?
1. Forking it via the GitHub interface.
2.git clone
3.git pull-request
4.git fork
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:47:34
What comes first, staging with git add. or committing with git commit?
1.Committing with git commit
2.Staging your commits with git add
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:47:08
What do you by git is-tree?
1. ‘git is-tree’ represents a tree object including the mode and the name of each item and the SHA-1 value of the blob or the tree.
2.‘git is-tree’ represents a tree object including the mode and the name of each item
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:52:22
What is an alternative to merging in git?
1. Basing
3.Both 1 and 2
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:50:07
What is the default text editor for the Bash shell with a Windows-based Git install?
1. Bash
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:54:32
What is the full form of GIT?
1.Gastro Intestional Track.
2.Gastro International Track.
3.Global information Tracker
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:45:23
What is the function of ‘GIT PUSH’ in GIT?
1. ‘GIT PUSH’ updates remote refs.
2.‘GIT PUSH’ updates remote refs along with associated objects.
3.'GIT PUSH’ remote refs along with associated objects.
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:49:25
What is the use of ‘git log’?
1. by author
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:51:11
What is true about GIT?
1.Git is open-source
2.Git is an example of distributed version control system
3.Used for handling the development of small and large projects
4. All of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:13:50
Which command creates a copy of an existing git repository.
1. git copy
2. git clone
3.git replace
4. git move
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:15:03
Which command creates an empty git repository in the specified directory?
1.git init
2.git log .
3.git reset
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:04:27
Which command is used to show limited number of commits?
1. git fetch
2.git config
3.git log -n
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:03:37
Which command should you use to initialize a new Git repository?
1. git init
2.git install
3.git start
4.git bash
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:54:05
Which of the following advantage of using GIT?
1.Collaboration friendly
2.Data redundancy and replication
3.Data redundancy and replication
4.All of the Mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:48:31
Which of the following file you can configure to ensure that certain file types are never committed to the local Git repository?
1. .gitignore
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:58:33
Which of the following git command that downloads your repository from GitHub to your computer?
1. git fork
2.git commit
3.git clone
4.git push
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:45:49
Which of the following graphical GIT client for LINUX?
1. Smart git
2.Git Cola
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:50:30
Which of the following is not a git command?
1.git clean
2.git clone
3.git commit
4.Git roll
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:00:46
Which of the following is not true in terms of git
1. Staging area
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:58:59
Which of the following is true about Centralized version control system?
1.It does not rely on the central server
2. It is victim to single point of failure
3. It rely on the central server
4.Both B and C
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:16:19
Which of the following isn't a Git configuration scope?
1. User
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:53:04
Which of the following shortcut to staging all the changes you have?
1.git push -am "Message"
2.git add.
3.git commit add.
4.git commit.
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:46:15
Which of the following vendor acquired GitHub for $7.5 billion in June 2018?
1. IBM
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:53:30
Which of the language is used in GIT?
1.C language
2.HTML language
3.C++ language
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 00:48:55
Which one of the following is not part of the data structure of a git repository?
1. Head pointer
2.Body element
3.Branch pointer
4.Commit object
Posted Date:-2022-05-12 01:02:48