Data loggers contains microprocessor.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:59:16
Data recorders acquire data from ________
3. Both transducers and sensors
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:37:58
Demultiplexer act as an encoder.
1. True
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:31:06
TDM stands for _________
1.Time direct measurement
2. Time division multiplexing
3.Time direct multiplexing
4.Time division measurement
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:28:35
Which of the following is correct for SBOD?
1.Based on fibre channel
2.Based on RF technology
3.Based on Fibre and RF
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:38:48
Which of the following part of the microprocessor is close related to register?
4. Memory
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:33:08
Which of the following represents range of frequency measured by ADC?
1. Bandwidth
2.Threshold frequency
3.Peak frequency
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:24:28
AC indicators are used at frequency __________
1.Very low value of less than 1Hz
2. Less than 200Hz
3.Greater than 1KHz
4.Higher value of about 1MHz
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:09:19
Data acquisition system acquire data from ______
2.Flip flop
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:37:09
Data logger deals with _____________
1. Digital signals
2.Analog signals
3.Both digital and analog signals
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:03:44
Data logger system have ________
1. Slow sampling rate
2.Fast sampling rate
3.Unpredictable sampling rate
4. None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:01:25
Data loggers need external memory for storage.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:59:41
Device for monitoring various electrical activity of cardio vascular system is _______
1.Diagnostic trouble coder
2. Holter monitor
3. Cardio event decoder
4. Electronic health logger
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:02:47
Dynamic RAM has to be refreshed constantly.
2. False
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:39:51
Dynamic range of ADC is depended on ________
4.All of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:25:09
ENOB in ADC stand for _________
1.Effective number of bytes
2.Effective number of bits
3.Effective nibble baud
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:26:29
ENOB is a negation of resolution.
2. False
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:26:45
How many flags does 8085 have?
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:34:25
In digital multiplexer selector line is ______
1. Analog value
2.Digital value
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:30:26
Indicating instruments can be used for measuring ________
1. AC quantities
2.DC quantities
3.Both AC and DC
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:05:00
Indicating measurements are used for _______
1.Static measurements
2.Dynamic masurements
3.Both static and dynamic measurements
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:04:35
Majority of indicators are ______
1.Current operated devices
2. Voltage operated devices
3.Pressure operated devices
4.None of the mentinoned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:08:04
Microprocessor contains large on-chip memory.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:32:43
MOS stands for _______
1.Material Operating Semiconductor
2. Metal Oxide Semiconductor
3.Metal Operating Segment
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:32:28
Multiplexer can be used as PLD.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:31:25
Multiplexers work with _______
1.Analog signal
2.Digital signal
3. Both analog and digital signal
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:28:11
PMMC devices in indicators create _______
1.Stationary magnetic field
2.Rotating magnetic field
3. Electric field
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:09:55
RAID stands for _________
1. Recorded Array of Inexpensive Disc
2.Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disc
3.Redundant Array of Intelligent Disc
4.Redundant Array of Inexpensive Display
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:38:25
Rotary encoder is an ADC.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:27:03
SBOD stands for ______
1.Status bunch of disc
2.Switched bunch of disc
3.Status bunch of display
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:37:37
Scale calibration of indicating instruments are always linear.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:07:30
Schematic symbol of multiplexer is ________
1.Isosceles triangle
2. Isosceles trapezoid
3.Equilateral triangle
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:30:00
Small timing errors in ADC additional to noise is known as _______
1. Jitter
3.Super noise
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:25:31
SRAM is faster than DRAM.
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:40:08
Successive approximation is slow for large bit application.
1. True
3.all of the above
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:24:01
VDU stands for ________
1.Virtual display unit
2.Verbal display unit
3.Variable display unit
4.Visual display unit
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:18:08
Which of the following act as end devices in the pneumatic system?
1. Bourden tubes
2.Mechanical gears
3.Electronic devices
4.All of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:07:12
Which of the following can be considered as a storage device?
1. Capacitor
3.Both capacitor and resistor
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:39:33
Which of the following can be made from SRAM?
1.Magnetic disc
3.Floppy disc
4.All of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:40:34
Which of the following cannot be used for constructing alpha-numeric devices?
2.Neon lamp
3.Seven segment display
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:18:58
Which of the following devices are similar to electronic data loggers?
1.Chart recorders
2.Flip flop
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:00:08
Which of the following function relate to stack?
1.Push and pop
2.Call and return
3.Both push pop and call return
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:35:12
Which of the following have a low loading effect?
1.Electronic system
2.Electrical system
3. Both have equal effect
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:06:37
Which of the following is analogous to multiplexer?
1.Data selector
2.Data multiplexer
3.Data filter
4. None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:29:01
Which of the following is correct for data loggers?
1. Simple single channel instrument
2.Medium channel instrument
3.Complex multiple channel instrument
4.All of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:01:46
Which of the following is correct for microprocessor Intel 8085?
1. 8 bit microprocessor
2.16 bit microprocessor
3.4 bit microprocessor
4.32 bit microprocessor
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:32:00
Which of the following is correct for multiplexer?
1.Several inputs and single output
2.Single input and several outputs
3.Single input and single output
4.Several inputs and several outputs
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:27:46
Which of the following is not a multiplexer?
1.8-to-1 line
2.16-to-1 line
3.4-to-1 line
4.1-to-4 line
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:30:49
Which of the following is not a special function register?
1.Program counter
2.Instruction pointer
4.Stack pointer
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:33:36
Which of the following is not a valid instruction type?
1.Zero operant
2. Single operand
3. Two operand
4. None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:34:06
Which of the following is not correct for data loggers?
2.Battery less
4.All of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:58:53
Which of the following is used for storing flag registers?
1.Status register
2.Control register
3.Buffer register
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:34:50
Which of the following method is employed for ADC?
1.Ladder network
2.Successive approximation type
3. PWM type
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:23:40
Which of the following protocol allow the instrument to connect to a data logger?
2. SDI-12
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:00:35
Which of the following represent a function of spring in PMMC device?
1.Control system
2. Path for current in and out of coil
3.Both control and path for current
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:11:13
Which of the following represent multiple input single output switch?
2.De multiplexer
3.Both multiplexer and demultiplexer
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:29:26
Which of the following represents a stationary part of PMMC device?
2.Control system
3.Magnetic system
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:10:36
Which of the following represents the storage capability of flip-flop?
1.1 bit
2.1 byte
3. 1 kilo bit
4. 1 kilo byte
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:39:12
Which of the following statement is false?
1.All data loggers are data acquisition system
2.All data acquisition systems are data loggers
3.Data logger and Data acquisition systems are same is operation
4.All of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 09:00:59
Which of the following type output is provided by ADC?
1.Serial type
2.Parallel type
3.Both serial and parallel type
4.None of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-04-30 08:22:18