C/C /C programming language MCQ Questions Set 5 Sample Test,Sample questions

 If the user did not supply the value, what value will it take?

1. default value

2.rise an error

3.both default value & rise an error


Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

 What happens to a function defined inside a class without any complex operations (like looping, a large number of lines, etc)?

1.It becomes a virtual function of the class

2.It becomes a default calling function of the class

3.It becomes an inline function of the class

4.The program gives an error

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

 What is an inline function?

1.A function that is expanded at each call during execution

2.A function that is called during compile time

3.A function that is not checked for syntax errors

4. A function that is not checked for semantic analysis

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

By default how the value are passed in c++?

1. call by value

2.call by reference

3.call by pointer

4.call by object

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

From which function the execution of a C++ program starts?

1.start() function

2.main() function

3.new() function

4. end() function

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

If an argument from the parameter list of a function is defined constant then ______

1.It can be modified inside the function

2. It cannot be modified inside the function

3.Error occurs

4.Segmentation fault

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

If we start our function call with default arguments means, what will be proceeding arguments?

1.user argument

2.empty arguments

3.default arguments

4.user & empty arguments

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

How many minimum number of functions should be present in a C++ program for its execution?





Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

What is the default return type of a function?

1. int




Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

What we can’t place followed by the non-default arguments?

1.trailing arguments

2.default arguments

3.both trailing & default arguments

4. leading arguments

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

What will happen when we use void in argument passing?

1.It will not return value to its caller

2. It will return value to its caller

3.Maybe or may not be return any value to its caller

4.It will return value with help of object

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

When we define the default values for a function?

1.When a function is defined

2.When a function is declared

3.When the scope of the function is over

4. When a function is called

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

When will we use the function overloading?

1.same function name but different number of arguments

2.different function name but same number of arguments

3.same function name but same number of arguments

4.different function name but different number of arguments

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Where can the default parameter be placed by the user?



3.both leftmost & rightmost


Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Where does the return statement returns the execution of the program?

1.main function

2.caller function

3.same function

4. block function

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Where should default parameters appear in a function prototype?

1. To the rightmost side of the parameter list

2.To the leftmost side of the parameter list

3. Anywhere inside the parameter list

4.Middle of the parameter list

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Which is used to keep the call by reference value as intact?





Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Which of the following feature is used in function overloading and function with default argument?


2. Polymorphism



Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Which of the following is important in a function?

1.Return type

2. Function name

3.Both return type and function name

4.The return type, function name and parameter list

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Which of the following is the default return value of functions in C++?



3. float


Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51

Which value will it take when both user and default values are given?

1.user value

2.default value

3.custom value

4.defined value

Posted Date:-2021-02-21 05:16:51


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