what are some of the problems associated with the BCG vaccine?
1.not very effective
2.results in positive skin test
3.very expensive
4.just a and b
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:33:08
a 20-year-old car accident patient has surgery to repair a deep wound in the upper arm and should after being thrown from the car and into a field. 3 days after being sent home patient returns to the hospital in extreme pain, the area around the wound has turned black and the sutures have torn open because of the gas produced inside the wound. The infected area also smells terrible, much like road kill. This patient may be experiencing an infection with?
1.Clostridium botulinum
2.Clostridium tetani
3. corynebacterium diphtheria
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:42:57
A 45-year-old construction site worker receives a deep puncture wound from a piece of sheet metal sticking out of the ground. The wound does not seem to be that bad and is not bleeding very much. 2 days later the wound is sore and red and the patient is having muscle cramps in legs, neck, back, and arms. what should she do?
1.emergency room for tetanus treatment
2. emergency room for gangrene treatment
3.doctor office for wound cleaning and maybe stitches
4. take some Tylenol and rest for 1 day
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:46:14
a condition called elephantiasis may develop in one who?
1.has consumed raw beef
2.has been bitten by an infected mosquito
3.walks about in warm moist soil without shoes
4.uses manure in the farm fields
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:14:10
a drug that works by competitive inhibition will?
1.prevent an organism by growing by using up a particular food supply
2.stop an organism from growing by blocking the production of NADH in the Krebs cycle
3.bind to the active site of an enzyme preventing it normal function
4.uncouple electron transport and shut down ATP formation
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:44:56
an experiment began with 4 cells and ended with 128 cells. How many generations did the cells go through?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:28:58
2.cell-mediated response
3.humoral response
4.complement cascade
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:09:51
found in tears?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:27:09
legionaires disease?
3.nervous, fever, eyes
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:39:34
patient comes to the doctor’s office vomiting and very ill. She says that she hadn’t eaten anything until about 2 hours ago she had leftover macaroni and cheese at her grandmother’s house. What is she probably sick with?
1.gastrointestinal anthrax
2.emetic form of bacillus food poisoning
3.s aureus food poisoning
4.something else
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:02:43
pentameric antibody?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:20:40
Polio is primarily a disease that affects?
1.the gastrointestinal system
2.the central nervous system
3.muscles and skeleton
4.the respiratory system
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:10:53
sterilization is defined as?
1.removal of microbial contamination
2.complete destruction of all forms of life
3.complete removal of vegetative cells
4.removal of most microorganisms
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:38:53
which section shows a growth phase where the cells dividing at their maximum rate of division?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:20:52
a flexible membrane composed of protein and lipid?
1.the capsid
2.the genome
3.the envelope
4.the capsomere
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:15:50
a man walks into a clinic and is complaining of an ulcerated lesion on his penis. It is painless and appears to be healing on its own. Which of the following would probably be the cause?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:22:47
A medical student on an international program in Namibia sees a 1-week old infant with an eye infection. there is also evidence of hordes of flies in the village that is constantly bothering the children. a sample of discharge from the eye found to contain encapsulated, paired, gram-negative cocci. The kiddo has
1.neonatal gonorrhea
4.impossible to tell from the info given
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:07:13
An oligodynamic activity can be said to mean?
1.a little bit works better than a lot
2.very fast acting
3.works well with other chemicals
4.extremely toxic
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:52:05
anthrax is dose-dependent. What does that mean?
1.different numbers of spores are needed for the different portals of entry
2. to cure it requires different dosages of ciprofloxacin
3.different people require different doses to get infected
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:23:16
Any fungal infection of the skin, hair or nails is called a?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:51:10
causes dilation of capillaries?
2.cell-mediated response
3.humoral response
4.complement cascad
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:14:33
1.spread while staying at a hospital
2.disease that is spread by direct contact
3.disease that is easily spread
4.inanimate object
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:34:04
Epitopes are?
1.specific part of the antigen that is reactive
2. part of the antigen to which antibody binds
3.small molecules that couple to carrier proteins
4.the protein of antigen that is displayed on MHC
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:17:54
filariasis is caused when mosquitoes deliver worms that end up blocking?
1.digestive system
2.circulatory system
3.lymphatic system
4.nervous system
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:05:39
found bound to mast cells and b cells?
4. IgM
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:13:14
Gas gangrene is a result of type 2 exotoxins. Which of the following describes this class of toxins?
1. they are 2 part toxins
2. they are the outer LPS layer of gram-negative bacteria
3. the cause major overreaction of the immune system
4.they damage cell membranes
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:15:17
gonorrhea still a problem among teens?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:20:22
3.nervous, fever, eyes
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:22:00
hemorrhagic viruses often kill by what mechanism?
1.systemic shock
3.bleeding to death
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:24:41
how are gram positive and gram negative cell walls different?
1. gram-negative cells have a single layer of peptidoglycan and an outer membrane and gram-positive cells have a thick layer with teichoic acids
2. gram-positive cells have a single layer of peptidoglycan and a periplasmic space while gram-negative cells have a thick layer with teichoic acid
3.gram-negative cell walls have a thick layer of peptidoglycan and gram-positive cells have no peptidoglycan but have teichoic and mycolic acids
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:16:10
In thioglycollate broth, a bacteria that are strictly anaerobic will grow?
1.throughout the medium
2.only at the top
3.only at the bottom
4.only in the middle
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:28:18
Jacob and HIV positive male with advanced infection present with a 3-month history of increasing night sweats, fever, severe fatigue, and chills. on examination, the patient has a distended abdomen and an enlarged liver is anemic and has severe diarrhea. t cell counts reveal that the patient has relatively few helper t cells in the blood. blood and stool cultures reveal small acid-fast bacilli. he probably has
1.MAC infection
2.M tuberculosis
3.could be any of the above
4.a or b
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:53:21
jenny a 29 yr old mother of 2 was at work and collapsed. she had been complaining of having “period like†symptoms with pain and cramping along with fever, headache, and a red sunburn rash. doctors did a spinal tap and it the fluid came out clear with no sign of diplococci. jenny was rapidly deteriorating and experience multi-organ shut down. multiple antibiotics were given and she recovered in 6 weeks total and has permanent kidney damage. jenny was most likely experiencing
1.scalded skin syndrome from staph aureus
2.folliculitis followed by septicemia from s. aureus
3.s. aureus toxic shock syndrome
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:09:11
may contain enzymes to assist penetration?
1.the capsid
2.the genome
3. the envelope
4.the capsomere
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:54:13
MMR protects against what three diseases?
1.measles, malaria, and rabies
2.monkeypox, mumps, rabies
3.measles, mumps, rubella
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:43:58
most fungi grow best with oxygen, at room temp, and under ________ conditions?
1.slightly acidic
2.slightly basic
3.neutral pH
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:16:54
mumps is a viral infection that affects what part of the body?
1.my humps
2. the ears
3.the reproductive organs
4. the parotid glands
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:19:40
one characteristic of fungal respiratory infections include all except which of the following?
1.moist, wet conditions
2.presence of fecal material
3.dry dusty soil
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:04:44
one characteristic of typhoid fever is that after people become infected they
1.recover completely
2.feel fine but become carriers
3.haves. typhi colonize their GI tract
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:08:19
peptic ulcers?
3.nervous, fever, eyes
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:29:45
photosynthetic eukarya?
1. fungus
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:21:22
plasma cells and memory cells?
2.cell-mediated response
3.humoral response
4.complement cascade
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:30:42
protects the fetus?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:25:19
put these steps in the progression of TB in order a.macrophages attack bacteria b.bacteria spread through the rest of the body c.bacteria multiply within macrophage which from granuloma d.inhalation of bacteria e.macrophages form tubercules?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:26:05
pyrogens? An A. specific part of the antigen that is reactive B. part of the antigen to which antibody binds C. D.
1. kills cells infected with the virus
2.stimulates fever
3. oily goo on the skin
4.kills gram-positive bacteria
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:20:04
RNA viruses have a genome that consists of RNA. What must a positive strand RNA virus do before it can replicate?
1.nothing, it is ready to start translating protein
2. it must make a positive strand RNA to be translated
3. it must use reverse transcriptase to convert RNA to DNA
4.it must become a prophage before replicating
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:23:55
The MHC proteins of cells?
1.display antigens of self and nonself origin
2.interact with b cells and t cells
3.activate and deactivate antibody production
4.a and b
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:03:55
the vaccine for herpes simplex virus II is?
2.given in multiple doses
3.can result in a positive skin test
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:23:57
toxic shock toxin?
1.colonization of a niche in the host
2.evasion of the hosts immune response
3.inhibition/overstimulation of the hosts immune response
4.obtaining nutrition from the host
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:11:55
what is one of the biggest problems in preventing the spread of gonorrhea and chlamydia?
1.people hate condoms
2.it is mainly spread by young irresponsible teenagers
3.asymptomatic people don’t realize they have it
4. highly antibiotic resistant
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:09:16
which of the following are possible shapes of bacteria?
1.star shapes
3.green clovers and pink diamonds
4. all except e
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:40:53
Which of the following arguments makes the most sense?
1.parasites want to kill off the host as soon as possible
2.parasites tend to feed off of their host little by little
3.host/parasite relationship is very much like predator and prey
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:55:04
which of the following statements about fluorescence microscopy is true?
1.fluorescent dyes are excited by specific wavelengths of light
2.fluorescent dyes glow in the dark so light is not necessary
3.the dyes coating a microscopic specimen are radioactive
4.all are true
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:41:44
which section of the graph shows where the number of cells dividing is equal the number of cells dying?
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:12:28
which treatment is used for staphylococcal pneumonia?
1.supportive only
4.a and c
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 13:06:20
why is the treatment of TB so difficult?
1.long time period of treatment
2.drugs are expensive
3.MDR-TB is not treatable
4.drugs have serious side effects that prevent many from completing treatment
Posted Date:-2022-04-15 12:08:26