HTML/HTML Mcq Sample Test,Sample questions

HTML stands for -

None of these

1.High Text Machine Language

2.HyperText and links Markup Language

3.Hyper Text Markup Language

4.None of These

Posted Date:-2022-04-08 19:28:21

Swapping images in dreamweaver is best if

1.The images are the same Mime" type

2.The images are the same color

3.The images are the same size

4.You use the Constrain" tool

Posted Date:-2022-04-08 19:21:19

Which of the following are automatically loaded and operates as a part of browser?





Posted Date:-2022-04-08 19:22:22


  1. HTML and Web Page Designing MCQS
  2. Computer Webpage Designing HTML MCQS Part 1
  3. Computer Webpage Designing HTML MCQS Part 2
  4. Computer Webpage Designing HTML MCQS Part 3
  5. HTML Mcq Question Set 1
  6. HTML Mcq Question Set 2
  7. HTML Mcq Question Set 3
  8. HTML Mcq Question Set 4
  9. HTML Mcq Question Set 5
  10. HTML Mcq Question Set 6
  11. HTML Mcq Question Set 7
  12. HTML Mcq Question Set 8
  13. HTML Mcq Question Set 9
  14. HTML Mcq Question Set 10
  15. HTML Mcq Question Set 11
  16. HTML Mcq Question Set 12
  17. HTML Mcq Question Set 13
  18. HTML Mcq Question Set 14
  19. HTML Mcq Question Set 15
  20. HTML Mcq Question Set 16
  21. HTML Mcq Question Set 17
  22. HTML Mcq Question Set 18
  23. HTML Mcq
  24. HTML . MCQ SET 1
  25. HTML . MCQ SET 2
  26. HTML MCQ Questions
  27. HTML MCQ Questions
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