A snake in the grass
1.to try to find information secretly
2.to move towards someone very quietly and stealthily
3. a person who shows no respect for others
4.a person who pretends to be your friend but who cannot be trusted
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:18:31
Believe me , I am all at sea.
3.very happy
4.out of reach
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:42:43
His dealings are all above board.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:57:02
I am just a small fry in the office.
2.person or thing of little importance
4.a small creature
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:50:19
She exhibited remarkable sang froid during the crisis.
2. temper
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:27:00
The result of the examination dashed my hopes.
2.kill someone
4.bring great happiness
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 03:16:19
To turn a deaf ear
1. to refuse to praise others
2.to miss an opportunity
3. to refuse to have any dealing with somebody
4.to refuse to listen to somebody.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:17:20
A black look
1.a look of anger or resentment
2.a look of despair and dejection
3. a triumphant look
4.a look of surprise or disbelief
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:05:39
A thin time
1.an uncertain or risky situation
2.an unconvincing excuse
3.a period of satisfaction
4.a period of unpleasantness, poor health, lack of money etc.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:29:10
A Wet blanket
1.a person who spoils a jolly atmosphere
2.a warm and affable person
3.a person who does not practice what he preaches
4.a person who tries to willfully harm others
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:27:13
As the crow flies
1.in a very swift manner
2. in a straight line
3.very short distance away
4.in a clumsy way
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:11:19
Flesh and blood can bear it no longer.
1.in life
2.at the top speed
4. human nature
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:53:20
In a melting pot
1.in a very difficult situation
2.unable to take an important decision
3.in a helpless situation
4.in the process of changing
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:12:04
In deep water
1.to feel lonely
2.to swim in a river
3.to act like a coward
4.in real trouble
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:49:14
In this competition there is complete fair play.
1.no cheating
2.good chances
3.honest means
4.good name
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:58:30
Mrs Rashmi has been in the blues for the last several weeks.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:41:43
None of this hanky panky, please talk straight.
1. jugglery
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:46:05
o lead a dog's life
1.to live happily and successfully
2.to have an unhappy life, full of problems or unfair treatment
3.to live in a situation where there is a lot of competition
4.to be often criticized by others ruthlessly
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:15:38
o play foul
1.to oppose others
2.to do something wrong
3.to tackle carelessly
4.to play rough football
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:07:37
o shed crocodile tears
1.to pretend to be sad about something
2.to have a difficult problem that makes one worried
3.a sad thing that appears suddenly
4.to feel worried anticipating some trouble
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:14:50
Oily tongue
1.rich food
2.strong critic
4.hungry person
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:24:29
Oily tongue
1.rich food
2.strong critic
4.hungry person
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:25:55
The company has been handed over to new masters, lock, stock and barrel.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:55:28
The leader must have the lion's share of the booty.
1. the worthy part
2.the smaller part
3. the larger part
4. the stronger part
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:46:59
The prices are going up by leaps and bounds.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:54:22
The project of building ended in smoke.
1.to fall
2.to catch fire
3. to give no practical result
4.ended in the destruction of building
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:56:24
The result of the examination dashed my hopes.
1. failed
2.kill someone
4.bring great happiness
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 03:17:27
The study of insects was a fascinating pursuit for him.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:57:38
To be fair and square pays in the long run.
4.honest means
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:12:00
To be like a cat on hot bricksto reveal a secret by mistake
1. to have a high opinion on oneself
2.to reveal a secret by mistake
3.to feel very nervous
4. to enjoy oneself and behave with greater freedom
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:14:01
To be on the fiddle
1.To work on something important
2.to be doing something dishonest to get money
3.to constantly find fault with others
4.to have a less important position than somebody or something else alive
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:09:48
To be up to one's neck in something
1.to have a lot of something to deal with
2.to win a race by a short distance
3.to be shouted at for something one has done
4.to feel very nervous and frightened
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:50:42
To chew the end.
1. to be annoyed
2. to cut the end
3.start something new
4.to think deeply
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:09:21
To chew the end.
1. to be annoyed
2. to cut the end
3.start something new
4.to think deeply
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:10:48
To cross swords with someone
1.to nurture vengeance against someone
2. to make secret plans to harm someone
3.to end a long standing enemity with someoneD.
4.to have a verbal contest with someone
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:17:37
To dot your i's and cross your t's
1.to be guarded in your speech
2. to think clearly before taking a decision
3. to pay attention to the small details when you are finishing a task.
4.to obstinately stick to your viewpoint
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:08:24
To fly off the handle.
1. to act foolishly
2.to be indifferent
3.to break something
4.o get into a rage and lose self control
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:51:57
To fly off the handle.
1. to act foolishly
2.to be indifferent
3.to break something
4.to get into a rage and lose self control
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 04:52:13
To have a bee in one's bonnet
1.to constantly worry about something
2.to be continually occupied with, or obsessed by, one idea or thing
3.to feel physical discomfort because of nervousness
4.to have an edge over other contenders in a competition
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:04:01
To have a face like thunder
1.to appear and disappear suddenly
2.to have an expressionless face
3.to look very angry
4.to deal with something that is unpleasant
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:48:50
To hide one's head in the sand
1.to force people to stop arguing
2.to keep trying to do something that will never be successful
3.to refuse to accept that a problem exists
4. to be unable to understand something
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:30:28
To lead someone by the nose
1. to make a person do whatever you want him to do
2.to show distaste for someone's company
3.to help a person in a difficult or dangerous situation
4.to be controlled by someone
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:14:54
To live from hand to mouth
1. to reveal a secret by mistake
2.to be punished for revealing somebody's secret
3.to be able to satisfy only the basic needs of life
4.to confess a wrong doing
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:15:48
To open somebody's eyes
1.to be morte observant and quick to notice things
2.to refuse to listen to others
3. to become close or friendly with someone
4.to make someone realize or understand something
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:13:32
To run something off
1.to produce written material quickly
2.use something up completely
3.to make or sew something quickly
4.to knock down something
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 06:07:11
To scale up
1.to divide
2.to discuss
3.to deliver
4.to measure
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:12:32
To see red
1.to find fault with
2.to criticise others
3.to be very angry
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 03:18:49
To separate the sheep from the goats
1.to short out the old from the new
2.to become less shy and more confident
3.to use complicated language that is difficult to understand
4.to distinguish good people from bad people
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:16:35
Too big for one's boots
1.attempting things which one is not capable of doing
2.too conceited
3. so big that one can hardly believe it
4.a situation which is extremely difficult to handle
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:28:06
When I saw him in the morning, he looked like a duck in a thunderstorm.
Posted Date:-2022-04-02 05:08:20