Agile Scrum/Agile Scrum Mcq Question Set 1 Sample Test,Sample questions

.Department manager calls you and asks you if you can present an elevator statement to an executive who is planning to make a quick stop in your city for a town hall meeting. He also asks you how much time he need to slot in the agenda.

1. Give him an 0CM of 30 minutes

2. Tell him that you will get back to him.

3. Two minutes and nothing more than that.

4. It depends on the size and complexity of your project.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:16:39

.You are working on a newly formed Agile team. Your coach gathers the team and asks every one to close their eyes and start counting one at a time, synchronously. What is the coach trying to do with this exercise?

1.Collaborating using circle counting game.

2.Coordinating using mute mapping game.

3.Consensus gathering using some random game he Invented.

4.Consent gathering using some random game he Invented.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:12:28

A method of testing that involves writing an executable test before the solution is coded and typically developed in conjunction with the Product Owner and/or customer, then evaluate to determine whether or not a feature satisfies its acceptance criteria can BEST be described as:

1.Behavior driven development

2. Customer Driven Development

3.Acceptance Test-Driven Development

4.Story Based Test Development

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:28:18

A person who makes decision and practices Scrum to the core is performing what role?



3.Scrum Master

4.Scrum Team

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:10:07

A Persona used within an Agile user story can he thought of as:

1.A person who viIl only use the application infrequently

2. A person who will influence early adopters of the application

3. A formally-assigned user-acceptance tester

4. An imaginary representation of a user role

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:06:29

A team that focuses on delivering increments of functionality and removal of defects white making orderly process toward completing a release with potentially shippable functionality can best be described as?

1.incremental delivery

2.value driven development

3. business case development

4. iteration planning

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:25:56

According to Agile manifesto what carries more value?

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

2. Individuals and interactions over people and technique.

3. Individuals and interactions over projects and tools.

4. Individuals and interactions over products and tools.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:11:08

According to Declaration of Interdependence (DOl), risk is an expected entity for a project. How is risk tackled in an Agile environment according to DOl?

1.Risk is unmanageable so it should be ignored.

2.Through iterations, anticipation and adaptation.

3.Through continuous integration.

4.Through pair programming.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:17:34

As a Product Owner is sitting through a demonstration meeting for his product, he realizes that if changed the release schedule of a newly identified feature he could immediately increase the business value of the project without increasing the cost of implementation. By realizing this value and making this last minute adjustment which of the following BEST describes what was done to the project?

1.Improved the quality of a feature in the product.

2. Increase risk of project failure.

3.Change the requirements specification.

4.Increase the ROl of the project.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:24:42

Before a tester begins the process of exploratory testing, what tool should he have in place to give him an idea of what to explore in the systems and what kinds of things to look for?

1.A Roadmap

2. A Bug List

3. A Defect Document

4.A Charter

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:20:06

By writing features to minimize technical dependencies between them the product owner has the greatest amount of flexibility to do what them?

1. weigh



4.assign to developers

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:27:28

Collaboration requires that the team must take joint responsibility for their work. In order for this to effectively take place, what must the team members build?

1.A definition of done

2.Continuous flow


4.An information radiator

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:21:54

During this Team meeting everyone provides a status update to the other team members. It a 10-15 minute semi-real-time’ status meeting that allows participants to become aware of potential challenges as well as coordinate efforts to resolve difficult and/or time-consuming issues.

1.Brevity Meetings

2. Collaboration Meeting

3.Brown Bag Meetings

4.Daily Stand-ups

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:23:50

For one of your product, optimal cost of change (CoC. was estimated to be 100 story points but at the end of the iteration actual C0C was found to be 200 story points. What is the Technical debt that your project had encountered (if any)?

1.None. “Velocity” the great equalizer will take care of Technical debt.

2.None. Your developers will work extended hours to pay back the Technical debt in next iteration so it can be ignored for now.

3.100 Story points

4.200 Story points

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:09:44

How are EVM metrics used in Agile?

1.They are used to prioritize projects.

2.They are used to monitor project performance

3. They are used to analyze risk.

4. They are used to measure coach’s performance.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:19:42

How do you implement action items captured in retrospective meeting?

1.As overhead items in the upcoming release.

2.As overhead items In the current release.

3.Update the Product backlog and prioritize in the next Iteration planning meeting to implement in coming iteration.

4.Utilize the project slack.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:18:30

How does tools like FIT and Fitness compliment Agile?

1. Automated Acceptance Tests

2. Continuous Integration

3.Unit Test

4.Code coverage metrics

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:12:02

How is Agile planning different from the traditional approach to planning?

1.Agile planning is done only once

2. Agile planning is non iterative

3.Agile planning places emphasis on the plan

4.Agile planning places emphasis on planning and is iterative

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:04:43

If a team can complete 10 story points In an iteration then how long will it take for the team to complete 100 story points?

1.10 Iterations

2. 10 waves

3.20 Iterations

4. 20 waves

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:07:32

In Agile development, when a developer estimates a story point by gauging the amount of effort required to complete a task based on the amount of time she will have to focus exclusively on the task, with no interruptions, what estimate unit is she using?

1. Ideal Time


3.Alternative Time

4.Time box

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:22:19

Involving the team in Planning and Estimating and providing early feedback on Delivery Velocity is BEST used to mitigate what kind of risk?

1.Schedule flaws

2. Requirements creep

3. Employee turnover

4. Poor productivity

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:02:20

Iterative development is NOT a good idea for?

1.Back end development

2.Front end development

3. Middleware development

4.Software development

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:16:11

The 1OCCSS of testing Delivered or “done done” stones is known as:

1.Unit Testing

2. Integration Testing

3.Exploratory Testing

4.Release Testing

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:05:32

The fifth of the twelve Principles behind the Agile Manifesto” states:
Build projects around ___________  individuals.
Give them the ___________ and support they need. and trust them to get the job done.

1.specialized, tools

2.motivated, environment

3.technical, documentation

4.motivated, documentation

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:25:35

The following image represents what in the Net Present Value (NPV) calculation?

1.The amount by which the future net cash flow will be incremented over a release.

2.The amount by which the present net cash flow will be discounted.

3.The amount by which the future net cash flow will be discounted.

4. The sum of the current net cash flow will be discounted.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:26:22

The intersection of a trend line for work remaining (or backlog) and the horizontal axis indicating the most probable completion of work at the point in time would be found in which graphical chart?

1.Burn-up chart

2.Velocity graph

3.Burndown chart

4.Execution chart

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:23:31

The product owner is leading the Team to decide which features they should include in the Sprint Backlog first. They decide to select the most important features by identifying which features will bring the most benefits if implemented, as well as the penalty incurred if not implemented, on a relative scale of 1 to 9. This can best be described as:

1.Relative prioritization

2.Value base computation estimate

3.Must-have prioritization

4.Darwinism estimation

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:27:54

There was an Issue In your project and your manager kept asking “why?’ several times. What is he doing?

1.He Is executing collaboration.

2. He is executing “Five whys” a Lean tool.

3. He Is executing “get your attention” tool.

4.None of the above

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:11:37

This high-level initial estimate of the requirements is maintained by the Project Owner throughout the entire project. It is dynamic because management can constantly change it to reflect the needs of an evolving product, and its environment.

1.A Timebox

2. A Product Backlog

3.An Iteration

4. A Sprint Backlog

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:23:04

What Agile principle can help in chaordic situation?

1.Incremental delivery

2.Continuous Integration

3. PMO policy

4. Latest technology

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:09:21

What are the benefits of using Sidky Agile Measurement Index (SAMI) to measure agility of your organization?

1.Return on time invested (ROTI) can be calculated quickly and accurately.

2.Avoid random selection of methodology, make sure practices work coherently and ensure practices focus on value delivery.

3.Perform Earned value management (EVM).

4. Avoid risk on critical projects.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:07:05

What do you infer from this following user story? “As a sales agent, I want a client search feature so that I can find my preferred clients quickly and easily.”

1.Good. No additional information required.

2.Good. Need clarification on “quick and easy” for UI testing.

3. NOT good. Too big.

4.NOT good. Too small.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:14:47

What does “Timeboxed” means in Agile terms?





Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:10:28

What is NOT a characteristics of a good user story?



3. Estimatable


Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:07:53

What is NOT an Agile methodology?

1.Extreme programming (XP)

2. Scrum

3.Crystal Clear

4.PMBOK® 3

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:15:43

What is the difference between NPV and IRR?

1.There is not difference.

2.IRR is a measure of how much money a project can be expected to return in today’s present value, whereas NPV is a measure of how quickly the money invested in the project will increase in value.

3.NPV is a measure of how much money a project can be expected to return in future value, and IRR is a measure of how quickly the money invested in the project will decrease in value.

4.NPV is a measure of how much money a project can be expected to return in o today’s present value, whereas IRR is a measure of how quickly the money invested in the project will increase in value.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:27:06

What is the unit of measurement that is used to measure the size of a user story for an Agile project?

1.Function points

2. Story points

3. Work breakdown points

4. Velocity points

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:03:54

What two things should be completed before moving on to the next iteration planning begins?

1.the commitment ceremony and an iteration demo

2.emergency request and an iteration demo

3.a retrospective and the commitment ceremony iteration demo and a retrospective

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:22:43

What type of report provides a bird’s-eye view of the project. It may be produced when the teams updates their release plan, and will allow them to show their progress and predict a completion date.

1.A Burn-up chart

2. A Time Usage Chart

3.An Iteration Plan

4.A Management Report

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:20:26

When a Team takes the opportunity to gather for a meeting and reflect on situations they encountered during a project, in an effort to better align their processes with their changing situations, what Agile tool are they said to be using?

1. A contingency review


3.A lessons learned Scrum

4.A retrospective

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:24:14

When analyzing processes, what becomes increasingly significant for managers to understand in regards to individual skills?

1.A group understanding of processes allows teams to execute their jobs more effectively and efficiently, hut it can never substitute skill

2.A process is more easily developed when the customer is more directly involved in its development

3.Skilled individuals are not necessarily required to be involved w’ith analyzing processes

4.Skill sets are absolutely crucial in the planning and execution of specific processes, html not its analysis

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:05:09

When forming an Agile project team it is BEST to use:

1.Generalized Specialists

2. Top management officials

3.Highly specialized developers

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:03:20

Which Agile methodology advocates the use of problem domain?

1.Extreme programming (XP)

2.Feature-Driven Development (FDD).

3. Scrum


Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:17:08

Which of the following is NOT one of the five core risk areas common to all projects?

1.Specification Breakdown

2.Scope Creep

3. Strategic Alienation

4.Intrinsic Schedule Flaw

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:05:55

Which of the following is not part of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development

1.Teams and interactions over processes and tools

2.Working software over comprehensive documentation

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

4.Responding to change over following a plan

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:25:10

Which of the following is the BEST approach for estimation?

1. Expert opinion


3. Disaggregation

4.A combination of all of the above

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:02:49

Who can be the best user proxy?

1. ScrumMaster


3.Agile coach


Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:12:55

Wireframes and prototypes are widely used as part of?

1.High-level design

2.Detailed design

3.Empirical design

4. None of the above

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:15:25

You are a coach facilitating retrospective meeting. What is the main purpose of this meeting that facilitator need to ensure during the meeting?

1.Peer pressure, Fine-grain coordination, Focusing on the few, Daily commitment and Raising impediments.

2.Know the work, Get a fresh start, Commit to shared goals and Create focus and abundance.

3. True-up, Show and tell, Get direct feedback, Offer insights and Ask for help.

4.Inspect and adapt. Look back at how, not what Do (even) better next time.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:18:02

You are an experienced developer working on a project following Extreme programming (XP). A rookie developer joined your team recently and you see him copy-pasting code from one module to another and running unit tests. What do you think he is doing?

1.He is stealing some ones intellectual property.

2.He Is doing alright. You are allowed to copy paste colleagues code.

3.He is in violation of a design principle called DRY.

4.He is in violation of organization policy.

Posted Date:-2022-03-31 14:19:22


  1. Agile Scrum Mcq Question Set 1
  2. Agile Scrum Mcq Question Set 2
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