Computer/Operating System MCQ Set 20 Sample Test,Sample questions

 How can Keys be defined or replaced?

1.create [keyname] [bits]


3. Key

4.MAKE [Key Name]

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:47:54

 Implementation of a stateless file server must not follow?

1. Idempotency requirement

2. Encryption of keys

3. File locking mechanism

4.Cache consistency

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:57:52

 What are characteristic of a DFS?

1.Fault tolerance


3.Heterogeneity of the system


Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:52:19

 What are characteristic of NFS protocol?

1.Search for file within directory

2.Read a set of directory entries

3.Manipulate links and directories

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:58:38

 What is the coherency of replicated data?

1.All replicas are identical at all times

2.Replicas are perceived as identical only at some points in time

3.Users always read the most recent data in the replicas

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:59:02

File virus attaches itself to the _____

1.source file

2.object file

3.executable file

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:34:00

How can fence and relocation be used together?

1.To each program address, the contents of fence register are added

2. To contents of fence register is subtracted from actual address of program

3.To each program address, the contents of fence register are not added

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:37:32

How is disadvantage of all-or-nothing approach overcome?


2.Relocation technique

3. Fence method

4.Tagged architecture

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:39:17

In asymmetric encryption _________

1.same key is used for encryption and decryption

2.different keys are used encryption and decryption key is required for encryption and decryption

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:34:53

Multipartite viruses attack on _________

1. files

2.boot sector


4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:34:26

What are non characteristics of session semantics?

1. Each client obtains a working copy from the server

2.When file is closed, the modified file is copied to the file server

3.The burden of coordinating file sharing is ignored by the system

4.Easy to implement in a single processor system

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 15:00:54

What are not the characteristics of a DFS?

1.login transparency and access transparency

2.Files need not contain information about their physical location

3.No Multiplicity of users

4.No Multiplicity if files

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:51:54

What are the advantages of file replication?

1.Improves availability & performance

2. Decreases performance

3.They are consistent

4.Improves speed

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:58:17

What are the characteristics of Cambridge CAP system as compared to Hydra system?

1.It is simpler and less powerful than hydra system

2.It is more powerful than hydra system

3.It is powerful than hydra system

4.It is not as secure as Hydra system

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:49:46

What are the characteristics of rights amplification in Hydra?

1.This scheme allows a procedure to be certified as trustworthy

2.Amplification of rights cannot be stated explicitly in declaration

3.It includes kernel rights such as read

4. All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:48:47

What are the characteristics of the Hydra system?

1.It consists of known access rights and interpreted by the system

2.A user can of protection system can declare other rights

3.Hydra system is not flexible

4.Hydra doesn’t provide rights amplification

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:48:21

What are the characteristics of the stateless server?

1.Easier to implement

2.They are not fault-tolerant upon client or server failures

3.They store all information file server

4.They are redundant to keep data safe

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:57:30

What are the characteristics of transaction semantics?

1.Suitable for applications that are concerned about coherence of data

2.The users of this model are interested in the atomicity property for their transaction

3.Easy to implement in a single processor system

4.Write-back enhances access performance

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 15:00:27

What are the characteristics of Unix semantics?

1.Easy to implement in a single processor system

2.Data cached on a per process basis using write through case control

3. Write-back enhances access performance

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:59:58

What are the different ways file accesses take place?

1. sequential access access

3.indexed sequential access

4. All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:52:55

What are the different ways in which clients and servers are dispersed across machines?

1.Servers may not run on dedicated machines

2.Servers and clients can be on same machines

3.Distribution cannot be interposed between a OS and the file system

4.OS cannot be distributed with the file system a part of that distribution

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:51:27

What are the different ways mounting of the file system?

1.boot mounting mounting

3.explicit mounting

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:53:48

What are the examples of state information?

1.opened files and their clients

2.file descriptors and file handles

3.current file position pointers

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:55:00

What are the incorrect methods of revocation of access rights?





Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:45:32

What are the three popular semantic modes?

1. Unix, Coherent & Session semantics

2.Unix, Transaction & Session semantics

3. Coherent, Transaction & Session semantics

4. Session, Coherent semantics

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:59:27

What are the two capabilities defined in CAP system? & software capability

2. address & data capability

3.hardware & software capability capability

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:50:15

What is a major feature of segmentation?

1.Program is divided in data memory and program memory

2.Program is executed in segments

3.Program is divided into pieces having different access rights

4.It has effect of an unbounded architecture

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:42:46

What is a stateless file server?

1.It keeps tracks of states of different objects

2.It maintains internally no state information at all

3.It maintains some information in them

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:57:01

What is all-or-nothing situation for sharing in memory?

1.Program makes all its data available to be accessed

2. It prohibits access to some

3. It creates rules who can access program memory

4.It separates program memory and data memory

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:38:50

What is best solution to have effect of unbounded number if base/bound registers?

1.Tagged architecture


3.Fence method

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:42:20

What is correct regarding ‘relocation’ w.r.t protecting memory?

1.It is a process of taking a program as if it began at address 0

2.It is a process of taking a program as if it began at address 0A

3.Fence cannot be used within relocation process

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:37:03

What is false regarding Back-Pointers scheme to revoke capability?

1.List of pointers is maintained with each object

2.When revocation is required these pointers are followed

3. This scheme is not adopted in MULTICS system

4.These point to all capabilities associated with that object

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:47:01

What is networked virtual memory?



3.RAM disk

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:54:38

What is not true regarding ‘Fence’?

1.It is implemented via hardware register

2.It doesn’t protect users from each other

3.It good to protect OS from abusive users

4.Its implementation is unrestricted and can take any amount of space in Operating system.

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:36:37

What is the advantage of caching in remote file access?

1.Reduced network traffic by retaining recently accessed disk blocks

2.Faster network access

3. Copies of data creates backup automatically

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:54:13

What is the basic need in protecting memory in multi-user environment?

1.We need two registers one ‘start’ and other ‘end’

2.We need a variable register

3.A fence register has to be used known as base register.

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:37:59

What is the correct way the segmentation program address is stored?, offset

2.start, stop

3. access, rights

4.offset, rights

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:43:10

What is the main objective of protection?

1.Ensure all objects are protected individually

2.Objects have different priority and thus different levels of protection

3.Ensure that each object is accessed correctly and only by allowed processes

4.none of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:43:34

What is the need of protection?

1. Prevent mischievous violation

2. Prevent and intentional

3.Ensure that each program component uses resources allotted to it only

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:44:33

What is the principle of least privilege?

1.Less privileges provide difficulty in executing admin tasks

2.Users can get temporary high privilege access

3. Users should be given just enough privileges to perform their tasks

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:44:10

What is the problem of mutually suspicious subsystem?

1.Service program can steal users data

2.Service program can malfunction and retain some rights of data provided by user

3.Calling program can get access to restricted portion from service program

4. Calling program gets unrestricted access

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:49:17

What is the reacquisition scheme to revoke capability?

1.When a process capability is revoked then it won’t be able to reacquire it

2.Pointers are maintained for each object which can be used to revoke

3. Indirect pointing is done to revoke object’s capabilities

4.Master key can be used compare and revoke.

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:46:33

What is the role of base/bound registers?

1.They give starting address to a program

2. Program’s addresses are neatly confined to space between the base and the bound registers

3.They provide encrypted environment

4.This technique doesn’t protects a program’s address from modification by another user

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:38:25

What is true about Indirection to revoke capability?

1. Capabilities point indirectly to the objects

2. Each capability will not have a unique entry in global

3. Table entries cannot be reused for other capabilities

4. This system was adopted in MULTICS system

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:47:31

What is true regarding ‘Fence’?

1.Its a method to confine users to one side of a boundary

2.It can protect Operating system from one user

3. It cannot protect users from each other

4. All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:36:04

What is true regarding tagged architecture?

1.Every word of machine memory has one or more extra bits

2.Extra bits are used to do padding

3. Extra bits are not used to identify rights to that word

4. It is very compatible to code upgrades

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:41:58

Which is not a major component of a file system?

1.Directory service

2.Authorization service

3.Shadow service

4.System service

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:53:22

Which is not an example of state information?

1.Mounting information

2. Description of HDD space

3.Session keys

4.Lock status

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:55:24

Which one of the following is not an attack, but a search for vulnerabilities to attack?

1.denial of service

2.port scanning

3.memory access violation

4.dumpster diving

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:33:33

Why is it difficult to revoke capabilities?

1. They are too many

2.They are not defined precicely

3. They are distributed throughout the system

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-30 14:46:03


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