Computer/Operating System MCQ Set 14 Sample Test,Sample questions

 Consider the following page reference string.
1 2 3 4 2 1 5 6 2 1 2 3 7 6 3 2 1 2 3 6
For FIFO page replacement algorithms with 4 frames, the number of page faults is?




4. 11

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:11:31

 File type can be represented by ________

1.file name

2.file extension

3.file identifier

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:13:49

 If working set window is too large _____ will not encompass entire locality may overlap several localities will cause memory problems

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:09:46

 In the stack implementation of the LRU algorithm, a stack can be maintained in a manner _______

1.whenever a page is used, it is removed from the stack and put on bottom

2.the bottom of the stack is the LRU page

3.the top of the stack contains the LRU page and all new pages are added to the top

4.none of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:56:42

 One problem with the global replacement algorithm is that ______

1. it is very expensive

2.many frames can be allocated to a process

3.only a few frames can be allocated to a process

4.a process cannot control its own page – fault rate

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:05:06

 process is thrashing if ________ spends a lot of time executing, rather than paging

2. it spends a lot of time paging than executing has no memory allocated to it

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:06:15

 The algorithm in which we allocate memory to each process according to its size is known as _____

1. proportional allocation algorithm

2.equal allocation algorithm

3.split allocation algorithm

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:03:40

 The essential content(s) in each entry of a page table is/are _______

1.Virtual page number

2.Page frame number

3.Both virtual page number and page frame number

4. Access right information

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:58:35

 To create a new file application program calls _______

1.basic file system

2.logical file system

3.file-organisation module

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:18:58

 What is a locality?

1.a set of pages that are actively used together

2.a space in memory area near a set of processes

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:07:11

 What will happens when a process closes the file?

1.per-process table entry is not removed

2. system wide entry’s open count is decremented

3.all of the mentioned

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:19:20

A file control block contains the information about _____

1.file ownership

2. file permissions

3.location of file contents

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:18:07

A program is generally composed of several different localities, which _____ overlap.


2.must not

4.Must not be private in both derived and base class

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:08:04

Applying the LRU page replacement to the following reference string.
1 2 4 5 2 1 2 4
The main memory can accommodate 3 pages and it already has pages 1 and 2. Page 1 came in before page 2.
How many page faults will occur?

1. 2


3. 4


Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:57:44

By using the specific system call, we can ______ the file the file

3.write into the file

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:13:24

Consider a machine in which all memory reference instructions have only one memory address, for them we need at least _____ frame(s).

1. one



4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:02:37

Consider the following page reference string.
1 2 3 4 2 1 5 6 2 1 2 3 7 6 3 2 1 2 3 6
For FIFO page replacement algorithms with 3 frames, the number of page faults is?



3. 14


Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:11:09

Consider the following page reference string.
1 2 3 4 2 1 5 6 2 1 2 3 7 6 3 2 1 2 3 6
For LRU page replacement algorithm with 4 frames, the number of page faults is?


2. 14



Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:10:24

Consider the following page reference string.
1 2 3 4 2 1 5 6 2 1 2 3 7 6 3 2 1 2 3 6
For LRU page replacement algorithm with 5 frames, the number of page faults is?

1. 10



4. 11

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:10:46

Consider the following page reference string.
1 2 3 4 2 1 5 6 2 1 2 3 7 6 3 2 1 2 3 6
For Optimal page replacement algorithms with 3 frames, the number of page faults is?

1. 16




Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:11:52

If working set window is too small _________

1. it will not encompass entire locality

2. it may overlap several localities will cause memory problems

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:09:22

In the working set model, for:
2 6 1 5 7 7 7 7 5 1 6 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 1 3 2 3
if DELTA = 10, then the working set at time t1 (….7 5 1) is?

1. {1, 2, 4, 5, 6}

2.{2, 1, 6, 7, 3}

3.{1, 6, 5, 7, 2}

4. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:08:33

Increasing the RAM of a computer typically improves performance because ______

1.Virtual memory increases

2.Larger RAMs are faster

3.Fewer page faults occur

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:58:07

Management of metadata information is done by _____

1.file-organisation module

2. logical file system

3.basic file system

4.application programs

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:17:40

Mapping of file is managed by ________

1. file metadata

2. page table

3. virtual memory

4.file system

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:14:58

Mapping of network file system protocol to local file system is done by ______ file system

2.local file system

3.volume manager

4.remote mirror

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:15:16

The accuracy of the working set depends on the selection of _______

1. working set model

2.working set size

3.memory size

4.number of pages in memory

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:08:58

The algorithm in which we split m frames among n processes, to give everyone an equal share, m/n frames is known as _____

1.proportional allocation algorithm

2.equal allocation algorithm

3. split allocation algorithm

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:03:20

The implementation of the LFU and the MFU algorithm is very uncommon because ______

1.they are too complicated

2. they are optimal

3. they are expensive

4. All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:00:23

The maximum number of frames per process is defined by _______

1. the amount of available physical memory

2.operating System

3.instruction set architecture

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:02:59

The minimum number of frames to be allocated to a process is decided by the ______

1.the amount of available physical memory

2.operating System

3.instruction set architecture

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:01:49

The minimum number of page frames that must be allocated to a running process in a virtual memory environment is determined by ________

1.the instruction set architecture size

3.physical memory size

4. number of processes in memory

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:59:10

There is a set of page replacement algorithms that can never exhibit Belady’s Anomaly, called _____

1.queue algorithms

2.stack algorithms

3.string algorithms

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:57:21

Thrashing _______ the CPU utilization.


2.keeps constant


4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:06:39

To create a file _____

1.allocate the space in file system

2.make an entry for new file in directory

3.allocate the space in file system & make an entry for new file in directory

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:13:05

What is the mounting of file system?

1.crating of a filesystem

2.deleting a filesystem

3. attaching portion of the file system into a directory structure

4.removing the portion of the file system into a directory structure

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:14:34

What is the reason for using the LFU page replacement algorithm?

1. an actively used page should have a large reference count

2.a less used page has more chances to be used again is extremely efficient and optimal

4. all of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:59:30

What is the reason for using the MFU page replacement algorithm? actively used page should have a large reference count

2.a less used page has more chances to be used again is extremely efficient and optimal

4. All of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:59:57

When a page fault occurs before an executing instruction is complete if ______

1.the instruction must be restarted

2.the instruction must be ignored

3.the instruction must be completed ignoring the page fault

4. none of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:02:16

When a subroutine is called _________ defines a new locality is in the same locality from where it was called does not define a new locality

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:07:42

When using counters to implement LRU, we replace the page with the ______

1.smallest time value

2.largest time value

3. greatest size

4.none of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 13:56:17

When will file system fragmentation occur?

1.unused space or single file are not contiguous

2.used space is not contiguous

3. unused space is non-contiguous

4. multiple files are non-contiguous

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:16:08

Which file is a sequence of bytes organized into blocks understandable by the system’s linker?

1.object file

2.source file

3.executable file

4.text file

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:14:09

Which one of the following explains the sequential file access method?

1.random access according to the given byte number bytes one at a time, in order sequentially by record randomly by record

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:15:42

Which table contains the information about each mounted volume?

1.mount table

2.system-wide open-file table

3.per-process open-file table

4.All of the Mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:18:28

With either equal or proportional algorithm, a high priority process is treated ___________ a low priority process.

1. greater than

2.same as

3. lesser than

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:04:03

_____ replacement allows each process to only select from its own set of allocated frames.

1. Local




Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:04:44

______ is a unique tag, usually a number identifies the file within the file system.

1.File identifier

2.File name

3.File type

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:12:41

______ replacement allows a process to select a replacement frame from the set of all frames, even if the frame is currently allocated to some other process.

1. Local




Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:04:24

______ replacement generally results in greater system throughput.

1. Local

2. Global

3. Universal


Posted Date:-2022-03-29 14:05:24


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