Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R). Assertion (A) : Turkish invasions on India were successful. Reason (R) : There was no political unity in North India. Select the correct answer from the codes given below : Codes:
1.Both (A) and (B) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3.(A) is true, but (R) is false
4.A) is false, but (R) is true
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:49:07
In a single transferable vote system, each voter is required to -
1. Indicate one preference more than the seats to be filled up
2.Indicate one preference less than the total seats to be filled up
3.Indicate as many preferences as there are candidates to be elected
4.Indicate only a single preference
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:28:47
Monistic theory of sovereignty is stated by -
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:57:01
The central point of social contract theory is that the state is-
1.A man made institution
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:32:55
The President of India is elected by a proportional representation system through single transferable vote. This implies that
1. MPs and MLAs of different States have different numbers of votes
2.each elected MP or MLA has an equal number of votes
3.MPs and MLAs of a State have the same number of votes
4.all MPs and MLAs have one vote each
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:03:03
The system under which the peasant himself owns the land and is responsible for payment of land revenue to the Government is known as -
1.Zamindari system
2.Ryotwari system
3.Mahalwari system
4.Dahsala system
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 03:58:39
Three married couples are to be seated in a row having six seats in a Cinema Hall. Find the number of ways of their seating if all the ladies sit together.
4.None of These
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:43:14
What is the fascist view of state ?
1.Nation state is unquestionably sovereign
2.State is the instrument of exploitation in the hands of few
3.State is under the control of a king
4.State enhances the ideal of individualism
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:55:40
Which of the following are regarded as the main features of the 'Rule of Law' ? 1. Limitation of powers 2. Equality before law 3. People's responsibility to the Government 4. Liberty and civil rights. Select the correct answer using the code given below :
1. 1 and 3 only
2.2 and 4 only
3. 1, 2 and 4 only
4.1, 2, 3 and 4
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:45:20
Which of the following feature is/are contrary to the norms of a federal polity? 1. Common All India Service 2. Single integrated judiciary Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1. 2 only
2.1 only
3.Both 1 and 2
4.neither 1 nor 2
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:16:29
Which one among the following is a function of the Pro-Tem Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
1.Swear in the members of the House and hold the charge till a regular Speaker is elected
2.Conduct of the proceedings of the House in the absence of the Speaker
3. To check if the election certificates of the members of the House are in order
4.Give his assent to the bills passed by the House
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:09:15
Which one among the following is not true regarding the draft National Food Security Bill?
1.The draft Bill has been cleared by the empowered Group of Ministers of discussion in the Cabinet
2.Every BPL family in the country shall be entitled to 25 kg of wheat or rice per month @ Rs.3 per kg
3.The distribution will be on universal entitlement by ensuring coverage of every adult under the public distribution scheme
4.The Central Government shall allocate required quantity of wheat and/or rice from the central pool t
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:10:34
Which one of the following characteristics is not true for unitary form of Government?
1.Swift decision
3.Ideal for large countries
4.Uniformity of laws
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 03:59:35
Which one of the following reflects the most appropriate relationship between law and liberty ?
1. If there are more laws, there is less liberty
2. If there are no laws, there is no liberty
3. If there is liberty, laws have to be made by the people
4.If laws are changed too often, liberty is in danger
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:43:59
Who among the following Marxist thinkers has been described as 'a genius theoretician'?
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:34:19
Who is of the view that the sovereign cannot tax his subjects without their consent?
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:30:24
Who said that, "State is an organ of class rule, an organ for the oppression of one class by another ..."?
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:31:04
. Which one of the following has enhanced its power most from the system of delegated legislation?
1.The Legislature
2.The Legislative Committees
4.The Council of Ministers
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:25:42
A horizontal grouping of specialized activities is attained in an organization that is -
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:36:32
A particle having at least one dimension less than 10-7 metre. is known as -
1.Nano particle
2. Micro particle
3.Macro particle
4.Milli particle
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:47:01
According to Marx, the state came into being to-
1.Make life better 2)
2. Protect life and liberty
3.End exploitation of the poor
4.Legalize exploitation of the poor by the state
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:29:46
Chester Barnard developed a concept in respect of acceptance of authority by a subordinate from his manager. Identify it.
1. Motivation matrix
2.Decision making authority
3.Zone of indifference
4.Zone of coercive authority
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:40:14
Consider the following statements: 1. The five permanent members of the Security Council are the only countries recognised as nuclear-weapon States under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 2. The term of non-permanent members of the Council is five years. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1.1 only
2.2 only
3.Both 1 and 2
4.Neither 1 nor 2
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:17:21
Fascism believes in -
1.Dignity of Individual
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:57:43
Fascism believes in -
1.Dignity of Individual
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:06:30
Fascism believes in the application of the principle of -
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:51:54
In addition to Macaulay's Minutes on Education, another landmark Draft is also attributed to him. Identify the Draft from the following.
1.Draft of the Maritime Trade Policy
2.Draft of Indian Penal Code
3. Draft of Indian Forest Policy
4.Draft of the Zamindari Abolition Act
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:13:19
Monistic theory of sovereignty is stated by -
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:05:44
Rule of law prevails in -
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:56:24
Rule of law prevails in -
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:05:04
The emphasis of Indian federation is on-
1.Division of powers
2.Strength of states
3.Compromise with nationalities
4.Unity of the nation
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:33:38
The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India extends to
1.disputes between the Government of India and one or more States
2. treaties and agreements signed by the Government of India
3. disputes relating to implementation of the Directive Principles of State Policy
4.a bill passed by the Parliament which is violative of the Constitution
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:08:01
The socialist thinkers favour nationalisation of natural resources with a view-
1.To reduce the cost of production
2.To increase production
3.To avoid exploitation
4.To ensure their full utilisation
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:28:13
The theory of Monopolistic competition has been formulated in the United States of America by
1.Joan Robinson
2.Edward Chamberlin
3.John Bates Clark
4.Joseph Schumpeter
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:20:33
The volume of a vessel containing an ideal gas is doubled and its temperature (in °K) is also doubled. The pressure of the gas -
1.Is doubled
2.Is one-fourth of the original pressure
3.Is four times the original pressure
4.Remains unchanged
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:18:12
The volume of a vessel containing an ideal gas is doubled and its temperature (in °K) is also doubled. The pressure of the gas -
1.Is doubled
2.Is one-fourth of the original pressure
3.Is four times the original pressure
4.Remains unchanged
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:18:38
Two rabbits start running towards each other, one from A to B and another from B to A. They cross each other after one hour and the first rabbit reaches B, 5/6 hour before the second rabbit reaches A. If the distance between A and B is 50 km, what is the speed of the slower rabbit?
1. 20 km/h
2.10 km/h
3. 15 km/h
4.25 km/h
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 03:57:44
What can be the maximum representation from the Union Territories to the Lok Sabha ?
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:50:41
Which institution in a federal system is called 'Balancing Wheel of the Constitution'?
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:32:05
Which of the following is not found today a general characteristic of the party system in India?
1.Fragmentation and polarisation of parties
2.Most of the parties are based on ideology and concerned with national interest
3.Personality-oriented political parties
4.Mushroom growth of political parties
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:26:10
Which of the statements given below is/are correct?The Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) was first enforced in the hills of Assam. 2. The AFSPA is enforced in regions notified as 'disturbed area'. 3. Under the provisions of the Act, the Chief Minister of a State can declare the whole State or part of it as 'disturbed are'. Select the correct answer using the code given below: Code:
1. 1 and 2 only
2.2 and 3 only
3.2 and 3 only
4.1 only
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:12:25
Which one of the following is not included as a cause for disciplinary action against public servants by L.D. White?
2. Long absence from duty
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:41:29
Which one of the following is not included as a cause for disciplinary action against public servants by L.D. White?
2. Long absence from duty
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:42:18
Which one of the following types of bureaucracy exhibits a bias to wards party interests?
1.Guardian bureaukcracy 2) 3) 4) Merit bureaucracy
2.Caste bureaucracy
3.Patronage bureaucracy
4.Merit bureaucracy
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:27:17
Which one of the following was not supported by Taylor in his Scientific Management theory?
1.Efficiency evaluation experts
2.Concept of 'Economic Man
3.Functional foremanship
4.Standardization of tools
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 04:38:12
Who among the following maintains that persons carried into the state their natural rights from the state of nature?
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:29:03
Who said that Directive Principles are "aimed at furthering the goals of the social revolution or to foster this revolution by establishing the conditions necessary for its achievement"?
1.Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
2.B. N. Rau
3.Granville Austin
4.M. C. Chagla
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:22:02
Who said that Directive Principles are "aimed at furthering the goals of the social revolution or to foster this revolution by establishing the conditions necessary for its achievement"?
1.Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
2.B. N. Rau
3.Granville Austin
4.M. C. Chagla
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:23:11
Who said that Directive Principles are "aimed at furthering the goals of the social revolution or to foster this revolution by establishing the conditions necessary for its achievement"?
1.Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
2.B. N. Rau
3.Granville Austin
4.M. C. Chagla
Posted Date:-2022-02-03 05:24:00