Spring/Spring Mcq Questions Sample Test,Sample questions

Method to retrieve Spring ApplicationcWay to secure web app’s URL.

1.servlet filters p servlet filters



4.none of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-01-19 09:53:50

The responsibility of DelegatingFilterProxy is simply to delegate The responsibility of DelegatingFilterProxy is simply to delegate Filter chain configured by Spring security, when web app security enabled.


2. delegatingFilterProxy

3.none of the mentioned

4.all of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-01-19 10:04:01


  1. Spring Mcq Set 1
  2. Spring Mcq Set 2
  3. Spring Mcq Set 3
  4. Spring Mcq Set 4
  5. Spring Mcq Set 5
  6. Spring Mcq Set 6
  7. Spring Mcq Set 7
  8. Spring Mcq Set 8
  9. Spring Mcq Set 9
  10. Spring Mcq Set 10
  11. Spring Mcq Set 11
  12. Spring Mcq Set 12
  13. Spring Mcq Set 13
  14. Spring Mcq Set 14
  15. Spring Mcq Set 15
  16. Spring Mcq Set 16
  17. Spring Mcq Set 17
  18. Spring Mcq Set 18
  19. Spring Mcq Set 19
  20. Spring Mcq Questions
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