Canal irrigation is mainly found in the Northern Plains because of :
1.presence of perennial rivers,
2.Predominance of agriculture in the Northern Plains.
3.High demand for irrigation.
4.Different types of crops are grown in the Northern Plains.
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:21:57
A man made cause of soil erosion 15 :
1.Surface runoff
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:15:45
An irrigation method that helps in water conservation is--
1.Canal irrigation
2.Well irrigation
3. Tank irrigation
4.Drip Tank irrigation
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:14:05
Darjeeling is cooler than Kolkata in summer.
1.Due to higher altitude
2.Due to snowfall in Darjeeling
3.Due to depression
4.Due to high pressure
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:43:20
Give reasons for the following a) Most parts of India do not receive rainfall in winter.
1.Winter Monsoons are mainly off shore and have very less moisture.
2.The South-West summer monsoons are more powerful than winter monsoons
3.The winter monsoons cause rainfall in Tamil Nadu.
4.The winter monsoons are cold.
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:41:50
identity the winds which are shown in the map.
1.North-East Monsoon
2.Western Disturbances
3. Retreating South-West Monsoon
4.South-West Monsoon
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:33:36
Laterite soil is red in colour due to the presence of :
2.Iron oxides
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:28:30
Mangrove vegetation is mainly found in ?
1.Mountain areas
2.Saline areas
3.Arid areas
4.River valleys
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:56:11
One advantage of Canal irrigation:
1.It the cheapest source of irrigation
2.It provides water and makes agriculture possible even in dry and arid areas.
3.Canals can be easily constructed
4.Canals can be constructed in any terrain.
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:46:06
One of the methods of prevention of soil erosion and conservation is :
1. Jhum cultivation
2.Terrace farming
4.Traditional farming methods
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:24:40
Red soil is derived from:
1.Sedimentary rocks
2.Ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks
3.Porous and lava rocks
4.Deposition ot sediments brought bv the river
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:57:32
Social forestry aims at:
1.Community development
2.Watershed management
3.Crop rotation
4.Controlling soil erosion
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:12:12
Tank irrigation is mostly found in:
1.Deltaic parts of West Bengal
2.Northern Plains
3. Peninsular Plateau
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:39:29
The cheapest source of irrigation in India is :
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:30:03
The process involved in the formation of black soil is.
4.Weathering of lava rocks
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:54:28
The restoration of forests that has been largely destroyed is called
2. Reafforesation
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:53:08
The retreating monsoons cause heavy rainfall in:
1. Tamil Nadu
4.West Bengal
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:36:25
The Sunderbans are an example of:
1.Littoral Forest
2.Diciduous Forest
3.Coniferus Forest
4.Alpine Forest
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:59:16
The term "badlands' refer to areas affected by soil erosion in the region of :
1.Chambal and Yamuna river
2.Chotanagpur Pleateau
3.Arid areas of Rajasthan
4.Alpine areas of the Himalayas
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:38:26
The Thunder storms experienced in Kerala and Karnataka during the summer season are called:
3.Mango Showers
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:10:12
The transition period between the monsoon and winter season characterized by high temperature and Humidity is called:
2.Equable climate
3.Maritime climate
4.October Heat
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:17:31
The tropical evergreen forests of India are mainly located in:
1. The western slopes of Western Ghats
4.Himalayan region
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:23:14
The western disturbances mainly cause rainfall in:
4.Madhya Pradesh
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:26:22
What is burst of monsoon?
1. The sudden onset of monsoon in India during the month of June.
2.The cloud bursts experienced during Monsoon.
3.The heavy rainfall received in the North Eastern part of India.
4.The cyclones experienced during Monsoon.
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:25:38
Which of the following states receives very little rainfall from these winds?
1.Uttar Pradesh
2.Tamil Nadu
4.West Bengal
Posted Date:-2021-12-31 09:35:07