The desert regions of the world occupy about ________ part of the land surface of the earth.
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The earth rotates around its axis from ________
1.North to south
2.East to west
3.South to north
4.West to east
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The Earth rotates on its axis at an inclination of
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The Earth rotates-around an axis pointing towards ________
1.The moon
2.The pole star
3.The sun
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The Mohorovicic (Moho) Discontinuity separates
1.Outer core and Mantle
2.Inner and Outer core
3.Sima and Nife
4.Crust and Mantle
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The word used to describe the shape of earth is ________
4.Oblate spheroid
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Variation in duration of day and night is due to:1. rotation of earth on its axis2. revolution of earth around the sun3. inclination of earth at an angle of 66%.
1.1 and 2
2.2 and 3
3.1and 3
4.1 2 and 3
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
What are the imaginary lines encircling the Earth horizontally called?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following best describes longitude?
2.The distance between a place east or west of the Greenwich Meridian
3.The angular distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian
4.The position of a place on earth s surface with reference to the Prime Meridian
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following celestial body contains Helium-4 in abundance?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
________ is a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streams of reddish or greenish light in the sky especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
1-degree of latitude is equal to
1.11 Km
2.211 Km
3.111 Km
4.311 Km
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
After Sun which is the closest star to the Earth?
2. Sirius
3.Proxima centauri
4.Alpha centauri
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Albedo is defined as ________
1.UV radiations sent out by the SUN
2.A substance contained in the upper atmospheric layers of the earth which is responsible for the reflection of/a part of solar radiations
3.Celestial bodies in earth s atmosphere which add to the greenhouse effect
4.The amount of insolation reflected back to the space by the top of atmosphere by clouds and ice-covered areas of the Earth s surface
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
An aeroplane takes off from 30� N latitude 50� E longitude and lands at the opposite end of the earth. Where does it land?
1.30� N Lat. 50� W Long
2.30� S Lat. 130� W Long
3.50� N Lat. 30� W Long
4.30� N Lat. 130�W Long
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Antipodes are ________
1.Lines joining places having a time difference of 12 hours
2.Places diametrically opposite on earth s surface
3.Places located at a point where degree of latitude is equal to degree of longitude
4.Lines joining places having the same depths
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
At the summer solstice which one of the following latitudes will have the longest night?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Bridgmanite is
2.Name of a game
3.Earth s most abundant mineral
4.Name of a music
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Choose the incorrect statement
1.All meridians are of the same length
2.The axis of the earth is inclined at an angle of to the horizontal
3.The Sun s rays are vertical at all places on the days of the equinoxes
4.The summer solstice for the Southern Hemisphere is in December
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Day and night are formed
1.Due to the shape of the orbit of Earth
2.Due to the motion of revolution
3.Due to the speed of rotaion
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Days and nights are caused by :1. rotation of the earth on its axis2. revolution of the earth around the sun3. inclination of the earth s axis
1.Only 1 is correct
2.1 and 2 are correct
3.2 and 3 are correct
4.All are correct
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Days and nights are similar here
2.Main time zone
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Dolomite is a/an
1.Sedimentary rock
2.Plutonic rock
3.Igneous rock
4.Metamorphic rock
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
During Lunar eclipse which of the following is at the centre?
4.Any other planet
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Equinox occurs when the Sun is vertically above
1.Tropic of Capricorn
2.Tropic of Cancer
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Green House Effect means ________
1.Pollution in houses in tropical regions
2.Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric oxygen
3.Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide
4.Cultivation in green houses so as to check pollution
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
he South Pole experiences continuous light at ________
1.Summer solstice
2.Winter solstice
3.Vernal equinox
4.No time
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
How many time zones has the world been divided into?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
How much is the difference of time between any two consecutive longitudes?
1.10 minutes
2.14 minutes
3.4 minutes
4.30 minutes
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
If it is 4 P.M. on Monday at 150�W what will be the time at 150�E ?
1.4 a.m. on Tuesday
2.4 p.m. on Tuesday
3.4 p.m. on Sunday
4.12 Noon on Tuesday
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
If the earth s axis had not been inclined:I. temperature distribution would have been uniformII. days and nights would not have occurredIII. seasons would not have occurredIV. poles would not have a continuous day
1.IV and VI
2.II and IV
3.III and IV
4.II III and IV
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
In the context of time GMT means
1.General Meridian Time
2.Greenwich Mean Time
3.Global Mean Time
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Japan is called land of the rising sun because ________
1.Sun rises there as soon as it sets
2.Sun always remains in the eastern part of the sky throughout the day in Japan
3.Japan being the Eastern most country in the World it has the earliest sunrise
4.The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrise beautiful in Japan
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Latitude of place is indicative of its ________
3.Amount of rainfall
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Low tides are
4.Very Weak
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Lunar eclipse is caused when the ________
1.Moon comes between the sun and the earth
2.Earth comes between the sun and the moon
3.Sun comes between the earth and moon
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Lunar eclipse occurs on ________
1.New moon
2.Full moon
3.Half moon
4.Quarter moon
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Magnetic Meridian is a Line parallel to the equator of the
3.Line joining the geographic north and geographic south of Earth
4.Plane passing through the magnetic north and magnetic south of Earth
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Masses of stars and galaxies are usually expressed in ________.
1.Earth s mass
2.Solar mass
3.Lunar mass
4.Neutron mass
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of ________
1.34.5 miles
2.50 miles
3.60 miles
4.69 miles
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
One degree of the circumference of the earth measures(approx.) ________
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Sea tides show variations because of ________
1.Variations in gravitational pull of the moon
2.Variations in gravitational pull of the sun
3.Distorted spherical shape of the earth
4.Different phases of the moon
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The amount of insolation received at a place on the surface of the earth depends on ________
1.Its climate
2.Its latitude
3.Its longitude
4.Both (a)and (b)
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The antipodal position of a place located at 35� south and 80� west is
1.55� north and 80� East
2.35� north and 100� East
3.100�north and 80� East
4.55� south and 10� East
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The approximate diameter of the earth is ________
1.4200 Km
2.6400 Km
3.12800 Km
4.15600 Km
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The area of the Earth s total surface is of the order of ________.
1.510 million square kilometres
2.450 million square kilometres
3.400 million square kilometres
4.350 million square kilometres
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The axis of rotation of earth is tilted by 23.5� to the plane of revolution around the sun. The latitude of Mumbai is less than 23.5� whereas the latitude of Delhi is more than 23.5�. Which one of the following statements in this regard is correct?
1.The sun can come overhead at both these places
2.The sun will never come overhead at either of these places
3.At Mumbai the sun can come overhead but it will never do so at Delhi
4.At Delhi the sun can come overhead but it will never do so at Mumbai
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The Contour line is those imaginary line which show?
1.Areas of similar atmospheric pressure
2.Areas of similar temperature
3.Areas of similar height
4.Equal Sunning areas
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The deflection of the winds to the right in the northern hemisphere is caused by
1.Revolution of the Earth
2.Rotation of the Earth
3.Uneven heating of the Earth
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The distance between two consecutive longitudes (91� E and 92� E) at the Poles is
1.0 km
2.18 km
3.25 km
4.111 km
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The distance of the equator from either of the poles is ________
1.500 km
2.5001 km
3.10002 km
4.36005 km
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion) on ________
1.December 22nd
2.January 3rd
3.July 4th
4.June 21st
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The heavier silicates named Sima or silica + magnesium are most abundant in the ________
4.Ocean floors
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The imaginary line which connects places of similar height on map are?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The imaginary lines which connects the places of same temperature are called
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The International Dateline deflects to a side to avoid ________
1.Society islands
3.Aleutian Islands
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The location of a place A is at 60� E longitude and 30� S latitude while the location of B is at 60� E longitude and 45� N latitude. Time at B will be ________
1.Half an hour behind A
2.Half an hour ahead of A
3.Half an hour ahead or behind that of A
4.The same as that of A
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The network of the series of vertical and horizontal lines is known as
2.Geid System
4.Geographical Coordinates System
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The place which has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December is ________
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The point below the surface where an earthquake originates is called ________.
4.Eye of the Earthquake
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The point in the orbit of a moon that is farthest from the Earth and at which the moon s velocity is at a minimum the known as ________
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The position of the earth in its orbit when it is at its greatest distance from the Sun causing summer in the Northern hemisphere is ________
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The process of water getting evaporated from the surface of leaves is known as
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The process of water getting evaporated from the surface of leaves is known as Evaporation
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The shortest day in Australia will be on ________
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The speed of rotation of the earth is ________
1.25 km/sec.
2.31 km/sec.
3.39.5 km/sec.
4.9.72 km/sec.
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The sun is never overhead at any time in :I. North Temperate ZoneII. South Temperate ZoneIII. North Frigid ZoneIV. Torrid Zone
1.III only
2.I II and III
3.II and III
4.I II III and IV
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is called ________
3.Mohorovic discontinuity
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Tides are caused by the gravitational forces of
1.Of Earth on Moon
2.Of Earth on Sun
3.Of Sun and Moon on Earth
4.Of Moon on Earth
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Tides are complied and they vary from place to place because of ________
1.The movement of Moon in relation to Earth
2.Uneven distribution of water over the globe
3.Irregularities in the configuration of oceans
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
What can be the maximum duration of totality for a solar eclipse?
1.12.5 minutes
2.7 minutes 40 seconds
3.1 hour 40 seconds
4.There is no maximum duration
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
What is the alternate name for contour lines?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
What is the approximate circumference of Earth?
1.40000 Km
2.60000 Km
3.80000 Km
4.100000 Km
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
When a ship crosses Date line from west to east ________
1.It loses one day
2. It gains one day
3.It loses half a day
4.It gains half a day
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
When does tides rise in sea?
1.Only on lunar day
2.Full Moon and half Moon
3.When Moon is on first phase
4.Only half Moon
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
When it is 12:00 noon in India the time in San Francisco (USA) would be closed to ________
1.11 : 30 p.m.
2.11 : 30 p.m. of previous day
3.8 : 30 p.m.
4.8 : 30 p. m. of previous day
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
When the clock strikes 12:00 noon at Greenwich it strikes 5:30 p.m. at place X on the same day. What is the meridian of longitude of place X ?
1.97�30 E
2.97�30 W
3.82�30 E
4.82�30 W
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
When the Moon completely covers the Sun it is known as?
1.The Antumbra
2.The Umbra
3.The Penumbra
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which among the following imaginary line lies at 0� latitude?
2.Tropic of Cancer
3.Tropic of Capricorn
4.Prime Meridian
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following is caused by the combine deffects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun on sea levels?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following is not an effect produced by rotation of earth?
1.It causes days and nights
2.All heavenly bodies like sun moon planets appear to move from East to West
3.Winds change their directions
4.Poles have days and nights of 6 months duration
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following pair is CORRECT? I. Prime Meridian � Longitude II. Tropic of Cancer � Latitude III. Equator � Latitude
1.1 and 2
2.1 and 3
3.2 and 3
4.All options are correct
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following pair is incorrect?
1.0� longitude � Prime Meridian
2.0� longitude � Equator
3.0� latitude � Equator
4.23.5� North � Tropic of Cancer
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following phenomenon is/are the effect of the rotation of the Earth? 1. Apparent movement of the Sun the Moon and the Stars.2. Flatness of the poles and bulge at the Equator.3. Occurrence of sunrise noon and sunset4. Magnetic field of the earth.
1.1 and 2
2.2 and 3
3.1 2 and 3
4.1 2 3 and 4
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the following statements regarding the International Date line are correct?1. It is a longitude of 180�2. It is determined by 180� longitude but is not a straight line3. It is a Greenwich meridian helping in fixing time and date4. It solves the problem of time and date among the World s nations
1.2 and 3
2.3 and 4
3.4 and 5
4.2 and 4
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which of the followings are related with Lithosphere ?
1.Plant and Insect
2.Earth s Interior
3.Earth s Crust
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which one of the following elements is most abundant in the earth s crust?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which one of the following has geographical position of 0 degree latitude and 0 degree longitude?
1.In the South Atlantic Ocean
2.In the Mediterranean Sea
3.In Ghana a West African-country
4.At Greenwich Observatory in England
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of percent by mass in the earth s crust?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which one of the following is the time required for the Earth to return to a given point in its orbit with reference to fixed star called?
1.Lunar year
2.Solar year
3.Tropical year
4.Sideral year
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the Earth?
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Who Invented Universal Standard Time?
1.Enrico Fermi
2.Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick
3.Sandford Fleming
4.Benoit Fourneyron
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44
Why are winters more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere?
1.Earth is tilted towards the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere
2.Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight
3.Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere
4.Southern Hemisphere is less inhabited
Posted Date:-2021-12-25 11:06:44