Software Testing/Software Testing Mcq Set 4 Sample Test,Sample questions

 A document that contains description of any event that has happened, which requires further investigation is called as _____

1. Test Summary Report

2.Defect Report

3. Bug Report

4. Incident Report

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:52:52

 Difference between Retesting and Regression Testing is _____

1.Retesting ensures the original fault has been removed where as regression testing looks for unexpected side-effects.

2.Retesting looks for unexpected side-effects where as regression testing ensures the original fault has been removed.

3.Retesting is done after faults are fixed where as regression testing is done earlier

4.Retesting is done by developers whereas regression testing is done by independent testers

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:59:17

 If the project is small then we used ______ .

1.Iterative model

2.V model

3. Agile model

4.Spiral model

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:42:21

 In Selenium variables are stored in _____




4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:38:29

 Software Tester focuses more on complex part of the software. Which of the following testing principles implies this?

1.Testing shows presence of defects

2.Pesticide paradox

3.Testing is context dependent

4. Defect Clustering

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:47:23

 Variable can be saved in which format?



3.Both of these

4.None of these

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:02:45

 What do you verify in White Box Testing?

1. Testing of each statement, object and function on an individual basis.

2.Expected output.

3.The flow of specific inputs through the code.

4.all of the above.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:49:33

 What is an Equivalence Partition?

1.A set of test cases for testing classes of objects.

2. An input or output range of values such as have only one value in the range becomes a test case.

3. An input or output range of values such that each value in the range becomes a test case

4.An input or output range of values such that every tenth value in the range becomes a test case.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:51:14

 What is the example of Load Testing?

1.Downloading large contents from the internet.

2.Running multiple applications on a computer or server simultaneously.

3.Printing large document using printer in a queue.

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:58:45

 Which Command is used to extend the time limit of WAITFOR Command?

1.Extend waitFor (time in sec)

2.waitFor (time in sec) extend

3.setTimeout (time in sec)


Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:40:18

 Which is not a part of Decision Table?

1.Rule portion

2.Driver portion

3.Condition portion

4.Action portion

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:42:42

 Which of the following statements is correct to perform a successful Software Testing Process?

1.Conduct formal technical reviews prior to testing.

2.Specify requirements in a quantifiable manner.

3.Option A and B are correct

4.None of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:48:16

 Which of the followings is/are characteristic/s of Stress Testing?

1. It is a type of Non Functional Testing

2.It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results.

3.It is used to determine the stability of a given system.

4.all of the above.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:58:22

 Which of the followings is/are not a Specification Based Technique?

1. Cause-Effect Table

2.State transition Testing

3.Decision Coverage

4.Use case Testing

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:52:05

 Which of the followings is/are not a type of SDLC models?

1.Big bang model

2.Code and fix model

3. Agile model

4.Capability maturity Model

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:56:53

 Which testing cannot be performed by QA Team?

1.Equivalence Partitioning Testing

2.End-to-end Testing

3.Fuzz Testing

4.Destructive Testing

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:01:55

 Windows Socket Script is used in _____

1.LRS function

2. LRT function

3.Both of these

4.None of these

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:39:26

A chronological record of relevant details about the execution of tests is called as, a _______ .

1.Test suite

2.Test procedure

3.Test data

4.Test log

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:52:29

A new project manager takes the control of a project that is in development phase. What will be his first goal?

1.Establish relationship with customer.

2.Modify team according to his management style.

3.Learn project objective and existing plan.

4.Ensures the project progress at Current Place.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:50:34

A theme park charges entry fee based on age group. For children below 3 it charges nothing, for 3-10 it charges Rs. 500/-, for 10-18 it charges Rs. 800/-,then for 18-60 it charges Rs. 1000/- and above 60 it charges Rs. 500/- again. Using Boundary Value Analysis, what will be the values to test if person pays Rs. 500/- entry fee?

1. 0,2,3

2. 2,3,10,11,59,60,100,102



Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:51:40

Abbreviate the term SDLC?

1.System Design Life cycle

2. Software Design Life Cycle

3.System Development Life Cycle

4. Software Development Life Cycle

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:01:08

After deployment of a system, a software is incorrectly performs one of its major functionality, at that time who is going to determine how badly it will hamper the Organization?

1.QA Personnel

2. Developer

3. Technical People

4.Business Analyst

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:56:00

First component of the DFD is _____




4.Level 3

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:41:55

Minimum of four test data are available in ______ .

1.Boundary Value Analysis

2.Equivalence Class Partitioning

3.Both A and B

4.None of these.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:41:30

Selenium is compatible with _______ .

1.CSS1.0 and CSS 2.0

2.CSS1.0, CSS 2.0, and CSS 3.0 selectors

3.CSS 2.0, and CSS 3.0 selectors

4.CSS1.0, CSS 2.0, CSS 3.0 and CSS 4.0 selectors

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:03:16

STLC is related to which model?

1.Waterfall Model

2.RAD Model

3.V Model

4. Spiral Model

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:02:22

The customer is very cautious about the quality of a product. He needs all the combination of inputs and preconditions to be tested. Among using which of the testing principles the tester should tell the customer that such kind of testing is not feasible?

1.Absence of error fallacy

2.Defect clustering

3. Pesticide paradox

4.Exhaustive testing

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:54:42

The defect cluster change over time. Which of the followings testing principles implies this?

1.Testing shows presence of defects

2. Pesticide paradox

3.Testing is context dependent

4. Defect Clustering

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:54:13

To modify the amount of time that QTP waits for a web page to load and Change the Browser Navigation Timeout, so in which tab of test case setting do we have to go?


2. Resources

3. Web

4.Web Settings

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:41:08

Top-down Design does not require ______ .

1.Step-wise Refinement

2. Loop-invariants

3.Flow charting


Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:01:32

Which graph is not available when Viewing Summary Data?

1.Data Point

2.Web page breakdown

3.Error graphs

4.All of these

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:39:02

Which is the odd one out?





Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:39:53

Which is the odd one out?

1. Beta testing

2. Beta release

3.Client side

4.Client or development side

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:59:43

Which is/are not the benefits of Independent Testing?

1.Detect different defects than programmer

2.Can spend money on tester training

3.Can blame programmer for poor quality

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:53:29

Which model would be prefered for college level students to develop a software?

1.Waterfall model

2.Spiral model

3.Agile model

4.Code and Fix model

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:00:46

Which of the following advantages of Iterative Model?

1.Early revenue generation

2.Simpler to manage

3.Divided workload

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:56:21

Which of the following are the objectives of Software Testing?

1.Determines that software product satisfy specified requirements

2.Demonstrate that software products are fit for use

3.Detect defects

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:43:58

Which of the following is not another name for Structural Testing?

1. White box Testing

2.Glass box Testing

3.Behavioural Testing

4.None of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:48:41

Which of the following situations can we say “There is a Defect”?

1. A requirement is not implemented

2.A requirement is wrongly implemented

3.Something extra is implemented which is not specified in URS

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:55:06

Which of the following situations in Regression Testing is not performed?

1.when project manger asks to perform.

2. When new functionality is introduced.

3.When database system is changed

4.When system is installed on different hardware configuration than previously tested.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:57:55

Which of the following techniques will ensures that the impact of risk will be less?

1.Risk Avoidance Technique

2. Risk Mitigation Technique

3.Risk Contingency Technique

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:55:29

Which of the followings is NOT a White Box Technique?

1.Statement testing

2.Path testing

3. Data flow testing

4.None of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:47:49

Which of the followings is/are a characteristics of Agile development?

1. Shared code ownership

2. Implement the simplest solution to meet today's problem

3. Continual feedback from customer

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:57:26

Which regular expression sequence loosely translates to "anything or nothing?"

1..* (dot star)

2.*. (star dot)



Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:38:06

___ is an existing defect that has not yet caused a failure because the conditions that is required to invoke the defect is not meet.

1.Masked defect

2. Latent defect

3.Both of these

4. None of these.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 10:00:08

____ is enable us to analyze the breakdown of child requirement according to test coverage status.

1.Coverage Analysis

2. Requirement View

3.Requirement Grid

4.Requirement Tree

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:43:10

____ shows that the accumulation of defects in QC Project.

1.Defect Summary Graph

2.Defect Progress Graph

3.Defect Age Graph

4.Defect Trend Graph

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:43:34

_____ is used to calls the recorded Analog File.


2. CallAnalog

3. ExecuteAnalog

4. Call to existing

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:40:47

_____ verifies that all elements mesh properly and overall system functions/performance is achieved.

1. Integration testing

2. Validation testing

3.Unit testing

4.System Testing

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:49:58

______ refers to the set of tasks that ensures the software correctly implements a specific function.

1. Verification



4.None of the above.

Posted Date:-2021-12-21 09:49:07


  1. Software Testing Mcq Set 1
  2. Software Testing Mcq Set 2
  3. Software Testing Mcq Set 3
  4. Software Testing Mcq Set 4
  5. Software Testing Mcq Set 5
  6. Software Testing Mcq Set 6
  7. Software Testing Mcq Set 7
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