For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: diverging
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 05:16:08
By what is the drawing up the watch by its chain compared?
1.pulling a train's chain.
2.leash of a dog. a bucket from a well.
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 07:08:12
1. to make for something given benefits off
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 06:50:10
How did Oak's friends judge his character?
1.When his friends and critics were in tantrums, he was considered a bad man.
2.When his friends and critics were in tantrums, he was considered a good man.
3.When his friends and critics were in good mood, he was considered a bad man.
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 07:00:40
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 06:48:22
This instrument being several years older than Oak's grandfather, had the peculiarity of going either too fast or not at all. Which instrument' is being talked about here?
1.Tractor used in farming
2.Equipment used in farming
3.His watch
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 06:57:48
What did the narrator compare the rays in a rudimentary sketch of the rising sun with ?
1. The comers of farmer Oak's mouth that spread till they were within an unimportant distance of his ears.
2.Farmer Oak's eyes which were reduced to chinks.
3.Diverging wrinkles that appeared round farmer Oak's eyes.
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 06:53:04
What has the author told about Gabriel Oak's appearance? Which of the following combination of sentences best summarizes the answer ?
1.Mr. Oak carried about him, by way of watch, what may be called a small silver clock; in other words, it was a watch as to shape and intention, and a small clock as to size. This instrument being several years older than Oak's grandfather, had the pe
2.Since Oak lived six times as many working-days as Sundays, Oak s appearance in his old clothes
3.When Farmer Oak smiled, the corners of his mouth spread till they were with in an unimportant distance of his ears, his eyes were reduced to chinks, and diverging wrinkles appeared round them. On wor
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 07:15:41
When was Gabriel Oak hampered by his best clothes and umbrella?
1.On Sundays
2.On working days
3.On all the days
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 06:54:33
Which peculiarity about Oak's grandfather s watch has been mentioned in the passage?
1. It was a big silver clock and older than Oaks grandfather.
2.It was a small golden clock.
3.Of going either too fast or not at all
Posted Date:-2021-12-17 07:04:21