.Which among the following is/ are true about the treaty of Poona of 1817?1. Peshwa Bajirao II relinquished the post of the leader of the Maratha empire2. Bajirao II gave up some parts of his territory to the British3. Bajirao II was forced not to make an alliance with any external power without British consentChoose the correct option from the codes given below :
1.1 only
2.1 & 2
3.1 & 3
4.1 2 & 3
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Alluri Sitarama Raju was associated with which among the following rebellion?
1.Eka Movement
2. Rampa Movement
3.Moplah Rebellion
4.Indigo Revolt
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Arrange chronologically the following viceroys of India according to the year of their appointment1. Lord Canning2. Lord Mayo3. Lord Elgin4. Lord LyttonChoose the correct option from the codes given below :
1.1 2 3 4
2.1 3 2 4
3.1 2 4 3
4.1 4 3 2
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
At which of the following places the Dutch established their earliest factory in India?
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Before appointed as the governor-general of India Lord Ellenborough served the post of President of the Board of Control for how many times?
1.2 times
2.4 times
3.5 times
4.He was never appointed as the President of the Board of Control
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Charu Shila Devi was associated with which of the following incidents?
1.Kakori Conspiracy 1925
2.Muzzafarpur Bombing Case 1908
3.Lahore Conspiracy Case 1931
4.Chittagong armoury raid 1930
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Earthquakes in Bihar and Quetta took place during the viceroyalty of who of the following?
1.Lord Hardinge II
2. Lord Willingdon
3.Lord Ripon
4. Lord Wavell
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Gandhis fast in which jail led to the Poona Pact on 20 September 1932?
1.Pune Jail
2.Bombay Jail
3.Yerwada Jail
4.Nagpur Jail
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
How was the Constituent Assembly given a broader social basis after the withdrawal of the Muslim league from the Constituent Assembly?
1.By nominating independent members from various minority groups
2.By nominating independent members from various caste and religious groups
3.By nominating independent members of different castes religious groups and women and also by taking in representatives of the princely states
4.By taking in representatives of the princely states and asking for written submission from the public at large
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
In which of the following sessions of Indian National Congress Dadabhai Nouroji unfurled the flag of Swaraj for India?[A] Kolkata session 1890[B] Kolkata Session 1906[C] Kolkata session 1911[D] Lahore Session 1900
1.Kolkata session 1890
2.Kolkata session 1890
3.Kolkata session 1911
4.Lahore Session 1900
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Jawahar Lal Nehru wrote the book Discovery of India in which of the following jails?
1.Ahmadnagar Fort Jail
2.Alipur Central Jail
3.Yervada Jail
4.Deoli Camp Jail
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Morley-Minto Reforms was passed on which year?
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Simon commission was appointed during which of the following viceroys?
1.Lord Irwin
2.Lord Reading
3.Lord Hardinge II
4.Lord Linlithgow
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
The Chamber of Princes was established in which year?
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
The crafts colony near Amritsar build by Ranjit Singh was declared as the UNESCO heritage site in which year?
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
The first tea company in Assam was established in which of the following year?
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
The unarmed Sanyasis were killed in 1771 on the orders of which of the following?
1.Warren Hastings
2.Lord Dalhousie
3.Lord William Bentinck
4.Lord Curzon
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which among the following imposition of tax duties was/ were recommended by James Wilson?
1.Income Tax
2.License duties on trade and profession
3.Excise duty on tobacco
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which among the following is the first Engineering college of India?
1. IIT Roorkee
2. IIT Bombay
3.Calcutta College of Engineering
4.Puna College of Engineering
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which among the following revolts were carried out by the Communists?1 Tebhaga Movement2 Telangana Movement3 Naxalbari Movement4 Andhra Pradesh MovementChoose the correct option from the codes given below:
1.1 & 2
2.1 & 3
3.1 3 & 4
4.1 2 3 & 4
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following British military officer defeated Tipu Sultan in India Napolean Bonaparte in Europe and eventually became the the Duke of Wellington?
1.Arthur Wellesley
2.Robert Clive
3.Warren Hastings
4.Richard Wellesley
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following clearly defines the meaning of the word Tattobodhini?
1.Truth Seeker
4.Attainment of Swaraj
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following European Powers introduced Railways in India?
1.The Portuguese
2.The French
3.The Britishers
4.The Dutch
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following event took place during the viceroyship of John Lawrence?1. Famine in Odisha2. Bhutanese war3. Telegraph line was started between Indian and Europe4. The rail line from Ambala to Delhi was constructedChoose the correct option from the codes given below :
1.1 & 3
2.1 2 & 3
3.2 & 4
4.1 2 3 & 4
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following French Commander was defeated in the battle of Wandiwash in 1760?
1.Count Lally
2.Francis Martin
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following Governor-General changed the official language of the courts of Justice from Persian to English?
1.Lord Cornwallis
2.Lord William Bentick
3.Lord Hardinge
4.Lord Dalhousie
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following person returned his token of honour to Government of India on May 30 1919?
1.Mahatma Gandhi
2.Tej Bahadur Sapru
3.Ravindranath Tagore
4.Jamna Lal Bajaj
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following post of British India was replaced by the President of India after Indias independence?
1.Governor-General of India
2.Secretary of State for India
3.Emperor of India[D]
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following revolutionaries attained martyrdom in Lahore jail after a 63-day hunger strike in 1929?
1. Batukeshwar Dutt
2.Jai Gopal
3.Jatin Das
4.Jiban Ghoshal
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following statements are correct?1 August offer- 19402 The arrival of the Cabinet Mission-19463 Muslim League Launches Direct Action- 19464 Jinnahs Wrecking of the Shimla Conference- 1945Select the correct option from the codes given below:
1.1 2 & 3
2.2 3 & 4
3.1 2 & 4
4.1 2 3 & 4
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following war led the British to switch to policy of masterly inactivity?
1.First Anglo-Afghan War
2.Second Anglo-Afghan War
3.First Anglo-Sikh War
4.First Anglo-Maratha War
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following was not a major import of India during 18th century?
1.Lord Cornwallis
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following was the first Indian native ruler to accept the system of subsidiary alliance?
1.Sindhia of Gwalior
2.Nawab of Awadh
3. Dilip Singh of Punjab
4.Nizam of Hyderabad
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following was the result of the recommendations of new Police Commission set up in 1902?1 The village chawkidar was placed under the village headman2 The supervision and control of the village headman was the responsibility of the Collector or the Deputy Commissioner and his deputies3 The post of Deputy Superintendent of Police was createdSelect the correct option from the codes given below:
1.Only 1 & 2
2.Only 2 & 3
3.Only 1 & 3
4.1 2 & 3
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which of the following was the successor of Haider Ali?
1.Tipu sultan
2.Krishnaraja Wodeyar III
3.Kanthirava Narasaraja
4.Chikka Devaraja
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Which one of the following is connected with the �Blue Water policy?
1.De Almeida
4.Robert Clive
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who among the following are the Indian members of the Muddiman Committee?1. Sir Sivaswami Aiyar2. Sir Tejbahadur Sapru3. Dr. R P Paranjape4. Mohammad Ali JinnahChoose the correct option from the codes given below:
1.1 & 3
2.2 & 3
3.1 2 & 4
4.1 2 3 & 4
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who among the following established the Madras Labour Union?
1.V Kalyanasundaram Mudaliarm
2.BP Wadia
3.Both of them
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who among the following is considered to be the only woman in freedom struggle to go to jail for 42 times?
1.Sarojini Naidu
2. Kanaklata Barua
3.Mani Ben
4.Sushila Nayyar
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who among the following served the post of the president when SC Bose resigned from INC?
1.Abul Kalam Azad
2.Maulana Md Ali
3.CR Das
4.Rajendra Prasad
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who among the following was the chairman of the Press Law Inquiry Committee of 1948?
1.Hridaynath Basu
2.Ganganath Jha
3.Deenanath Pandey
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who among the following was the editor of the newspaper Bengal Kirkaru?
1.Charles Maclean
2.William Duane
3.Robert Knight
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who among the following was the founder of the Indian Society of Oriental Art?
1. Rabindranath Tagore
2.Aurobindo Ghosh
3. Abanindranath Tagore
4.Debendranath Tagore
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who headed the Arbital Tribunal set up for the settlements of unresolved questions between India and Pakistan at the time of partition?
1.Henry Vivian Derozio
2.Sir Patrick Spens
3.Sir William Wedderburn
4.Sir Pherozshah Mehta
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who led the opposition to Curzons invasion of Tibet and the partition of Bengal?
1.Sir Patrick Spens
2.Sir Henry Cotton
3.Sir William Wedderburn
4.Henry Vivian Derozio
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who of the following invited Jawaharlal Nehru to form the Interim government?
1.Ramsay Macdonald
2.Lord Wavell
3.Clement Atlee
4.Winston Churchill
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who of the following is known as the founder of the modern Indian postal service?
1.Lord Hardinge I
2.Warren Hastings
3.Lord Dalhousie
4.Lord Cornwallis
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who of the following said �It was a bold brave and wise measure� about the permanent settlement of Lord Cornwallis?
1.R. C. Dutt
4.Baden Powell
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who of the following viceroy started financial decentralization in India?
1.Lord Canning
2.Lord Mayo
3.Lord Lyton
4.Lord Lawrence
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33
Who was the viceroy of India when the Prince of Wales later King Edward VIII came to India?
1. Lord Hardinge II
2.Lord Ripon
3.Lord Lytton
4.Lord Chelmsford
Posted Date:-2021-11-05 11:45:33