A good example of the American outdooe activities is sports.
1.A good example of the American outdooe activities is sports.
2.A good example of the American outdooe activities are sport.
3.A good example of the American outdooe activities are sports events.
4.A good example of the American outdooe activities are to be found in sports.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
A row of trees was to be planted in front of the house.
1.A row of trees was to be planted in front of the house.
2.A row of trees were planted in front of the house.
3.A row of trees were to be planted in front of the house.
4.A row of trees was planted in front of the house.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
After Bill had runned the mile he was breathless.
1.After Bill had runned the mile he was breathless.
2.After Bill has ran the mile he was breathless.
3.After Bill had runned the mile he was breathless.
4.After Bill had run the mile, he was breathless.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
After hearing them, the listener wants to buy recordings of music.
1.After hearing them, the listener wants to buy recordings of music.
2.After hearing them, the listener want to buy recordings of music.
3.By hearing them, the listener wants to buy recordings of music.
4.By hearing them, the listeners wants to buy recordings of music.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
At the picnic, the young chhildren behave very good.
1.At the picnic, the young chhildren behave very good.
2.At the picnic, the young chhildren behave better.
3.At the picnic, the young chhildren behave very well.
4.At the picnic, the young chhildren behaved very well.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Because he did not have an invitation, the girls object to him going.
1.Because he did not have an invitation, the girls object to him going.
2.Because he did not have an invitation, the girls objected to him going.
3.Because he did not have an invitation, the girls objected to his going.
4.Because he did not have an invitation, the girls object to his going.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Both the body and the mind have needs of exercise.
1.Both the body and the mind have needs of exercise.
2.Both the body and the mind is needful of exercise.
3.Both the body and the mind needed exercise.
4.Both the body and the mind need exercise.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Each of your papers are filed for future reference.
1.Each of your papers are filed for future reference.
2.Each of your papers have been filed for future reference.
3.Each of your papers are to be filed for future reference.
4.Each of your papers has been filed for future reference.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
He was compliminted on having done a fine job.
1.He was compliminted on having done a fine job.
2.He was complimented on having done a fine job.
3.He was complemented on having done a fine job.
4.He did get complimented on having done a fine job.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
His father or his mother did read to him every night since he was very small.
1.His father or his mother did read to him every night since he was very small.
2.His father or his mother have been reading to him every night since he was very small.
3.His father or his mother had read to him every night since he was very small.
4.His father or his mother has read to him every night since he was very small.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
I do not know where to council in this case.
1.I do not know where to council in this case.
2.I do not know when to counsel in this case.
3.I do not know what to counsel in this case.
4.I do not know what to council in this case.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
I find that the essential spirit for we who begin are missing.
1.I find that the essential spirit for we who begin are missing.
2.I find that the essential spirit for us beginners are missing.
3.I find that the essential spirit for us beginners is missing.
4.I find that the essential spirit for we beginners are missing.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
I found the place in the book more readily than he.
1.I found the place in the book more readily than he.
2.I found the place in the book more ready than she.
3.I found the place in the book more quickly than her.
4.I found the place in the book more readily than she.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
I know of no other person in the club who are more kind hearted than they.
1.I know of no other person in the club who are more kind hearted than they.
2.I know of no other person in the club who are more kind hearted than them.
3.I know of no other person in the club whom are more kind hearted than she.
4.I know of no other person in the club who is more kind hearted than she.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
I resolved to depart irregardless of the consequences.
1.I resolved to depart irregardless of the consequences.
2.I resolved to go regarding of the consequences.
3.I resolved to go regardingly of the consequences.
4.I resolved to go regardless of the consequences.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
I wish that he took his work more serious.
1.I wish that he took his work more serious.
2.I wish that he will take his work more serious.
3.I wish that he shall take his work more seriously.
4.I wish that he would take his work more seriously.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
If anyone has any doubt about the values of the tour, refer him to me.
1.If anyone has any doubt about the values of the tour, refer him to me.
2.If anyone has any doubt about the values of the tour, refer me to he.
3.If anyone has any doubt about the values of the tour, refer them to me.
4.If anyone has any doubt about the values of the tour, refer he to I.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
If more nations would fight against tyranny, the course of history would have been different.
1.If more nations would fight against tyranny, the course of history would have been different.
2.If more nations could have fought against tyranny, the course of history would have been different.
3.If more nations fought against tyranny, the course of history would have been different.
4.If more nations had fought against tyranny, the course of history would have been different.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
If only we had began before it was too late.
1.If only we had began before it was too late.
2.If only we would have begun before it was too late.
3.If only we had begun before it was too late.
4.If only we had beginned before it was too late.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
In schools, teachers advise their students to listen to or to view certain programs.
1.In schools, teachers advise their students to listen to or to view certain programs.
2.In schools, teachers advise there students to listen to or to view certain programs.
3.In schools, the teachers advise their students to listen to or to view certain programs.
4.In schools, teachers advise his students to listen to or to view certain programs.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
It were the worse storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.
1.It were the worse storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.
2.It was the worst storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.
3.It was the worsest storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.
4.It was the most worse storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
It would not be safe for either you or me to travel in Vietnam.
1.It would not be safe for either you or me to travel in Vietnam.
2.It would not be safe for either I or you to travel in Vietnam.
3.It would not be safe for either of you or I to travel in Vietnam.
4.It would not be safe for either of I or you to travel in Vietnam.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Last night, the stranger leaded us down the mountain.
1.Last night, the stranger leaded us down the mountain.
2.Last night, the stranger let us down the mountain.
3.Last night, the stranger led us down the mountain.
4.Last night, the stranger had let us down the mountain.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Radio and television programs along with other media of communication helps us to be appreciate of the arts and to keep informed.
1.Radio and television programs along with other media of communication helps us to be appreciate of the arts and to keep informed.
2.Radio and television programs along with other media of communication helps us to be appreciative of the arts and to keep informed.
3.Radio and television programs along with other media of communication help us to be appreciative of the arts and to be informed.
4.Radio and television programs along with other media of communication help us to appreciate the arts and to keep informed.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
She is more capable than any girl in the office.
1.She is more capable than any girl in the office.
2.She is more capable than any other girl in the office.
3.She is more capable than other girl in the office.
4.She is more capable than other girls in the office.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
The butter tastes rancid.
1.The butter tastes rancid.
2.The butter taste rancidly.
3.The butter taste rancidly.
4.The butter taste rancid.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
The cost of living are rising again.
1.The cost of living are rising again.
2.The cost of living is rising again.
3.The cost of living are rising again.
4.The cost of living is risen again.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
The new movie has a number of actors which had been famous on Broadway.
1.The new movie has a number of actors which had been famous on Broadway.
2.The new movie has a number of actors who had been famous on Broadway.
3.The new movie has a number of actors who have been famous on Broadway.
4.The new movie has a number of actors that have been famous on Broadway.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
There was fewer candidates than we had been lead to expect.
1.There was fewer candidates than we had been lead to expect.
2.There were fewer candidates than we were expecting.
3.There was lesser candidates than we had been led to expect.
4.There were fewer candidates than we had led to expect.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
This is Tom whom I am sure will be glad to help you.
1.This is Tom whom I am sure will be glad to help you.
2.This is Tom which I am sure will be glad to help you.
3.This is Tom who, I am sure, will be glad to help you.
4.This is Tom that I am sure will be glad to help you.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
This play is different than the one we have seen last night.
1.This play is different than the one we have seen last night.
2.This play is different of the one we had saw last night.
3.This play is different with the one we have saw last night.
4.This play is different from the one we saw last night.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
To we the Americans the daily news program has become important.
1.To we the Americans the daily news program has become important.
2.To us Americans the daily news program has become important.
3.To us the Americans the daily news program has become important.
4.To we and us Americans the daily news program has become important.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
We expect that the effects of the trip will be beneficial.
1.We expect that the effects of the trip will be beneficial.
2.We expect that the effects of the trip should be beneficial.
3.We expect that the effects of the trip would beneficial.
4.We expect that the affects of the trip will be beneficial.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Weekly dances had become a popularly accepted feature of the summer schedule.
1.Weekly dances had become a popularly accepted feature of the summer schedule.
2.Weekly dances have become a popularly eccepted feature of the summer schedule.
3.Weekly dances has become a popularly eccepted feature of the summer schedule.
4.Weekly dances have become a popularly accepted feature of the summer schedule.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
When operas are performed on radio or television, they inflict the listener.
1.When operas are performed on radio or television, they inflict the listener.
2.When operas are performed on radio or television, they these effect the listeners.
3.When operas are performed on radio or television, they affects listeners.
4.When operas are performed on radio or television, they affect listening.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Who, do you think, has sent me a letter?
1.Who, do you think, has sent me a letter?
2.Whom do you think has sent me a letter?
3.Who did you think has sent me a letter?
4.Whom can you think has sent me a letter?
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36
Wilson has scarcely an equal as a pitcher.
1.Wilson has scarcely an equal as a pitcher.
2.Wilson has hardly no equal as a pitcher.
3.Wilson had scarcely no equal as a pitcher.
4.Wilson has scarcely an equals as a pitcher.
Posted Date:-2021-09-13 22:00:36