A constitutional government means:
1.An arbitrary government with a despotic ruler
2.A government limited by the terms of the constitution
3.A government in which the head of the state enjoys very nominal powers
4.A government which is not subject to any restraints
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A rigid constitution:
1.Must be written
2. Must be unwritten
3.Must be written or unwritten
4.Has no relation with the written character of the constitution
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A written constitution is one:
1.In which most, but not all, of the provisions are unwritten
2. In which most of the provisions are written
3.In which more than half of the provisions are written
4.Which is completely written
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
An enacted constitution is:
1. The result of slow process of evolution
2.Enacted after deliberation and discussion
3.One which has reduced the customs and conventions into writing
4.One which has been given by the King
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
An unwritten constitution differs from written constitution in so far as it is:
1. Wholly unwritten
2. Adopted after obtaining sanction of the people
3.Very brief
4.Not adopted by a formal constituent body
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
In a country with a written constitution the constitution is:
1.Inferior to the laws of the Parliament
2. Superior to the laws of the Parliament
3.At par with the laws of the Parliament
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
In which of the following states an amendment to the Constitution can be made without reference to the units?
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The main contribution of the Romans to the development of constitutional rule was:
1. The principle of the divine right of the king
2.Independence of judiciary
3.The principle that people alone are the source of all laws
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following countries possesses an evolved constitution?
4.Al the above countries
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following statements gives a correct definition of a constitution?
1.The rule and procedures concerning the relationships among the structures of Government and their principal powers and functions
2. A fundamental statement of laws governing the citizenss political rights, the political institutions, their functions and their relationships within a particular political community
3. A primary source of constitutional law, which serves as a guide for the decisions of the courts of law which interpret the rules
4.The ordering of political processes and institutions on the basic of a document that lays down the pattern of formal political institutions and embodies the basic political norms of a society
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
1.A flexible constitution stands at par with the ordinary laws
2.At flexible constitution can bend without breaking
3.A flexible constitution can be easily amended
4.A flexible constitution is the fashion of day
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
1. A rigid constitution is a safeguard against hasty and ill-considered changes
2.A rigid constitution cannot fall prey to party skirmishes
3. A rigid constitution is able to protect the rights of citizens better
4.A rigid constitution is suitable only for people with high political consciousness
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the followings has been wrongly shown as a merit of flexible constitution?
1.A flexible constitution can adapt itself to changing times
2.A flexible constitution saves the country from violent revolutions
3.A flexible constitution is good for countries where people are not politically conscious
4.A flexible constitution can easily respond to the needs of the people
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the followings is not a feature of constitutionalism?
1.Limited Government
2. Supremacy of individual
3.Supremacy of Law
4.Division of powers
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A constitution is known as dispersed if:
1. It is available in writing in one single document
2. Is available in written form in two documents
3.Most of the provisions of the constitution lie scattered
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A constitution which provided for a rigid distribution of powers between the Centre and its constituent units is known as:
1.Written constitution
2.A federal constitution
3. A rigid constitution
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A rigid constitution:
1. Cannot be amended
2.Can be amended through the ordinary lawmaking process
3. Can be amended through a special process which is difficult than the ordinary lawmaking process
4. Can be amended through a procedure which is easier than, the ordinary law making procedure
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
An evolved constitution means a constitution:
1. Which has been made by Constitution Assembly
2. Which has been made by the King
3.Which has been made by the Parliament
4.Which has grown imperceptibly over the years
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Britain came to have constitutional government by:
1.The end of seventeenth century
2.The close of the nineteenth century
3.The beginning of the present century
4. The end of eighteenth century
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
One of the following statements is not correct:
1.Written constitution is clear and definite
2. A written constitution is better guarantee of the rights and liberties of the citizens
3.A written constitution is more stable because it is not subject to popular passions
4. A written constitution can keep pace with popular mood
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The constitution of which one of the following countries is known an mother of constitutions:
3.Soviet Union
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The Constitutionalism suffered a great setback as a result of:
1.Glorious Revolution
2. Renaissance Movement
3.American War of Independence
4.The French Revolution of 1789
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The development of constitution can take place in a number of ways. Some of the methods are given below, but one of them has been wrongly indicated. Tick the same:
1.Through formal amendment
2.Through the conventions
3. Through judicial interpretation
4.Through plebiscite
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The preamble of the constitution means:
1.The constitution in its totality
2.The preface of the constitution
3. The spirit of the constitution as distinguished from its body
4.The character of the constitution
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following is not a merit of unwritten constitution?
1.An unwritten constitution has the quality of elasticity and adaptability
2.The flexibility of unwritten constitution prevents revolutions
3.An unwritten constitutions is rigid and hence not suited to deal with the emergencies
4.An unwritten constitution makes adjustment in the relations of various organs of government easy
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.A flexible constitution is good for politically backward countries
2.A flexible constitution is a feature of authoritarian government
3. A flexible constitution tends to become a plaything of the judiciary
4.A flexible constitution promotes political stability
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Who expressed the view that the British Constitution does not exist?
1. De Tocqueville
3.Herman Finer
4.C.F. Strong
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A codified constitution is:
1.Available as written in one single document
2.One in which all the customs and conventions have been reduced to writing
3. One in which all the provisions are pieced together in one or more documents
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A constitution is known as flexible:
1.If it can be amended by the ordinary lawmaking procedure
2. It the states alone can amend the constitution
3.If the procedure for the amendment of constitution is simple than the ordinary lawmaking procedure
4.If it is difficult to amen
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A constitutional government is on which:
1.Adheres strictly to constitutional provisions
2.Does not have a monarch as head of the state
3.Places effective restrictions on the authority
4.Of the state in the interests of individual liberty.
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A flexible constitution is found in:
4.Soviet Union
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A flexible constitution:
1. Can be amended only by a special procedure
2. Cannot be amended
3.Can be amended by the legislature through ordinary law-making procedure
4.Can be amended only with the consent of the majority of the people
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
A rigid constitution:
1. Cannot be amended
2. Can be amended only by the people as whole
3.Can be amended like an ordinary law by the Parliament
4.Can be amended only through a special procedure prescribed in the constitution
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
An amendment in the constitution is subject to referendum in:
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
An unwritten constitution is creation of:
3.Customs and usages
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
An unwritten constitution is:
1. Wholly unwritten
2.Mostly unwritten
3.Contains only some unwritten portions
4.Declared as unwritten by the constituent Assembly
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Constitutional government is often regarded as synonymous with:
1.Absolute Monarchy
2. Military Dictatorship
3.Republican System of Government
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Conventions and Customs play more prominent role in a country with:
1.An unwritten constitution
2.A written constitution
3.No constitution
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Customs and Conventions are a feature of:
1. Only written constitution
2. Both written as well as unwritten
3.Only unwritten constitutions
4.Countries having no constitutions
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Customs and conventions are a feature of:
1.Only written constitutions
2. Only unwritten constitutions
3.Both written as well as unwritten constitutions
4. Countries which possess no constitution
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Generally an evolved constitution:
1.Cannot be amended
2.Can be amended through a very simple procedure
3.Can be amended through a wry complicated procedure
4.Can be amended by the people alone
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
In which of the following countries the units have not been given any power to initiate amendment in the Constitution?
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
People prefer to have a written constitution for various reasons. Which one of the reasons listed below is not correct?
1.To restrain the actions of the rulers to protect their rights
2.To reduce the possibility of arbitrary action
3. To ensure a government which is comprehensible to the subjects
4.To educate the people in the art of government
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Rule of Law as the basis of constitutional government was propounded most brilliantly by:
1.A.V. Dicey
2.Lord Bryce
3. John Austin
4.Jean Bodin
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Supremacy of Constitution which is one of the essential eatures of a federal governemtn means:
1.The Constitution is above the states
2.The Constitution is above the Centre
3. The Constitution is above ordinary laws of land
4.The Constitution is above all institutions, civil servants and citizens
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The constitution of Great Britain can be amended:
1.Through a simple law making procedure
2.Through a special convention
3.With the consent of the majority of the state or units
4.Through referendum supported by majority of the voters
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The method of amending constitution by convening Special Convention exists in
4.Certain Latin American countries
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The method of amending the constitution by popular vote is found in:
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The method of amending the constitution by popular vote is found in:
4.All the above countries
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The origin of the constitutional governments can be traced back to:
1.The ancient Greek times
2.The beginning of the twentieth century
4.Eighteenth century
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The view that the form of governments changes according to a set cycle was expressed by:
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
The view that the forms of govenments change according to a set-cycle was expressed by:
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following countries does not possess a written constitution?
4. Soviet Union
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Constitution?
1.It is collection of principles or laws which enjoy special sanctity
2.It determines the structure of the main organs of government and distribution of sovereign power between various authorities
3.It generally contains a statement of objectives
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following is a prerequisite of a constitutional government?
1.Desire to preserve stability of political community
2.Desire for liberty combined with limitation of authority
3.Desire for justice through general and equal application of laws
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following is not a demerit of rigid constitution?
1. A rigid constitution cannot keep pace with the changed circumstances
2.A rigid constitution generally has a conservative character
3.A rigid constitution gives undue importance to the judiciary
4.A rigid constitution cannot properly safeguard the rights of the people
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following is not an essential feature of a good constitution?
2.Written character
4.Independence of judiciary
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following medieval movement contributed to the growth of constitutional government?
1. The Chartist Movement
2. The Councillor Movement
3.The Trade Union Movement
4.All the above movements
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following philosophers made contribution to the development of constitutionalism?
1. Aristotle
3.Marsiglio of Padua
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
1. A written constitution is elaborately formulated
2.A written constitution may or may not form a single document
3.A written constitution is framed by a special body known as Constituent Assembly
4.A written constitution comes into force only after it is approved by the people
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Which one of the followings is not an essential feature of an ideal constitution?
1.A chapter of Fundamental Rights
2. A suitable amending procedure
3.Clear provisions regarding structure of government
4.Structure and functions of political parties
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20
Who among the following claimed constitution as a set of established rules embodying and directing the practice of government.
Posted Date:-2021-08-10 23:27:20