A group which is not well organised and whose demands are:
3.Trade unior
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
A political party is a body of men united for the purpose of promoting by the purpose of promoting by their joint endeavours the public interest upon. Some principles on which they are agreed. Who said this?
1.Karl Marx
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
England is known for:
1.Multi-party system
2.No party system
3.Bi-party system
4. Single party system
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In single party system the organ of Government whose importance increases is:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which of the following is not a method used by the pressure group for achieving its objectives?
1. It finances political parties
2.It organises demonstrations
3. It clearly aligns with a political party
4.It tries to influence policy makers
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is not true about pressure group?
1.It has no political programme
2.It does no aim at capturing power
3. It exerts pressure on executive
4. It tries to have formal control over the government
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
A very important advantage of bi-party system is that:
1. Selection of candidates becomes easy
2.Party control lessens
3.It becomes easy to fix responsibility for failures
4.Choice of candidates becomes very wide
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In a good democratic system the members should be:
1.Well disciplined
2.Free to come and go to the meetings as and when they like
3.To disobey their leader
4.To organise sub-groups within the party
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In a single party system membership:
1.Is open to all
2.Can be easily obtained
3.Is given to only few trusted and dependable workers
4. Importance of legislature considerably increases
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In our times a political party means: .
1.People have common opinion
2. People who have united for achieving political ends
3.People who have joined because they have common opinion
4.People who have different political viewpoints
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In U.S.S.R. there is:
1. One party system
2.Two party system
3.Multi-party system
4.Plural party system
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Mussolini during the heights of his glory liked:
1.Multi-party system
2.Bi-party system
3.Single arty system
4.No party system
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
One great advantage of political party is that:
1.It unites the nation
2.It does not offer opportunity to demagogues
3.Helps in getting the grievances of the people redressed
4.It does not promote vested interests
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Political parties are:
1.Essential for democracy
2.Not essential for democracy
3. Essential for totalitarian government
4.Not essential either for democracy or totalitarian government
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Political parties give the type of education which is basically:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Single party system primarily functions in:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
The main political parties in England are:
1.Democratic and Republic
2.Conservative and Labour
3. Liberal and Communist
4. Liberal Socialists and Radical Socialists
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
The system under which there is only one effective political party in the country which controls political life is called:
2.Bi-party system
3. Single party system
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
U.S.A. is known for:
1.Bi-party system
2.Single party system
3.Multi-party system
4.No party system
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one fo the following is not one of the methods used by pressure groups for achieving their objectives?
1. They finance political parties
2.They sponsor their favourite candidates at the time of elections
3.They develop cantacts with legislators
4. They had associations and worked in the past with Gandhiji
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is a function of the pressure group?
1. To contest elections
2. To actively align with ruling party
3. To actively support opposition
4.To protect the interests of its members
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is not a powerful pressure group in India?
1.Trade Union
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is not true about pressure group?
1.Its membership is narrower
2.Member of one pressure group cannot become that of the other
3.Group does not contest elections
4.Group tries to create bolly in its favour
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Who said that a political party is a voluntary association of people for the purpose of attaining political power:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Who said that without the party system the state has no elasticity?
3.Ogg and Zinc
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
A conservative party believes in:
1. Conserving the old institutions
2. Conserving the status quo
3.Reforming the present institutions
4.Establishing new institutions in place of present ones
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
A reactionary political party is one which:
1.Clings to the old institutions
2.Wants to abolish the present institutions and establish absolutely new institutions in their place
3.Believes in reforming the old institutions and retaining them
4.Believesin conserving the present institutions as they are
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
A trade union can be placed under the category of pressure group:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
After independence in India each political party is:
1.Trying to use students to its advantage
2.Trying to keep students away from politics
3.Ignoring the students and adopting indifferent attitude
4.Leaving the students to its own care
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Gandhians are continuing as a pressure group in India because:
1.Their philosophy is lauded by majority
2.They occupy high governmental positions
3. The control parliament
4.People in India have become Gandhian
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Government in a single party is usually:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In bi-party system chances are that:
1. Cabinet might become dictator
2.There may be wider choice of candidates
3.Vested interests will not get promoted
4.Majority party might feel submissive and adjusting
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In India peasantry could not become a powerful pressure group become a powerful pressure group because:
1.It was not interested to become so
2.It could not produce a political leader
3. It was opposed by the government
4.It had clash with other pressure groups
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
In India we have:
1.Multi-party system
2.Single party system
3. Bi-party system
4.No party system
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Multi-party system prevails in:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
One serious drawback of political party system is that:
1.The masses are misled
2. It is not responsive to public opinion
3. It does not help in the selection of candidates
4.It does not provide a good link with the Government
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
The main political parties in U.S.A. are:
1. Conservative and Labour
2.Social Democrats and Liberal Democrats
3. Democratic and Liberal
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
The system under which there are more than two political parties which predominantly control political situation is called:
1.Multi-party system
2.Single party system
3.Bi-party system
4.Dominant party system
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which of the following is not an element of political party?
1.An organised group of persons
2. Fedility to certain common principles
3. A common programme
4. Acommon religion
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which of the following is not one of the functions of the political party?
1.To create public opinion
2.To capture political power
3.To implement its policies
4. To criticise government
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which of the following is not true about pressure group?
1.Its objects are limited
2.Its membership is limited
3. It can use both constitutional and unconstitutional means
4. It can be organised
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following features of a political party has been wrongly listed?
1.Political party is a voluntary association
2.Members of political parties hold identical views on basic political economic and other matters
3.Political parties aim at capturing power through any method
4.Once the political party comes to power it tries to promote national rather than sectarian interests
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is not a feature of pressure group?
1.It tries to influence from outside
2.Its membership is large
3.It actively joins political parties
4.Its members can join any number of groups
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is not a function of pressure group?
1. To influence policy makers
2. To donate to political parties
3.To introduce social reforms
4. To sponsor favourable candidates for elections
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is not the characteristic of political party system?
1.Its members should have common programme
2.Its members should obey discipline
3.Its members should follow common line of action
4.Its members should keep party above nation
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following is not true about political parties?
1.These help in the spread of education
2.These try to capture power
3.These help in the formation of public opinion
4.These spread moral education
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1. Political party is a natural association
2.The members of political parties may not hold identical views on political social and economic issues facing the country
3.Members of political party aim at capturing power through any method
4.The political parties try to promote national interests
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Who believed that a political party consists of a group of citizens more or less organised who act as a political unit:
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Who said that a political party is an organised body with voluntary membership:
4.G.D.H. Cole
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29
Who said that parties are the power behind the throne:
2. Montesquieu
Posted Date:-2021-08-08 06:41:29