The fall of the Feudal States and rise of Nation States took place in:
1.The sixteenth century
2.The seventeenth century
3.Eighteenth century
4.Nineteenth century
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The nview that State is an executive committee of the exploiting class is associated with:
1.The Idealists
2.The Anarchists
3.The Marxists
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Which one of the following theories contributed to the rise of totalitarian state in the present century?
1.Welfare Theory
2.Legal Theory
3. Ethical Theory
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
According to Locke people left the state of nature for the sake of:
1. An effective government
2.Preservation of their natural rights
3.Creating a state
4.Creating an independent judiciary
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Church occupied an important position in:
1.The city-states
2.The Roman Empire
3.The Holy Roman Empire
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Hobbes put forth theory of Social Contract with a view to:
1.Defend the absolute powers of the monarchy
2.Assert the right of the people to rule themselves
3.Assert the authority of the Parliament
4.Justify the dominance of the aristocratic classes
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The early Oriental Empires were ruled by:
1.Military leaders
2.Elected leaders
4.Hereditary monarchs
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The Greek city-states are regarded as the best specimens of:
1.Military rule
2.Direct democracy
3.Representative democracy
4.Absolute rule
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The modern state is also is also known as:
1.A nation state
2.A federal state
3.An international state
4.A liberal state
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The nation state came into existence after:
1.The decline of the Roman Empire
2.The decline of the Feudal state
3.The decline of the Colonial Empires
4.The decline of the imperial states of orient
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Which one of the following condition was not associated with the state of nature as expounded by Locke?
1.The state of nature was a state of peace mutual assistance and cooperation
2.There were natural rights of life liberty and property
3.The prevalence of natural law
4.There was continuous fear and danger of violent death
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Who of the followings was a staunch supporter of the Divine Origin Theory?
1.George III of England
2.Napoleon of France
3.James II of England
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Who said: good citizens make a good state and bad citizens make a bad state?
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Absence of unity was a characteristic of:
1.The ancient city state
2.The Roman Empire
3. The Holy Roman Empire
4.The nation state
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
According to Prof. Jones the most original the most interesting and historically the most important contribution of Rousseau to Political Theory was theconcept of:
1.Popular sovereignty
2.Direct Democracy
3.General Will
4.Constitutional Monarchy
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Feudalism was a dominant feature of:
1.The city-states
2.The Roman Empire
3.The Holy Roman Empire
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
He breathes the bitterest hatred not only of individualism but even of those elementary rights which none but the most backward nations now deny to the individual yet this preposterous system consciously or unconsciously represents an exremeform of individualism The quotation given above applies to
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
In Ancient city-state citizenship was available to:
1.All adult discrimination
2.All persons except the slaves and foreigners
3.All persons who rendered military service
4.All persons who either paid taxes or rendered military service
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Let the Sovereign but step outside the power derived from the Social Contract and resistance becomes a natural right Which one of the followings gives the right understanding to the above statement?
1.The individual is left with no other alternative but to obey the commands of the sovereign
2.Men are free from any superior power on earth and they act as they think fit within the bounds of the law of nature
3.The Government exists for the good of the people and can be removed if it violates the trust reposed in it
4.The State is composed of equal individuals some having authority over others and all participate in the General will
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
One of the major factor which contributed to the decline of the Holy Roman Empire was
1.Disappearance of the Pope
2.Foreign aggression
3.Challenge of bourgeoisie class
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Rousseau championed the cause of:
2.Representative Democracy
3.Direct Democracy
4.Absolute Monarchy
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Rousseaus contributed to:
1.Glorious revolution in England
2.American War of Independence
3.The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
4.The French Revolution
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The evolutionary theory regarding the origin of states on:
1.Revolutionary principle
2.Evolutionary principle
3. Religious principles
4. Scientific-cum-religious principles
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The historical theory of the origin of the state asserts that the state is:
1.A creation of God at a point of time in the past
2.A product of compact between individuals in the remote past
3.A result of surrender of the vanquished tribe to the conquering tribe
4.An outcome of gradual and continuous development of human society out of an imperfect beginning towards a more perfect organisation
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The ownership of land under feudalism rested with:
1.The ministers of the king
2.The King
3.The feudal lords
4. The farmers
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The position of the Kings during the Holy Roman Empire was rendered weak due to:
1.Non-assertion of their authority
2.The rise of the class of feudal lords
3.Usurpation of their power by the Pope
4.Rise of feudal lords and Popes
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The state is a product of society at a certain stage of development when it has split into irreconcilable antagonisms which it is powerless to dispel. To which of the following theories of the origin of the state does this statement belong?
1.Social Contract
3. Historical-Evolutionary
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The statement State is an ethical institution which is indispensable for the full moral development of man is associated with the:
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
The two most outstanding city-states of ancient Greece were:
1.Athens and Rome
2.Rome and Sparta
3.Athens and Venice
4.Athens and Sparta
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
What is the name of the book written by Miss Follett?
1.The New State
2.The Two States
3.State and Sovereignty
4.Lectures on Pluralism
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Which one of the following is wrong as per Rousseaus theory of General will in mind?
1. General Will is always good just and right
2.General Will is the will of the masses
3.General Will is supreme inalienable and indivisible
4.Individual s freedom consists in acting in conformity with General Will
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Which one of the following methods was adopted by Hobbes?
1.Comparative Method
2.Historical Method
3.Scientific Method
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Which one of the following social Contractualists was born at Geneva?
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Which one of the followings enjoys the distinction of being the first to offer a systematic theory of the social contract?
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Who asserted the state would ultimately wither away?
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Who said So long as the General will is Sovereign it does not matter what form of government it may be
4. T.H. Green
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Who said: a man who lives outside the polis is either a beast or a God?
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43
Who wrote the following terms of the social contract? I authorise and give up my right of governing myself to this man or to this assembly of men on this condition that thou give up thy right to him and authorise all his actions in the like manner.
Posted Date:-2021-08-07 01:00:43