According to Locke people in the state of nature enjoyed only:
1.Lectures on Jurisprudence
2.Two Treatises on Civil Government
3.Social Contract
4.Representative Government
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to the Force Theory:
1.Church is superior to the state
2. The state is superior to the Church
3.The Church and the State enjoy equal powers
4.There is no relationship between the State and the Church
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to the Matriarchal theory the head of the family was:
2.Henry Maine
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
After the creation of state according to Hobbes people continued to enjoy:
1.Were free to revoke the contract
2. Could amend the contract by two-thirds majority
3.Could not revoke the contract
4.Automatically lapsed if one of the parties failed to carry out its part of obligations
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Hobbes holds that under the contract which resulted in the creation of state:
2.Social contract theory
3.A History of Political Theory
4.The Modern State
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
In modern times the Force Theory found a strong advocate in:
1.It disciplined the primitives man
2. It taught the primitive man the value of obedience
3.It made the primitive man religious and superstitious
4.It helped the ruler to establish peace and order by claiming divine descent
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Locke advocated his theory in:
1.A part to the contract
2.The result of the contract
3.Elected after the conclusion of the contract
4.Accountable to the people
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Locke propounded his theory of Social Contract in the book entitled:
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Force Theory regarding the origin of state believes that:
1.It is dangerous because it leaves sufficient scope for the ruler to assume despotic powers
2.It leads to political stagnation and hampers progress
3. It is based on superstition and does not appeal to reason
4.It is not supported by history
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The important rights enjoyed by the people in the state of nature says Locke were:
1.A period of lawlessness
2.A period of peace and reason
3.A period of constant warfare
4.A period of peace in certain areas and war in other areas
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Matriarchal theory of the origin of state is associated with:
1.The eldest male member was the head of the family
2.The eldest female member was the head of the family
3.The King was the agent of God on this earth
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Patriarchal theory of the Origin of State holds that:
1.Force was one of the important factors for the origin of the state
2.Force was the sole factor responsible for the origin of the state
3.Will not force is the best is of state
4.Spiritual force was the most important factor in the growth of the state
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Patriarchal theory of the origin of state is associated with the name of:
1.The Church Fathers used the Force Theory to demonstrate the superiority of the state over the Church
2.In individualists used the force theory to justify the policy of laissez faire
3.The Socialists used the Force Theory to represent the state as an instrument of exploitation
4.The Church Fathers used the theory to assert the superiority of the Church over the State
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Social Contract theory deals with:
1.Sir Henry Maine
2.Adam Smith
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Social Contract theory is based on:
1.Austin Bodin and Hobbes
2.Hobbes locke and Rousseau
3.MacIver Laski and Rousseau
4.J.S. Mill Adam Smith and Hobbes
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The three most prominent exponents of Social Contract theory were:
1.The eldest male member
2.The eldest female member
3.Nominated by the King
4.Nominated by the Chief Priest
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1.Could disobey the orders of the sovereign
2.Could not disobey the orders of the sovereign
3.Could disobey the sovereign after giving him due notice
4.Could disobey the orders only if they were illegal
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Hobbes the people:
1.People surrendered all their rights to the sovereign unconditionally
2.People surrendered their rights subject to certain conditions
3.Surrendered only their rights to property and religion
4.People refused to surrender their rights
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Locke people in the state of nature:
1.Divine rights
2.Natural rights
3.Legal rights
4.Religious rights
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Locke the contract was concluded:
1.Because they were fed up with the perpetual warfare
2.Because they were fed up with the autocratic rule of the King
3. Because of divine intervention
4.Because of the inconvenience caused by different interpretations of laws of nature of different members
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Locke the government was created for the purpose of:
1.Above law
2.Bound by the existing laws
3.The chief creator of all laws
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Hobbes gives right to the individual:
1.Certain natural rights
2.Those rights which were granted to them by the sovereign
3.Those rights which they had retained at the time of the conclusion of the contract
4.Only those rights which were specified in the contract
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The book in which Hobbes gave theory of Social Contract is entitled:
1.Man is a social animal and cannot live outside the society
2.State is the result of slow process of evolution
3.State was created through a contract concluded in the sixteenth century
4.State was created as a result of contract concluded by the people living in the pre-civil society
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Which one of the following merits of Divine Origin Theory has been wrongly enumerated:
1.No right to people to revolt against the ruler
2.Right to people to revolt against the ruler
3.Right to revolt only if the king acts in a tyrannical manner
4.Right to revolt only if he acts against the principles of regligion
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
3.Winston Churchill
4.Mahatma Gandhi
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Hobbes people in the state of nature enjoyed:
1.The role played by the nature in the creation of state
2.The conditions existing prior to the creation of the state
3.A study of the various stages of the development of state
4.A study of the nature of state
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Hobbes the sovereign was:
1.To disobey the sovereign under certain conditions
2.Not to disobey the sovereign under any condition
3.To disobey the sovereign only if he acts against national interest
4.To disobey the sovereign if he fails to act in accordance with the terms of the contract
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Locke the people in the state of nature:
1.Right to life liberty and property
2. Right to religion worship and conscience
3.Right to participate in affair of government
4.People enjoyed no rights all all
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Locke the sovereign:
1.All rights
2.Only the natural rights
3.Only right to property
4.Only right to interpret and enforce the laws of nature
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
According to Locke under the contract people surrendered:
1.One contract - Social Contract
2.Two contracts - Social and Governmental
3.Three contracts - Social Economic and Political
4.One contract - Governmental
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
All the Social Contractualists talk of State of Nature which means:
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Hobbes says that the people:
1.Sovergign was a party to the contract
2.Sovereign refused to become a party to the contract
3.Sovereign accpeted only limited obligations
4.Sovereign came into being as a result of the Contract
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
In the contract envisaged by Hobbes:
1.Only the right to life liberty and property
2.No rights
3.Only economic rights
4.Unspecified natural rights
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
John Locke a proponent of Social Contract theory hailed from:
1.Man is a social animal
2.Man is co-operative sympathetic towards members of society
3.Man is essentially peace loving
4.Man is selfish and quarrelsome
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Locke concedes to sovereign:
1.Only by the Heads of families
2.By the Feudal Lords alone
3.By all male members
4.By all members of the community
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Locke concedes to the people:
1.Like Hobbes Locke also did not distinguish between state and government
2.Locke drew a clear distinction between state and government
3.Locke considered the government as superior to state
4.Locke confused the terms state and government
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Locke envisages:
1. Were governed by the laws enacted by the Sovereign
2.Were governed by laws enacted by the people
3. Were governed by the laws of nature
4.Had no laws at all
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Locke s sovereign was:
1.Was a party to the contract
2.Was born out of the contract
3.Stood outside the contract
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Locke says that people left the state of nature:
1.Had-certain duties but no rights
2. Had certain rights only
3.Had both rights and duties
4.Had neither rights nor duties
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Rousseau advocated his theory of Social Contract in the book:
1.The right to change the government any time they like
2.No right to change the government
3.Change the government if it fails to perform its part of contract
4. Change the government if it imposes heavy taxation
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Divine Origin Theory given:
1. Close co-operation between religion and politics
2.Complete separation of religion and politics
3.Domination of religion by the King
4.Equality of all men
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Divine Origin Theory laid emphasis on:
1.Force Theory
2.Patriarchal Theory
3.Social Contract Theory
4.Divine Origin Theory
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Divine Origin Theory laid emphasis on:
1.The state was created by a Saint named Divine
2.State was created by God
3.State was created by majority vote
4.State was created by the Pope
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The main function of the sovereign according to Locke was:
1.Only limited authority
2.Absolute authority
3.No authority at all
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Social Contract theory holds
1.The nature of State
2.The tunctions of State
3. The purpose of State
4.The origin of State
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The Social Contract Theory of Rousseau is:
1.Maintenance of law and order
2. Protection of country from outside aggression
3.Promotion of welfare of the community
4.Protection of natural rights
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
The state of nature according to Locke was:
1.The sixteenth century
2.The seventeenth century
3.Twelfth century
4.The eighteenth century
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a shortcoming of the Divine Origin Theory?
1.Divine rights of king
2.Complete freedom for the people
3.Subordination of the King to Pope
4.Regulation of state affairs in accordance with laws of Bible
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1. To enact laws
2. To modify the laws according to needs of tim
3. To enforce the laws
4.To interpret the laws
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06
Which one of the following statements sums up Hobbes s views about the nature of man:
1.Hobbes failed to make any distinction between state and government
2.Hobbes was the first modern political thinker to draw a distinction between state and government
3.Hobbes considered the government as the creator or Sovereign
4.Hobbes did not know either about state or government
Posted Date:-2021-08-05 23:37:06