A short term development:
1.Does not constitute development
2.Constitutes development provided there is steep rise in the living standard
3.Is development if there is increase in aggregate outpu
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Edward A. Shills political development should be linked with:
1.Political modernisation
3. Capital formation
4.Standards of modernisation of a state
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Lucian Pye most important thing in finding out political development was?
1.Extent of political mobilisation
2.Extent of political participation
3.Nature of laws passed by the state
4.Nature of political processes
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Lucian Pye s definition which one of the following is not linked with political development?
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to M.F. Milikan political development should be linked with:
1.Social conditions
2. Economic conditions
3.Political conditions
4.D. Other developments combined
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Marx capital accumulation depended on:
1. Surplus valuation
2.Increasing population
4.International trade
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Marx most dependable method for capital accumulation was:
1.Technological development
2.Increased international trade
3.Decreased international trade
4.Payment of less wages to workers
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Nettle political development could be properly studied with the help of:
1.Disciplinary approach
2.Inter-disciplinary approach
4. Political processes
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Development means:
1.Increase in national income from one year to another
2.Increase in real per capita income over an extended period of time
3. Increase in real investment over a period of time
4.The national income should keep pace with the increase in population
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Entrepreneur theory about development is associated with the name of:
1.T.S. Colesman
2.G.A. Almond
3.Karl Marx
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
In his theory about development Marx Schumpeter was influenced by:
3.Karl Marx
4.Alvin Hansen
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Max Weber has linked political development with:
2.Economy of society
3.Social conditions
4.Administrative development
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Pick out one of the following whose name is linked with political stability in political development:
1.Max Weber
2.Edward A. Shills
3.G.A. Almond
4.Karl Deutsch
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
The neo-classiest in their development theory have laid stress on:
1.Capital formation
2.Rate of interest
3.Surplus value
4.Dialectical materialism
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following was not included in political development by Lucian Pye?
1.Nature of laws passed by the state
2.Method of recruitment
3.Method of paying wages to workers
4.Achievement and standards of public servants
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to liberal theory of development origin of all value was:
4.Mineral wealth
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Malthus high wages:
1.Promote fast growth of population
2.Retard fast growth of population
3.Help maintaining status quo in population growth
4. Discourage growth rate of population
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Myron Weiner political development should be measured in terms of:
1.Capital formation
2.Political stability
3.Level of absolute power
4.Political modernisation
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to some thinkers political development cannot be measured in terms of political modernisation because:
1.It is not suited to third world countries
2.Both are opposed to each other
3.Western countries are opposed to it
4.Term political modernisation is ambiguous
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Talcott Parsons political develop0ment should be measured in terms of:
1.Legal development
3.Political modernisation
4.Standards of modernisation of a state
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Development is a term which:
1.Has clearly been defined
2.Has no clear definition
3.Can be defined but no attempt has been made
4.None of above
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
F.W. Riggs in his theory political development has laid stress on:
2.Political modernisation
3.Political participation
4.Political democracy
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Liberal theory of development is also known as:
1.Classical theory of development
2. Neo-classical theory of development
3.Theory of entrepreneur
4.Theory of economic maturity
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which of the following is not true about Adam Smiths views about development?
1.He supported the idea of division of labour
2.He laid stress on level of productivity
3.He stressed that division of labour did not depend on the size of the market
4.He laid stress on the accumulation of capital
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following writer was not associated with the classical theory of development?
1.Adam Smith
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Who of the following has laid stress on the role of bureaucracy in measuring political development?
1.Edward A. Shills
3.Lucian Pye
4. Nax Weber
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Whose name is not associated with the liberal theory of development:
1.Adam Smith
3.Karl Marx
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
About underdevelopment it has been said that capitalism:
1.Is always opposed to it
2.It seldom opposed to it
3.Helps maintaining status quo
4.At times it helps in development but at times not
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to classical thinkers which one was not a measuring yard for development:
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to G. A. Almond political development should be linked with:
2.Political mobilisation
3.Political stability
4.Level of absolute power
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Karl Marx Surplus value can be earned by several ways. Which one of the following is not included in that?
1. By reducing the wages rates
2.By increasing working hours
3. By resorting to technological advancement
4.By using labour saving devices
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Karl Max capitalism helped in:
1.Removing underdevelopment
2.Encouraging underdevelopment
3.Maintaining status quo
4.Effected underdevelopment in no way
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Lucian Pye political and economic development:
1.Should be separated from each other
2.Both are contradictory to each other
3.Should be delinked from each other
4.Should be linked with each other
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Lucian Pye Political development:
1. Could be measured with industrialisation:
2.And industrialisation were opposed to each other
3.And industrialisation should be delinked from each other
4.Could not be measured with industrialisation
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Ricardo rent:
1.Increased when low quality land was used
2.Increased when high quality land was used
3.When status quo was maintained about land
4. None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
According to Ricrdo rise of wages presupposes:
1.Capital accumulation
2.More population
3. Centralisation of authority
4.Higher rents
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
In economic development Marx had laid maximum stress on:
1.Capital formation
2.Decentralisation of power
3.Trade unionism
4.Technological advancement
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
In his theory of development Schumpeter has laid stress on:
3.Capital formation
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
In schumpeter s theory of development maximum stress has been laid on:
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Jacob Vinar in his underdevellpment theory has laid stress on:
1.Per capita income
2.Rate of production
3.Growth rate
4.International trade
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Karl Deutsch believed that political development should be linked with:
1.Political mobilisation
2.Political participation
3.Administrative advancement
4.Political stability
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Karl Marx ideas about development theory are available in:
1.Communist Manifesto
2.Das Kapital
3.Capital: A. Critique of Political Economy
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Malthus built his theory of development round:
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Marx has explained his theory or development with the help of:
1.Theory of surplus value
2.Dialectical materialism
3.Class struggle
4.Proletariat revolution
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Population contributes development by
1.Providing labour force
2.Consuming the products
3.Neither of the above
4.Providing labour force as well as consuming products
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Ricardo built his theory round:
4. Natural resources
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
S. Colesman s name is associated with one of the following about political development:
1. It should be linked with industrialisation
2.It should be linked with level of absolute power
3.It should be linked with political stability
4.It should be linked with bureaucracy
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
The neo-classical thinkers about development believe that existing social order:
1.Should be destroyed
2. Should be preserved
3. Should be modified to certain extent
4.Was not conducive for the utilisation of existing resources
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
The theory of underdevelopment indicates inter-relationship of:
1.Commerce and industry
2.Technology and trade
3.Developed and developing countries
4.Developing countries among themselves
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Those who view development not in purely economic terms but in socio cultural matrix attribute the development to:
1.The form of government
2.The legal system
3.Standards of education and health
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following group of writers looked upon economic development as a race betwwen capital and accumulation growth:
2. Neo-classical writers
3.Classical writers
4.All the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of political development for Nettle?
1.It is a continuous process
2.It includes definitional priorities
3.It is set of values
4.There is implicit rank order of development
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following is not a contributory factor for development?
1.Abundance of national resources
2.Character of people
3.Frequent and free elections
4.Level of technology
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following is not a valid criticism?
1.This approach is too narrow
2.This approach is too wide
3.It fails to appreciate the importance of political stability
4.It fails to appreciate the importance of attitude of people in development processes
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following is not correct about classical thinkers or development?
1.Social product was the outcome of labour utilised
2.Level of wages could be arbitrarily fixed
3.Level of wages could not be changed by labour unions
4.Level of wages could not be changed by the Government
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following is not correct about Marxian theory of development?
1.For them development is a gradual process
2.For them development has harmonious nature
3.For them development is non-cumulative
4. They believe in continued economic progress
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following is not true about Malthus?
1.Population tended to come down when wages increased
2. Wages go high when land-population ratio is favourable
3.Profits are high when land-population ratio is favourable
4. Profit go high when rate of accumulation is large
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Which one of the following is not valid criticism against classical theorists of political development?
1.They underestimated technological progress
2. They failed to analyse problems of aggregate demands
3.They overestimated technological progress
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Who of the following believed that political development should be linked with political development in international field?
1. J.S. Coleman
2.G.A. Almond
3.Edward A. Shills
4.Karl Deutsch
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38
Who of the following has said that underdevelopment has been the normal state of all human societies ?
1.G.A. Almond
2.Edward A. Shills
3.Jacob Vinar
4.Jean Eatwell
Posted Date:-2021-08-03 00:06:38