Ember JS interview questions set 1 /Ember.js Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

In Ember.js, is it possible to define a new Ember class?

Yes, it is possible. Generally, a command calls the extent () method is considered on the object for this purpose. There is no limit on defining the same in some special cases.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:36:47

What are the Template components in Ember.js you are familiar with? Is there any similarity between them?

There are certain template components that are extremely powerful in Ember.js and are used for various purposes related to running the code in an error-free manner. These include:


They are similar in one aspect and i.e. They can be called in all the programs with similar functions.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:36:08

What exactly can be the issue if a controller is not used in Ember.js?

Well, the fact is Controller plays a significant role especially when it comes to business applications. The rate of errors can be more if it is not used. With the help of a controller, it is possible to view a section or an entire WebPage for any purpose such as modification. It seems very similar to the block of a logical function.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:35:11

What exactly adapters are and what are the types of same in Ember.js?

The prime role of an adapter is to handle queries related to the task assigned to it. There are different adapters that can be assigned different tasks. It can also query the back as well as the front end. The common adapters in Ember.js are Rest, JSON, LS Adapter, and the latter deals with local storage or when data needs to be stored in low.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:34:29

In Ember.js, what are the methods available for defining and inserting a view?

There are two methods for this. The very first one is simply extending the Em.View class to the possible limit. This is generally done while creating an object in JavaScript for the purpose of defining view. All the functions, as well as the variables, can simply be declared in it. After this, a view can be inserted into the template. The second method is based on a scenario in which there is no need for the developers to have the name of the view along with them. However, the template name which is present in the object is required. The same should be initialized in the values as a data template.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:33:52

How will you check whether the arguments passed are logically equal or not? Is there any limit on the comparison?

This can be done with the help of the isEqual function. There is no limit in case the size of the arguments is small.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:33:04

Explain the process of creating an Ember.handlebars template?

For this task, users first need to call the compiled file, and after this, the request can be sent to the server for its accomplishment. If it returns a value along with a function, the same can be used for creating the Ember.handlebars template. In case the value is not returned with a function, there is some error which users need to check.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:32:31

While writing a code in Ember.js, how is it possible for the users to know whether the value is an array or not?

This can be done with the help of a function isArray.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:31:45

What is the significance of the {{outlet}} tag in Ember.Js. Do you think Router is associated with it in any way?

Specifying all the states of an application and then mapping the same to the URL is something that is performed through Router. Without this task, a lot of confusion can be created and there are certain chances of runtime errors. On the other side, an {{outlet}} tag is used for constructing a hierarchy of sections. This is done generally by enabling a mean for all the container templates that are used to have a child template. This task is governed by Router and thus it plays a significant role in making Ember.js more useful.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:31:12

Name one function in Ember.js which is actually a Boolean Function?

Log Binding is a function which is a Boolean function in Ember.js

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:30:38

Compare Ember.js with traditional web applications. What noticeable differences you can find?

Ember.js applications automatically download everything they need to perform their function smoothly. On the other side, traditional or other applications depend largely on the server. Because it automatically downloads everything, users need not worry about the wastage of time while using the application. Also, when it comes to UI, there is no need to load the new pages again and again. The same REST API is used again and again in the form of a native app and thus time, as well as cost can be saved easily.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:30:04

What are the prime tasks that are performed by controllers in Ember.js?

Decorating the model which is returned by the route is a very essential task that needs to be performed in Ember.js. The same is handled by Controllers. It is not always necessary that only a single controller performs this task but depending on the task itself, there can be a need for multiple controllers. In addition to this, there are a lot of actions that users perform, Listening to them is also the responsibility of the controllers.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:29:16

What exactly do you know about the Ember.js structure? What it is based on?

It’s Model, View, and Controller on which Ember applications are generally based. It is abbreviated as MVC. The role of the model is to define the data that is present and is useful for the developer. On the other side, Views display other data and in addition to this, it also captures actions of the users so that they can be repeated easily in case their need is felt shortly. Controllers modify the query and at the same time, it also modifies the data and offers user interactions in the most reliable manner.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:28:41

What exactly do you know about the Model in Ember.js?

A model is a useful approach in Ember.js. Basically, it is used to store persistent states in an Ember application. A lot of complexity from this task can simply be eliminated and without doing much. Templates can simply be supported and developers can always make sure of the required data that is necessary to be displayed with the HTML page. This data is generally in the form of text and there can be a limit on the same depending on a number of factors.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:27:55

What are the main components of v you are familiar with?

There are several components of Ember.js that play a significant role in making it the best in every aspect. These are:

<> Routers
<> Templates
<> Views
<> Models
<> Components
<> Controllers
<> Helpers
<> Suffix

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:27:25

How is data communicated between your server and your Ember application?

To answer the question without getting overly-technical, data is basically communicated between your server and your Ember application thanks to what we call Adapters and Serializers.

While adapters tell us which URL to use (the place that you’re going to be sending this request), serializers make sure the data is in the right format.

In actual fact, a serializer determines the data you send and the data you get back, so it takes what’s in your ember data model and turns that into something that you can send to the server, and then normalizes the data that you get back from the server.

Serializers therefore communicate with models in order to ensure data is consistently structured and relationships between data are mapped. (We’ll talk more about models in the next question).

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:26:19

What are the benefits of using Ember.js?

There are certain benefits that programmers can have. A few that have been considered as best are:

1. It is open-source in nature which gives developers unlimited access when it comes to customization and desired outcomes
2. It doesn’t need server requests to perform its task.
3. DOM can directly be updated when a user comes in contact with the browser or press any button over there

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:25:47

Do Router and Route mean the same thing in Ember.js? If not, what makes them different?

As you can imagine, route and router are very closely linked but don’t carry the same meaning.

While routes are responsible for setting up application state, displaying templates and loading data, a router matches the current URL to the different routes you’ve defined.

When a new URL is set (the user loads the app for the first time, changes the URL manually or clicks on a link within the app), the Ember router then maps that new URL to one or more route handlers that are in turn capable of either rendering a template, loading a model that is then available to the template or redirecting to a new route.

In other words, routes are responsible for defining the data that is sent to the template, but they wouldn’t function without a router.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:23:49

What are the business advantages of using Ember.js instead of React or AngularJS?

We’ll get into the technical advantages of using Ember at a later stage, but for now let’s ask ourselves to what extent EmberJS is beneficial for product owners and business stability.

Choosing the right development solution, or in our case the right JavaScript framework, is not a decision to be taken lightly. Why? Because choosing the wrong solution for your needs could mean having to make another change in the near future which in turn could lead to avoidable costs, slower development and lost customers.

For that reason, it’s very important that businesses and product owners consider each solution’s level of dependability and durability when selecting the right framework.

One of the main advantages of using Ember.js is that they introduced a Long-Term Support (LTS) release channel of their product back in 2016 (Angular released it on their 4.0 version in May 2017 while React decided that moving from two-week releases to monthly releases was sufficient for now). Long-term support extends the period of software maintenance and reduces the frequency of software updates, meaning lower development costs and less risk for businesses.

Furthermore, Ember.js follows the same coding by convention principle as Ruby on Rails, a software design paradigm that aims to decrease the number of decisions a developer using the framework has to make without losing flexibility. In other words, new development team members don’t have to learn as many team-specific practices as they would with other JavaScript frameworks as the tool pretty much forces developers to use its rules anyway.

And finally, EmberJS is going strong! Plenty of big names are regularly using and improving the framework, including Linkedin, Twitch and Apple, so it’s fair to presume that EmberJS won’t be going obsolete anytime soon!

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:23:10

What is the Ember run loop and why is it useful?

So basically, pretty much all of the code you write in your Ember applications takes place in a run loop which is used to batch assorted actions and reorder them in the most efficient way possible. The run loop does so by scheduling actions, or jobs, on specific queues that are processed to completion in priority order.

Ember.js will create a run loop whenever a user interacts with the browser to execute any Javascript that needs to run in response. Once the run loop has looped over all of the actions on the queue in order of priority, control is returned to the browser.

Why is the Ember run loop so useful?

Batching similar actions allows for better pipelining, less rendering time and improved app performance. Moreover, the Ember run loop organizes the execution of code in logical blocks, meaning it’s much easier to maintain.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:22:15

What Exactly Do You Know About Ember.js?

Ember.js is a JavaScript web framework that is open-source in nature and is one of the best options available when it comes to building single page web applications. Standard application architecture can simply be assured from Ember.js. The good thing is it develops applications that are best in running in the browser.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:21:29

What Is Emberjs?

It is javascript framework based on Model-view-controller (MVC) and written in javascript. It allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications by incorporating common idioms.

In this, Route is used as model; template as view and controller manipulates the data in the model.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:20:57

What Is Npm Install?

NPM is a NodeJS package manager. It is used to install the node programs.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:20:31

Explain Directory Structure In Ember.js?

The new command generates a project structure also called directory structure with the following files and directories:

I-app:- This is where folders and files for models, components, routes, templates, and styles are stored.

I-bower components/ bower.json:- Bower is a dependency management tool which is used in Ember CLI to manage front-end plugins and component dependencies.

I-config: - The config directory contains the environment.js where we can configure settings for your app.

I-dist:-When we build our app for deployment, the output files will be created here.

I-node_modules/package.json:- Directory and files are from npm. Npm is the package manager for node.js.

Public:- This directory contains assets such as image and fonts.

Vendor:- This directory is where front-end dependencies that are not managed by Bower go.

Tests/testem.js:- Automated tests for our app go in the test folder, and testem is configured in testem.js.

Tmp:- Ember CLI temporary files live here.

Ember-cli-build.js:- This file describes how Ember CLI should build our app.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:19:55

What Are The Main Components Of V You Are Familiar With?

There are several components of Ember.js that play a significant role in making it best in every aspect.

These are:

> Routers
> Templates
> Views
> Models
> Components
> Controllers
> Helpers
> Suffix

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:19:15

What Are Basic Models Of Emberjs?

Routes: State of application is represented by URL and each URL has a corresponding route object that.

Models: Use to load data from Server.

Templates: This is html of layout.

Components: It is custom tag.

Services: Services are just singleton objects to hold long-lived data such as user sessions.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:18:12

Explain The Core Concept Of Emberjs?

1. Store: It is central repository and cache of all records available in an application. It can be accessed by controller and admin.

2. Models: A model is a class which defines the data of properties and behavior.

3. Records: A record is an instance of a model which contains information that is loaded from a server.

4. Adapter: It is responsible for translating requested records into the appropriate calls t.

5. Serializer: Translating JSON data into a record object.

6. Automatic Caching: Used for caching.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:17:41

What Is Ember Route? How Can You Generate A Route In Ember.js?

An ember route is built with three parts:

1. An entry in the Ember router which maps between our route name and a specific URI.
2. A route handler file, which sets up what should happen when that route is loaded.
3. A route template, which is where we display the actual content for the page.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:16:29

What Are The Prime Tasks That Are Performed By Controllers In Ember.js?

Decorating the model which is returned by the route is a very essential task that needs to be performed in the Ember.js. The same is handled by Controllers. It is not always necessary that only a single controller perform s this task but depending on the task itself, there can be need of multiple controllers. In addition to this, there are a lot of actions which users perform; Listening to them is also the responsibility of the controllers.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:15:39

What Are The Features Of Emberjs?

1. Creating reusable modules.
2. Handlebars Templates.
3. Automatic determines the route and controller during declaration of the route resources.
4. Used routes.
5. Extensive view type support.
6. Easy to configure.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:14:54

Role of the adapter?

Adapter queries in the backend. Each of the adapter is made with particular backend.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:13:42

What controller does in Ember.js?

Decorate the model returned by the route. It can listen to actions performed by users.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:13:18

What is model in Ember.js ?

Model defines the functionality class of the ember data. In ember.js , each of the route has a associated model. Ember data covers data stored in the server & also works easy with streaming API’s like firebase/websockets, socket.io.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:12:53

Difference between router & route in ember.js ?

Router: The connecting point between our application and address bar. It simply translates into route.

Route: User request will land later it was translated by router & it decides to provide what data should be provided to the template.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:12:16

What controller does in ember.js ?

It can be defined in 2 ways -

<> The model returned by the route is decorated by controller.
<> User performance actions is listened by controller.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:11:50

How to create instances in ember.js?

Syntax:: create() method

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:11:05

What is serializer?

Converting the state information of an object instance to a binary or text form to continue to store intermediate or carried over a network is called serializer.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:09:51

What is controller in ember.js ?

There are three kinds of controllers you can characterize:

<> Controller: "No Instances of a Model":: entirely to manage restricting properties and state in a simple route between the view and the controller.
<> ObjectController: "One Instance of a Model":: Plans to be populated by a solitary model, which is accessible by means of {{this}} in formats for showing content.
<> ArrayController: "Numerous Instances of like Models":: Expects a variety of items as it's supporting model, accessible as in a question controller. Uncommon alternate ways exist for repeating through the exhibit's supporting setting, for example, {{#each}}.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:09:24

What is Ember-data ?

Ember with data management lib is called as ember-data that deals with app data & define the structure of data. By using ember-cli we can generate ember-data. The purpose of ember-data is that it integrates library with ember.js to make ease of use to get records from the cache, server, new records creation in the client, server updates to save.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:08:39

What is ember.namespace.class ?

Namespace is the object that contain other methods or objects of an framework or an app. If you want to define a new container then create a namespace any time.


MyFramework = Ember.Namespace.create({
VERSION: '2.0.0'


Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:07:36

What is ember.mixin class ?

Ember.mixin allow you for creating mixins, That those can be added for other classes in instance.


App.Editable = Ember.Mixin.create({
edit: function() {

console.log('starting to edit');

this.set('isEditing', true);


isEditing: false


//Comment:: by passing them to first arguments.

App.CommentView = Ember.View.extend(App.Editable, {

template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{#if isEditing}}...{{else}}...{{/if}}')


commentView = App.CommentView.create();

commentView.edit(); // outputs 'starting to edit'

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:06:59

What is Enumerables in ember.js ?

It is an object that contains child objects and allows you to work with the children by using the ember.enumerable API’s. The enumerable API’s directs to ECMAScript as much as needed and minimises the incompatibility with other lib & allows ember.js to use native browser.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:06:01

What Are The Template Components In Ember.js You Are Familiar With? Is There Any Similarity Among Them?

There are certain template components that are extremely powerful in Ember.js and are used for various purposes related to running the code in an error-free manner.

These include:

>> View
>> Outlet
>> Render
>> Partial
>> Yield
They are similar in one aspect and i.e. They can be called in all the programs with similar functions.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:05:31

How The Data Can Be Added Using Fixture Into An Application?

For doing anything, it is always good to check the procedure with a sample data. This is because the task is sensitive and needs a lot of care for the accomplishment. This can be done with the help of long-term persistence fixtures. However, it is necessary that applications must be connected with each other. The application adapter is to be made the extension of Ds.Fixture. For communication purpose, the adapters can be deployed easily. At the last, the file is to be updated to the model todo.js

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:04:37

What Do You Know About The Application Template?

When any application starts, this is the default template from where it is operated. Users need to put a Header, footer and any other decorative item that is required to be displayed on the page.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:04:10

What Do You Mean By Serializer In Ember.js And What Role Does It Play While Writing A Code?

It is useful when it comes to using a JavaScript Object Notion. Actually, it returns payload from the server into a machine from where it is easy for the users to read it. A very large number of attributes can be represented in a very simple manner and the good thing is there is a well-defined relation between them. With this relation, it is possible for the users to have many different ways to understand and eliminate the bugs from the code.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:03:46

What Are Services In Ember.js?

It is a long-lived Ember object that can be made available in different parts of your application. It is created using the following syntax- “ember. Service”

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:03:20

Explain How You Can Create An Ember. Handlebars Template?

Call Ember.Handlebars.Compile() to create an ember. Handlebars template. It will return a function which can be used by ember. view for rendering.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:02:43

Explain Application Template?

Application Template is a default template that is used when your application starts.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:01:59

How Can You Define A New Ember Class?

You can use call the extend () method on Ember. Object to define a new ember class.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:00:51

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