SEO/Onilne Marketing Interview Question and Answer for Experienced/SEO Onilne Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics, also known as GA, is a free web-based analytics tool that generates statistics about website activity, specifically traffic. Google Analytics can tell you data about the user such as who they are (sex, age etc), how they found the site and what they did on the site (and for how long).

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:16:25

What are doorway pages?

Doorways pages are pages that are usually found before the main page. They will be optimized for specific keywords which they targeting. Often they are designed to be clicked through or are set to automatically redirect to another page.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:15:35

How can I see what pages are indexed in Google?

The easiest way to find out how many (and which) pages are indexed is by Googling:

This will give you a list of all the pages Google currently has indexed.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:15:07

What is Canonical URL?

A canonical tag, also known as a “rel canonical” is a way of letting search engines know which specific URL is the master page. This is necessary if you have multiple variations of the same page on the site.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:14:37

What are LSI keywords?

It stands for Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords and essentially they are the words related to the keyword you are trying to rank for. They should be included on the page to help increase keyword relevancy.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:13:51

What information can you get from using Screaming Frog?

Screaming Frog has plenty of features. The most crucial are:

<> Find broken links
<> Audit Redirects
<> Analyze Page Titles, Title Tags & Meta Data (Meta Tags)
<> Discover Duplicate Content
<> Extract Data with XPath
<> Review Robots & Directives
<> Generate XML Sitemaps
<> Integrate with Google Analytics

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:12:51

What data can you get from using SEM Rush?

The SEMRush technical auditing tool is hugely popular. Many SEOs consider it to be the most comprehensive digital marketing tool.

They also have general site explorer tools, keyword and content tools. In beta testing now, they are trailing a subject research tool, SEO content optimization tool and a CPC map.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:11:28

What data can you get from using Ahrefs?

You can get pretty much everything. Most SEO experts use Ahrefs for their main page/site overview that allows you to see which keywords and pages are ranking, backlinks, referring domains and anchor profile.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:10:58

What data can you get from using Majestic?

Majestic is well known for the TF/ CF metric (Trust flow and Citation flow). The tool also allows you to determine a niche with their Topical Trust Flow. You’ll find a lot of SEO services related to guest posting and domains will reference this metric.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 10:08:22

What is included in an SEO audit?

It really depends, everyone has their own idea what should be included in an SEO audit. As a good rule of thumb you will probably want to cover the following:

<> Technical analysis
<> Accessibility
<> Indexability
<> On-Page analysis
<> Content issues
<> Metadata
<> Page / site structuring
<> Off-Page analysis
<> Anchor text diversity
<> Link profile
<> Referring domains
<> Competitive analysis and keyword research
<> What the site is ranking for
<> What their main competitors are ranking for
<> Keywords they could be targeting

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 09:16:41

What is the Google knowledge graph?

The knowledge graph is a knowledge base of facts that Google launched to enable searchers to get access to facts quickly.

It takes data from a variety of sources and presents it, in a box, in the top right-hand corner of the search page, next to the first few results. If trusted sites all state that Elvis was born in 1935 then that stat could be considered a fact and added to the knowledge graph so searchers can access it immediately without needing to click away from Google.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 09:15:23

What is NAP?

NAP stands for Name, Address, Phone Number.

NAP is a key component of local SEO. Google take data into account when looking to determine which companies to display in geo-targeted searches.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 09:12:31

What is Blog commenting?

Blog commenting is posting comments on web pages (that allow commenting) with a backlink to your site. The process can be split into two groups.

Automated – Where you use a tool like Scrapebox to automate posting comments on a mass scale.

Manual – Where you select the sites based on niche relevancy, trying to genuinely add value with your comments and be part of the community of that site before adding your link.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 09:11:55

What would be a good guest post site?

Every SEO looks for different metrics when building links. First off, you want to ensure that the site is able to show relevancy. You want it to be industry specific. A lot of SEOs look for organic volume as it shows that Google trusts the domain enough to rank it.

Then, you might want to look at the quality and number of referring domains, the quality of the social media pages etc.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 09:11:24

What is Google Webmaster Tools/Google Search Console?

Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is a free tool, provided by Google. It is Google’s main channel for communicating with webmasters. It’s been recently rebranded as the Google Search Console.

It allows webmasters to do a load of things, including checking indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. This is where you manage your robot.txt, disavow, crawling etc.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 09:05:40

Why is anchor text important to SEO?

Search engines (specifically Google) will use the anchors as an indicator of the page’s topic a web page is linking to. This will determine which keywords they will rank the site for and therefore determines the quality/relevancy of the traffic a site gets.

However, although you need to signal to Google the keywords that are your focus, you need to make it look natural because Google will punish a website that has an unnatural anchor profile because it will be a signal that some of those links are not organically gained.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 09:03:21

What are long tail keywords?

Long tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that searchers will most likely use in a search.

Compared to larger root keywords, long tail keywords generate far less traffic, they are very specific, but they are easy to rank for and they generate much better conversions because they are the types of searches people use when they are closer to a buying decision.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:57:09

What is “Google Suggest” or “Autocomplete”?

Google Suggest or Autocomplete is a function Google offers when making a search. As you start typing in the search box a box drops down giving you options to finish your search.

Google wants to help you save time by finishing your search request. As SEOs it’s also a resource of what Google sees as the most popular searches using a base word.

You can use this function when conducting keyword research because if Google adds a search term to Google Suggest it’s because they deem it a popular search.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:56:37

How do I know when I’m using the right number of keywords on a web page?

Unfortunately, there is no “right” number when it comes to keywords on a web page. TF IDF is a good option (read more). Essentially you look at the words that competitors use and their density and take the position that if Google has ranked them, they must be in the right ballpark for keyword density. If you don’t use these words then you might not rank. If you include too many, then you might be penalized with keyword stuffing.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:52:23

What do we mean by a top-level domain?

Top-level domain (TLD) is the last segment of the domain name. Most commonly “.com”. They are normally either generic, such as “.com” and “.net” or they are location-specific, such as “” (UK)or “.es” (Spain).

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:51:35

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads are ads on Google’s advertising system, where the companies/advertisers bid on a set of keywords and get their ads to appear on search results. This is the most commonly used PPC advertising system.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:43:57

What is a Google Penalty?

Google Penalty is similar to any type of penalty in any field. Google penalties are designed to punish websites that have done something wrong or have done things that are not as per Google’s regulations. As per Wikipedia – “A Google Penalty is the negative impact on a website’s search rankings based on updates to Google’s search algorithms or manual review. The penalty can be a by-product of an algorithm update or an intentional penalization for various black-hat SEO techniques.”

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:42:19

What is a NAP?

NAP is the acronym for Name, Address, Phone Number. It is a crucial component for businesses that want to rank well in the local organic search results because Google and other search engines consider this data when determining which companies to show for geo-targeted searches.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:41:14

What are Social Signals?

Social Signals are interactions of people with any web page on social media platforms. This includes likes, dislikes, shares, upvotes, pins, views, etc.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:40:56

What is Search Engine Submission?

Search Engine Submission is the task of getting your website listed with search engines and making the search engine aware that a particular site or page exists.

It is done through two methods:

1.Submitting one page at a time by using a webmaster tool, like Google Webmaster Central.
2. Submission of the entire site by submitting the home page to as many search engines as possible. It is a mass submission process.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:40:15

What are Spiders, Robots, and Crawlers?

Spiders, robots, and crawlers are the software programs used by search engines to explore the internet and automatically download the available web content.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:37:41

What does it mean if nothing appears while searching a domain?

If your domain does not appear on the search, the reasons could be:

<> Search engines have banned the website
<> The page has not been indexed
<> Some canonical issues

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:36:38

What is body content relevance?

Body content relevance or non-image text refers to a text that does not have any images on the web page. It helps to achieve a higher ranking in search engines and ensures good page optimization.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:29:54

Name some of the few black hat techniques that one should avoid.

Link farming, doorway pages, cloaking, keyword stuffing, and hidden text are some of the black hat techniques that should be avoided.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:29:26

What is the DA?

Domain Authority (DA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERP).

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:14:25

What will you do if your website is banned by the search engines for black hat practices?

If a website is banned by the search engines for black hat practices, then one can apply for re-inclusion after rectifying the wrongdoings.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:11:17

Why should black hat SEO practices be avoided?

Black hat SEO is widely considered an unethical practice, as there are higher chances of penalty. Apart from lowering the site’s rankings, a Google penalty sometimes involves a complete delisting of a site from the search engine. Black hat SEO can only deliver results for the short term. It also does not improve the user’s experience.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:05:07

What are Black Hat and White Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO refers to the unethical methods and techniques that are used by people to get a high ranking on the SEO search engine result page for their website. These methods and techniques are not acceptable by search engine guidelines. The other method, known as White Hat SEO refers to the practices that are acceptable by search engine guidelines.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:00:45

Why do internal links matter?

Internal links are links within your website linking to another page within your website. Internal links help all of the content on your website to get crawled and ranked.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 08:00:02

Explain Google’s projected plan for indexes in 2018.

Google had a mobile-first index starting in 2018. The mobile-first index implies that when indexing pages and selecting how to rank content in search engine results, Google will prefer mobile-friendly websites.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:56:03

What is forum posting?

Forum posting is one of the off-page SEO techniques. You can join a forum and create a thread, or interact on an existing one, and engage with other users to have online discussions about topics. This is a good way to backlink to your site.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:54:38

What is Google Search Console or the Webmaster tool?

Google Search Console (previously known as Webmaster Tool) is a free service by Google that allows users to monitor the health and visibility of their websites. It offers the following insights:

<> A confirmation that Google can find and crawl a site
<> Troubleshooting indexing issues
<> Re-indexing the fresh or updated content
<> Showing the backlinks to the site
<> Fixing problems in mobile usability, AMP, and other search features
<> Monitoring Google Search traffic data for the site: How often the site appears on SERP, which specific search queries show the site, how often users click through for those search queries, etc.
<> Alerts and notifications about spam, indexing problems, or other issues

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:53:32

What is 301 redirect?

301 redirect helps redirect users and search engines from an old URL to a new one. 301 redirect passes most of the link juice from the old page to the new page.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:52:20

What are header tags?

HTML header tags are used to highlight the headings (h1 level) and the subheadings (h2–h6 levels) within the content of a web page. These tags are also called header tags or heading tags. If you skip from h1 to h3, the hierarchy will be broken, and it is not advisable for on-page SEO. Every page should possess only one h1 tag unless it is using HTML5, which allows for more.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:50:31

What is NAP?

NAP (name, address, phone number) helps search engines to identify the list of businesses to be displayed for location-based searches.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:50:11

How do you evaluate web analytics to measure SEO performance?

As part of your answer, you will want to talk about how you use Google’s web analytics to look at direct navigation, referral traffic, numbers of visits, conversions, time on page, etc. and how you interpret all of that data to measure the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:49:37

What are the doorway pages?

Doorway pages are web pages that are created for spamdexing. This is for spamming the index of a search engine by inserting results for particular phrases to send visitors to a different page.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:49:06

What is the Panda update?

Panda Update is a search filter introduced by Google in 2011 to lower the rank of the low-quality sites or thin sites from finding their way into Google’s top search results and reward high-quality content by assigning a quality classification to the pages.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:48:47

Name some of the best SEO-friendly plugins for WordPress.

When you are tasked to improve a WordPress site, too many plugins can slow the page. This directly affects a site’s ranking on Google. This is a very important aspect to consider for any enterprise, be it, small or big.

Ideally, your answer should cover the above point, before you start mentioning SEO-friendly plugins.

The top-rated SEO plugins for WordPress are:

1.Yoast SEO
2.Broken Link Checker
3.Rank Math
4.SEO Squirrly
5.All in One Schema Rich Snippets

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:46:27

Name some of the tools that you have used in SEO.

Name all the tools that you have used related to SEO. Common ones are Google Search Console, Neil Patel SEO Analyzer, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Longtail PRO, Screaming Frog, DeepCrawl, Woorank, Ahrefs, Open Site Explorer, etc.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:44:54

What is a domain name?

A domain name or hostname is the address of a website that you type in the URL bar of the web browser. Each computer is assigned an IP address (a series of numbers) to identify them on the internet.

Typically, an IP address looks like a long string of numbers:

With a domain name, you don’t need to remember the long strings of numbers. The domain name is the human-readable name of the specific location where a resource is located.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:44:01

What is an SEO-friendly URL?

SEO-friendly URLs are short and keyword-rich URLs that are optimized for SEO. The URL structure should be descriptive yet simple and can be understood by both users and search engines.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:43:44

What is a URL?

Short for Uniform Resource Locator, a URL is the address of a given unique resource (document or web page) on the web (www). A URL has several components:

<> Scheme: It identifies the protocol to be used to access the resource on the Internet (HTTP and HTTPS are two of the most common protocols).
<> Host or Domain Name: It identifies the host that holds the resource. For example,
<> Path: it is the exact location of a resource on the webserver
Query string: It consists of data to be passed to server-side scripts, running on the webserver

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:42:24

What is Cross-linking? Why should you do Cross-linking?

Cross-linking is the process of linking one site to another site. It may or may not belong to the same business or person. Cross-linking provides reference sites to the user. These reference sites contain search-related content.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:41:31

Which is better — Meta Robot tags or robots.txt?

A meta tag is used to disallow single files and pages. Robots.txt is used to disallow a whole section of a site, such as a category. You can use both a meta robots tag and a robots.txt file as neither has authority over the other. However, meta Robot tags are better as they help in forcing the search engine crawlers not to index and display hidden pages. It also ensures that the link equity is not being lost, with the use of the ‘follow’ command.

Posted Date:- 2022-06-25 07:38:30

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