Blazor Framework Interview Questions and Answer for freshers/blazor framework Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What does CTS mean?

Common Type System is abbreviated to CTS. It follows a structured set of rules that mandates the declaration and usage of the data type within the program code. CTS describes and defines each data type that will be used in an application. You can generate personalised or unique classes and functions too using CTS. In doing so, the data type is called ‘declared’ by different languages when you write it using specific programming languages.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:30:08

What is the component in Blazor?

Blazoruses the Razor template engine that generates HTML and serves to the webbrowsers. We can use both HTML and C# syntax all together in the Razortemplates and Razor engine then compiles the Razor templates to generate theHTML. In Blazor Components we can use In-Line coding for the logics or we canseparate it and can write the component functions into a separate C# classfile. We use @code {} blockfor writing the C# functions along with HTML.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:24:51

What is Web Assembly(WASM)?

Accordingto “”:WebAssembly (abbreviated WASM) is a binary instruction format for astack-based virtual machine. WASM is designed as a portable target forcompilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust/C#, enabling deployment onthe web for client and server applications.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:20:56

What is Blazor WebAssembly (WASM)?

MicrosoftIntroduced Blazor WebAssembly as a new way to use ASP.NET core at theclient-side. This is in preview edition till now (March 2020). BlazorWebAssembly is a nice and clean way to create a single-page app for buildinginteractive client-side web apps with the power of C# on client-side too, meanson the browser with the uses of open web standards without any plugins or codetranspilation.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:20:37

Can I debug Blazor WebAssembly?

Yes. Blazor WebAssembly apps can be debugged using the browser dev tools in Chromium-based browsers (Edge/Chrome). You can also debug your app using Visual Studio and Visual Studio code by setting debug breaks and step through the code.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:19:03

Can I use both Blazor WebAssembly to build full-stack apps?

Yes. You can use .NET and C# to write your backend or server-side code and use Blazor WebAssembly for the front-end UI.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:18:17

When should I use Blazor Server vs Blazor WebAssembly?

Blazor server runs on the server-side and requires a web server such as IIS. You can compare Blazor server with an ASP.NET MVC application. Here are some of the use cases where you may want to choose Blazor Server over Blazor WebAssembly.
If you’ve an existing MVC or Razor pages app and want to continue expanding that with Blazor Server is probably a better choice for you. You don’t need to rewrite your business logic or database libraries. Your application can use MVC and Razor Pages for server-rendering and Blazor for client-side interaction.
Blazor Server apps are good where you want your client browser to do less work. In Blazor Server, most of the work is done on the server. It suits best for where you have a reliable low-latency network connection.
Blazor Server apps are not recommended for real-time frequent updates since server sider rending could be slower.
Blazor Server apps require an active network connection, offline scenarios are not supported.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:17:39

How to deploy a Blazor app in IIS?

We can use Visual Studio 2019 to easily deploy a Blazor app on IIS.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:15:40

How to deploy the Blazor app in Azure?

We can use Visual Studio 2019 to deploy Blazor applications to the Azure cloud. To publish the Blazor app on Azure, Right-click on the Server project of your solution and click publish.

It will open the “Pick a publish target” window. Select “App Service” from the left menu. Select the “Create New” radio button and click on “Create profile”.

The next window will ask you to log in to your Azure account if you are not logged in. Once the login is successful, a “Create App Service” window will open.

The fields of this window are prepopulated as per the configuration of your Azure account. However, you can change these values as per your requirement.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:15:07

What are templated components in Blazor?

Blazor uses the Razor template engine that generates HTML and serves to the web browsers. We can mix HTML and C# syntax in the Razor templates and Razor engine then compiles the Razor templates to generate the HTML.

Blazor (version 0.6.0) supports the templated component. It is a component that accepts one or more UI templates as parameters and these parameters can be used for component rendering. It allows us to write high-level reusable components. Using templated components, we can write a generic and more reusable component.

We can create the templated component by using one or more component parameters of type RenderFragment or RenderFragment<T>. The RenderFragment is a part of UI which is rendered by the component. It may have parameters that are used during the rendering of the component or while the RenderFragment is invoked.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:14:20

When should I use Blazor WASM?

Blazor allows us to create rich interactive UI to our .NET apps. For using Blazor WebAssembly there are many reasons:

<> Blazor WebAssembly require Low latency Network
<> No Need for JavaScript understandings for client-side interactions.
<> Blazor WebAssembly apps allow Offline support.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:13:36

When should I use Blazor Server?

Blazor allows us to create rich interactive UI to our .NET apps. For using Blazor Server there are many reasons:

There is no need to rewrite existing app logic.
when you want to offload work from the client to the server.
Blazor Server apps require only a small download to establish the connection.
It is a great solution for apps that need to run on low-powered devices.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:13:06

What are the life cycle methods of Blazor Components.

The Blazor application provides different functions for specific tasks in the life cycle of Blazor components in the form of synchronous as well as asynchronous methods.

* OnInitialized
* OnInitializedAsync
* OnParametersSet
* OnParametersSetAsync
* OnAfterRender
* OnAfterRenderAsync
* ShouldRender

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:12:40

What is the Event-Binding in Blazor?

Event binding is nothing but a way to call a handler function written in C# on a specific event, like on button click, text change, enter, or leaving the focus from a DOM element.

<button @onclick="@(()=>changeCity())">Click</button>

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:11:51

How to do Two-way Data Binding in Blazor?

Two-way data binding is the by directional data flow, means in this case the information flows in both directions, Source to Destination and Destination to Source at the same time like, we use the data variables of my component class(es) as a source and we need to get the value of this variable on the HTML UI to display some messages or edit them.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:07:50

Data Binding in Blazor.

Bindings are the main thing to interact with the data or control object like Textboxes, Selects, or Forms elements, and here in this war of being the best Web Development framework, Blazor giving the tough competition to other modern Web development frameworks. Blazor comes with the best way to use bindings with One-way, Two-way Data Binding, and with the rich behavior of event binding.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:07:24

How to define a route in Blazor?

Using @page directive we can define a route for blazor components. Now, we can create a new Blazor Component and at the top of the HTML of this blazor component, add simply @page 'path', like this:

@page '/'

This is for the home page or for those requests there is no URL parameter after domain but suppose we want to open new component and URL must be like 'https://domain/counter' so just add like this:

@page '/counter'

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:07:04

What are the steps to create and run the Blazor WebAssembly App using CLI commands?

We can open the command prompt and type following command to create a blazor WebAssembly app using core CLI:

{ dotnet new blazorwasm -o WebApplication1

cd WebApplication1

dotnet run }

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:06:13

What are the steps to create and run the Blazor Server App using CLI commands?

We can open the command prompt and type following command to create a Blazor server app using core CLI:

{ dotnet new blazorserver -o WebApplication1

cd WebApplication1

dotnet run

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:05:38

What are the Pros and Cons of Blazor WebAssembly?

Blazor WebAssembly Pros:

<> Low latency Network
<> No Need for JavaScript understandings for client-side interactions.
<> Offline support.

Blazor WebAssembly Cons:

<> Page download size is big.
<> Browser dependency, Internet Explorer not supported.
<> Limited support of .Net Assemblies.
<> Debugging is not so good at the client-side.
<> Not so secure, DLLs will be download at the browser.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:04:57

What are the Pros and Cons of Blazor Server?

Blazor Server Pros:

<> Page download size is very less.
<> Full support of .Net assemblies as you are using Dot Net core at the server.
<> Debugging like a boss.
<> Run-on any browser.
<> No need for JavaScript.
<> Much secure, Code will be on Server only.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:04:01

What is the component in Blazor?

Blazor uses the Razor template engine that generates HTML and serves to the web browsers. We can use both HTML and C# syntax all together in the Razor templates and Razor engine then compiles the Razor templates to generate the HTML. In Blazor Components we can use In-Line coding for the logics or we can separate it and can write the component functions into a separate C# class file. We use @code {} block for writing the C# functions along with HTML.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:03:15

What are the Features of Blazor?

Blazor is much inspired by the other new and Morden UI Frameworks with many features. It’s not a replacement of any other JavaScript-based UI Frameworks, but yes it could be the best way for all the .Net Developer for creating next application with the list of rich features, as follows:

<> Component-based architecture.
<> DI (Dependency Injection.
<> Blazor Forms and Validation.
<> Live Reload.
<> JavaScript interop.
<> Unit Testing.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:01:04

What is Web Assembly (WASM)?

According to “”: WebAssembly (abbreviated WASM) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. WASM is designed as a portable target for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:00:30

What is Blazor Web Assembly (WASM)?

Microsoft Introduced Blazor WebAssembly as a new way to use ASP.NET core at the client-side. This is in preview edition till now (March 2020). Blazor WebAssembly is a nice and clean way to create a single-page app for building interactive client-side web apps with the power of C# on client-side too, means on the browser with the uses of open web standards without any plugins or code transpilation.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 02:00:09

What is Blazor Server?

Microsoft Blazor Server decouple the application layers as Blazor Components (in form of Razor component) with the support of C# to write the logic for the client browser. Blazor built on the top of the ASP.Net Core framework. It provides support for hosting Razor components on the server in an ASP.NET Core app. Blazor uses the SignalR for making a connection in the ASP.Net server to the DOM at Client Side.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 01:59:39

Type of Blazor?

Microsoft is offering Blazor in two types, as:

1. Blazor Server
2. Blazor Web Assembly

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 01:59:24

What is Blazor?

It’s a super awesome framework by Microsoft for building interactive client-side web UI with the best performance ever in .NET and C# named Blazor. In Blazor We use component-based architecture like other modern web development frameworks Angular or React.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-24 01:58:44

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