SAP ECC Interview Questions for Experienced/SAP ECC Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Why do you use pricing date in condition type?

It shows date of calculation of pricing procedure for that Particular document. So that in future you can see the date on which pricing calculated for that particular document.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:57:25

In a sales order how system does picks up plant?

You can assign particular material master to particular Plant and it picks up from there.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:57:04

What is the use of Sales support function in SD module?

Sales support is one of the key component in Sales and Distribution SD module. It is also called computer Aided Selling SD-CAS.

This module helps organizations to create new sales, tracking of existing sales, and performance and eventually help in improving marketing and sales in an organization.

SAP SD Sales support module provides an option of creating email list for the customer and directly sending mails for new leads.

Sales support stores all the data related to sales and distribution related to customers, products, materials, competitor products, etc.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:56:26

What is the difference between a Sales activity and a sales document?

Sales Activity −

Sales activities are categorized as Presales and post sales −

This include when you sell material rather you do your preparation for sales with the customer...

Sales Call, Phone Call, Sales Letter, and post sales like support and relationship, etc.

Sales documents −

These documents are considered under sales, where you sell the materials to the customer and are created in SAP system to manage sales process.

Example − Sales orders, Quotations, etc.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:54:28

What is a Sales activity? What are different sales activity that you perform in SD?

All Sales activities in SAP SD system can be divided into presales and post sales activities. Presales activities are classified as activities which occurs before product is sold to customer and post sales activities are those which occurs after product is sold.

Pre Sales Activities − Inquiry, quotation

Post Sales Activities − Support, Relationship management

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:53:52

Give an example of Material Management integration with Sales and Distribution?

Consider an example of creating a sales order in SAP SD, it involves copying details of item from Material Management.

Availability check of the item and price details are also taken from MM but this can be controlled this data in SD module. To create inbound and outbound delivery of goods for a sales order, shipping details, loading point etc. also come from Material Master.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:13:39

Is it possible to create invoices without delivery?

No, invoice is not possible without delivery.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:13:04

Can you do delivery without shipping point?

No, shipping point is required to perform goods delivery.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:12:29

How can you view locked transactions?

To view locked transactions, you require looking in the field CINFO, tabling TSTC. Within SAP, you can use SE11 or SE16 to surf the table contents. Confirm that you enter “A0” as the “HEX01 data constituent for SYST” starting value and “A9” as the ending value.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 02:03:27

What is the purpose of TDEVC?

The idea of TDEVC contains progress classes and packages.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:58:22

How client refresh is different than client copy?

Client refresh is overwriting or copying to the obtainable client while impersonating the recently created client is called client copy.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:58:05

What is logic unit of work?

A list of steps amid t-code is known as logical LUW

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:57:47

What are Data sets in SAP?

To resolve queries which cannot be solved by using the technique interfaces, a set of information is utilized. This place of information is known as “Data Sets”.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:56:37

When you create a username, which fields are mandatory?

The last name and password are required.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:53:57

When a background user faces problems, how will you troubleshoot them?

System Trace ST01 can be used to troubleshoot problems for background users.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:52:39

Which parameter is used to control the number of entries in the user buffer?

To control the number of entries in the user buffer, we use the profile parameter.


Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:52:24

How to create a user group in SAP?

For this SAP security interview question, you can mention that you can create a user group in the SAP system by following the below steps:

* Enter SUGR T-code in SAP Easy Access Menu.
* A new screen will open up. Now provide a name for the new user group in the text box.
* Click on create button.
* Provide a description and click on the Save button.
* The user group will be created in the SAP system.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:51:53

What are the values for user lock?

The values for user lock are:

<> 00 – not locked
<> 32 – Locked by CUA central administrator
<> 64 – Locked by the system administrator
<> 128 – Locked after a failed logon

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:40:05

Explain a user buffer.

A user buffer is formed when a user signs on to an SAP system. This user buffer contains authorizations for that particular user. Every user has his or her own user buffer. A user buffer is a monitoring tool. It means that no further action can be taken from within this transaction. It can be used to analyze for a particular user or reset the buffer for the user. A user can display his or her own user buffer using the t-code SU56.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:39:31

What does a USER COMPARE do in SAP security?

USER COMPARE compared the user master record so that the produced authorization profile can be entered in the user master record.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:39:02

Which t-code is used to display the user buffer?

The t-code SU56 is used to display the user buffer.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:38:12

What are the main tabs available in PFCG?

The main tabs available in PFCG are description, menu, authorization, and user. The functions of these tabs are:

<> Description: Used to describe the changes done, such as details related to the role, the authorization object, and the addition or removal of t-codes.
<> Menu: To design user menus like the addition of t-codes.
<> Authorization: To maintain authorization data and authorization profile.
<> User: Used to adjust user master records and assign users to the role.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:37:44

Which t-code can be used to delete old security audit logs?

The t-code SM-18 can be used to delete old security and audit logs.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:37:00

How can the password rules be enforced?

Password rules can be enforced using the profile parameter.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:36:46

Can you add a composite role to another composite role?

No, you cannot add a composite role to another composite role.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:36:31

How can you delete multiple roles from QA, DEV and Production System?

The following steps should be taken to delete all the roles from QA, DEV and Production System:

<> Place the roles to be deleted in a transport.
<> Delete the roles.
<> Push the transport through to QA and production.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:36:12

What are the authorization objects required to create and maintain user records?

The following authorization objects are required to create and maintain user records:

<> S_USER_GRP: to assign user groups.
<> S_USER_PRO: to assign authorization.
<> S_USER_AUT: create and maintain authorizations.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:35:32

Can you change a role template? What are the three ways to work with a role template?

Yes. There are three ways to change a role template:

<> Use it as they are delivered in SAP
<> Modify them as per your needs through PFCG
<> Create them from scratch

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:34:55

How to find out who has deleted users in the system?

To find out who has deleted users in the system, first debug or use RSUSR100 to find the info. Then run transaction SUIM and download the Change documents.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:34:27

What is the maximum number of profiles and objects in a role?

In a role, the maximum number of profiles is 312 and the maximum number of objects is 170.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:34:08

What are the tools to install JAVA patches?

To use the JAVA patches, SAP installer (SAPinst.exe) is in use. SDM and JSPM are the newest versions of tools used to organize Java Patches.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:32:03

how to define logon groups?

Logon groups can be distinguished using the Tcode smlg in order to do that you have to make the group and then allocate the instances for that exacting group.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:31:47

Mention the use of personalized tab and parameter tab in the user master record?

Personalization Tab: It is necessary for RFC association between systems other than user individual information

Parameter Tab: It will allow admission to assign T-code on which one has to work

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:31:30

Differentiate between authorization object and authorization object class?

An authorization object is a group of authorization fields and is related to a particular activity, while an authorization object class comes under the authorization class and is grouped by function areas.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:31:10

What is the difference between a single role and a composite role?

A single role is a container that collects transactions and generates an associated profile. A composite role is a container that collects different roles.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:30:56

What is the difference between a role and a profile?

A role and profile go hand-in-hand. When a role is created, a profile is automatically created.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:30:41

How many fields can be in one authorization object?

There are 10 fields in one authorization object in SAP.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:29:59

What is an ‘authorization’?

Each role in SAP requires privileges to execute a function, which is known as authorization.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:29:39

What is a ‘role’ in SAP security?

Role refers to the group of t-codes that is assigned to execute particular tasks.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:29:01

How to check table logs?

The first step is to check if logging is activated for a table using t-code SE13. If it is enabled then we can see the table logs with the t-code SCU3.

Posted Date:- 2022-02-09 01:28:36

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