What is a Kanban board in JIRA?Jira Interview Questions for Freshers/Jira Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What is a Kanban board in JIRA?

A Kanban board in JIRA is nothing but a board that can be created using either Kanban preset or the DIY options. This Kanban board is suitable for those whose focus is on only managing and constraining work-in-progress time.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-11 21:57:44

In JIRA workflow, is it possible to transition an issue back to its previous status?

What are some of the popular add–on for JIRA?

How can you modify multiple bulk issues?

How is the security setting helpful in JIRA?

What do you mean by scheduling an issue?

How to create a burndown and burn up charts in JIRA?

What is a SCRUM board in JIRA?

What is a Kanban board in JIRA?

Explain how an issue is created in JIRA?

How does a service desk work in JIRA?

Explain labeling and linking issues in JIRA?

Can JIRA be used for test case management?

Is it possible to access the JIRA cloud site via a mobile device?

What is JIRA dashboard?

How you can modify multiple bulk issues?

What is an “issue collector”?

For an Agile project, how user stories in JIRA are created?

What is the Audit Log?

What is an event in JIRA?

How is the security setting helpful in JIRA?

What is the role of Validators in JIRA?

In JIRA workflow, is it possible to transition an issue back to its previous status?

What are the limitations when editing an active workflow?

Give some useful tips on JIRA Workflow

What data can be backed up?

Is it possible to get back up your JIRA cloud data?

What can be configured for the JIRA project and issue type?

What is Schemes in JIRA?

What are some of the popular add-ons for JIRA?

Explain what does the three color indicates tracking times or duration for an issue?

What do you mean by Scheduling an issue?

What does an issue change history include?

What is the importance of labeling issue?

How you can disable mail notification for Bulk Operations?

How you can modify multiple bulk issues?

How can you share an issue with other users in JIRA?

Explain the three color indicators and their significance.

How is security setting helpful in JIRA?

What is the use of “Move Issue” wizard in JIRA?

What are the things not included in cloned issue in JIRA?

What is Cloning an Issue?

Name the types of reports generated in JIRA

Explain labeling and linking issue in JIRA

Can you disable JIRA mobile for the site?

Is it possible to access JIRA cloud site via a mobile device?

Why use JIRA software?

List out the source control programs with which it integrates?

What can be referred to as an issue in Atlassian JIRA?

What is a workflow?

What is JIRA?

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