View object: View objects view the changes made by the user to the projects of Taskflows. VO helps the system to sort out the actions performed by the user. And organizes, filters, and manages the task, so that SQL queries could easily find out the results when searched for.
Entity object: An entity object is a row in a database. Similar to EJB in the J2EE, EO is the ADF. EO also makes it easier for recognizing the values in the row. It enclosed the entire row under a certain specified value. So it becomes easier to search for any value in the row. Even two EOs can be related to each other and can be grouped based on their relationship with one another. These related EOs are known to be Entity Associations.
Application module: An application module helps the client to access their work through the platform. AM has all the required and top-level procedures including the updated information in it. AM is known as the transactional module, as well, as it allows the client to access their own work. It also has multiple VO and Entity Associates in the View link form.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:08:19
ADF BC is a framework developed with the combination of Java language and XML language for developers. The Architecture of ADF BC includes:
Logic - both business and default
Handling Queries
Handling and managing Transactions
Accessing Data
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:07:34
No, Directly it's not possible to create EO using multiple tables.
Entity objects will always have a one-to-one relationship with a database object or web service.
But using views you can create Entity Objects on multiple tables.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:06:43
YES, follow steps to change DB connection:
1. Double click on AM.
2. GO to the configuration tab, click on configuration file bc4j.xml
3. Here we have attribute JDBCName under element AppModuleConfig, change the connection which is created for other DB.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:05:46
Data Control Palette hierarchy: The Data Control Palette displays two types of actions:
Actions that typically operate on all data collections in the current web page’s binding context (such as Commit and Rollback) in the Operations folder at the root level of the hierarchy.
Operations on a specific data collection (for example, MyView1). Data collection-specific operations (such as Create and Delete) appear in the Operations folder as child nodes of the collection in the Data Control Palette.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:05:03
Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) provides several types of binding objects to support the attributes and operations exposed by the Oracle ADF data controls for a particular business object:
ITERATOR BINDING, one per accessor attribute that your page or panel displays. Iterates over the business objects of the data collection and maintain the row currency and state.
VALUE BINDINGS, one for each data-bound UI component. Provides access to data.
ACTION BINDING, specifically defined for a button component. Provides access to operations defined by the business object.
Value Binding Types:
1. Attribute-Value Binding
2. Boolean Value Binding
3. List Value Binding
4. Range Value Binding
5. Scroll Value Binding
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:03:16
* JavaScript in ADF is not used as a mandatory functionality. As the code writing in ADF is not that vital. We can use JavaScript to customize certain codes.
* While it is not necessary to use JavaScript in ADF, it is necessary to have at least the basic knowledge of the same. Knowing JavaScript would always be helpful in fixing bugs if any, while running the ADF project.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:02:30
<> I already had an immense interest in technology with the purpose of making a significant difference. ADF, being the core development framework, can build absolutely any type of enterprise solution. I got inclined towards this technology which is so helpful. And of course so in line with my intentions and desires.
<> Secondly, ADF is known to be the mature J2EE development framework. And hence, the Oracle Fusion Middleware stack is built upon the ADF 11g. This is why we have ample opportunities here.
<> And third is, ADF has a range of inbuilt components that sorts us with the task of code writing. This way, I can actually focus on the features of the application and how it can do more good to the business.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:01:40
Still trying to find more info on this.
But as of now, you can go
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:00:45
* Isolated
* Shared(Default)-Data is shared with the parent flow
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:00:11
Navigation rules tells JSF implementation which page to send back to the browser after a form has been submitted. We can declare the page navigation as follows:
>> /index.jsp
>> login
>> /welcome.jsp
This declaration states that the login action navigates to /welcome.jsp, if it occurred inside /index.jsp.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:59:19
This file is used for defining the permissions and privileges for various groups of users on various task flows created in the application.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:58:26
The two levels of security applicable to ADLS Gen2 were also in effect for ADLS Gen1. Even though this is not new, it is worth calling out the two levels of security because it’s a very fundamental piece to getting started with the data lake and it is confusing for many people just getting started.
1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). RBAC includes built-in Azure roles such as reader, contributor, owner or custom roles. Typically, RBAC is assigned for two reasons. One is to specify who can manage the service itself (i.e., update settings and properties for the storage account). Another reason is to permit the use of built-in data explorer tools, which require reader permissions.
2. Access Control Lists (ACLs). Access control lists specify exactly which data objects a user may read, write, or execute (execute is required to browse the directory structure). ACLs are POSIX-compliant, thus familiar to those with a Unix or Linux background.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:57:42
If the application contains run-time customizations using MDS, it must be bundled as an EAR. For a simple WebCenter portal application with no such customizations, WAR can be created.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:56:41
The adfc-config.xml file is the configuration file for an ADF unbounded task flow. This file contains metadata about the activities and control flows contained in the unbounded task flow.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:55:58
ADFc-ADF Controller :
ADFc:The controller component in ADF is an extension of the JSF navigation model and promotes modularization and reuse. In addition, ADFc provides declarative transaction handling and clearly defined process boundaries.
ADFm-ADF model :
ADFm The binding layer and model are represented by data controls and the binding container object. ADFm is built on JSR-227 and abstracts the view layer model access from the implementation details of the underlying business service.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:55:21
Backing beans are JavaBeans components associated with UI components used in a page. Backing-bean management separates the definition of UI component objects from objects that perform application-specific processing and hold data.
Backing Beans are merely a convention, a subtype of JSF Managed Beans which have a very particular purpose. There is nothing special in a Backing Bean that makes it different from any other managed bean apart from its usage.What makes a Backing Bean is the relationship it has with a JSF page; it acts as a place to put component references and Event code.
Backing Beans : A backing bean is any bean that is referenced by a form. Backing Beans should be defined only in the request scope
Managed Beans : A managed bean is a backing bean that has been registered with JSF (in faces-config.xml) and it automatically created (and optionally initialized) by JSF when it is needed. The advantage of managed beans is that the JSF framework will automatically create these beans, optionally initialize them with parameters you specify in faces-config.xml.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:54:42
* The Mapping Data Flow feature currently allows Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, delimited text files from Azure Blob storage or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, and Parquet files from Blob storage or Data Lake Storage Gen2 natively for source and sink.
* Use the Copy activity to stage data from any of the other connectors, and then execute a Data Flow activity to transform data after it’s been staged. For example, your pipeline will first copy into Blob storage, and then a Data Flow activity will use a dataset in source to transform that data.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:53:22
ADF Faces supports the following scopes
1. Application Scope
2. Session Scope
3. PageFlow Scope
4. Request Scope
5. BackingBean Scope.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:52:13
PPR is a feature supported by ADF Faces, using which we can render a small portion of a HTML Page, without refreshing the complete page.
It is enabled by.
>> Setting AutoSubmitproperty to true on the triggering element.
>> Setting the PartialTriggersproperty of target component to refer to component id of the triggering element
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:51:34
Differences between Bounded and Unbounded task flows :
>> Bounded task flows can be secured but Unbounded can’t.
>> Bounded taskflows can accept parameter and return values but unbounded taskflows don’t support parameters
>> Bounded taskflows has a single entry point or a default activity but unbounded taskflows have multiple entry points.
>> Bounded taskflows can be called from other bounded/unbounded taskflows but unbounded cannot be called or reused.
>> Bounded taskflows support transactions unbounded don’t
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:50:37
Backing beans are those managed beans which have 1:1 mapping with a page. They have getters and setters for all the components in the related page.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:49:42
We should be writing validations at Entity Object level, because they provide highest degree of reuse.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:49:16
No entity objects will always have one to one relationship with a database object or web service.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:48:08
Each activity within the pipeline can consume the parameter value that’s passed to the pipeline and run with the @parameter construct.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:45:49
You can define default values for the parameters in the pipelines.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:45:26
validators :
If somehow you need to create your own validation logic to meet your business needs. You can either create a validation method on the page’s backing bean (if you want custom validation for a component on a single page), or create JSF validator classes (if you want to reuse the validation logics by various pages in the application).In the real world, of course creating the custom JSF validator classes would be adopted for ADF application for better reuse and maintantence.
convertors :
converters are used for converting the values from one type to another,like decimal to bigdecimal or from string to date or date to string.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:44:58
1) Initialize Context : In this phase value of associated request, binding container and lifecycle are set.
2) Prepare Model : In this phase model is prepared and initialized. In this phase page parameters are set and methods in the executable section of the page definition of the ADF page are executed.
3)Apply Input Values : This phase handles the request parameters. These may come by adding the request parameters in the URL or as a result of HTML form post action. A list of events is build using these request parameters. These are actually mapped to the bindings in the pageDef. This phase resolves the list of request parameters bind to attributes in the page def. This results into a list of updatedValues which is used in Update Model phase.
4) Validate Input Values : This phase validates the list of values built in the Apply input values field with model.
5) Update Model : After validation of input values data model is updated with the list of values created in apply input values phase.
6) Validate Model Updates : Updates in the previous phase are then validated by calling the associated lifecycle’s binding container .
7) Process Component Updates : This phase handles any events in the list built during the apply input values phase. Named events as well as all the events tied to the databindings created in the pagdef are handled in this phase.
8) Metadata Commit : This phase commits the runtime metadata changes to the model. This phase is always executed before prepare render phase.
9) Prepare Render : This is the final phase where page is sent for rendering. prepareRender event is sent to all the registered listeners. This notification signals bindings to prepare or process the data for rendering. Binding container is also refreshed. This helps in updating any changes that happened during validation phases.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:44:15
View objects, which can be based on entity objects/Web Services, represent the data that you want to view and manipulate.
1. Present a view or slice of business data.
2. Are used for joining, filtering, projecting, and sorting your business data.
3. Can be based on any number of entity objects.
4. Can also be constructed from a SQL statement.
Read-only SQL –Based View Objects:
1. Is not based on any entity-based object.
2. Cannot be used for insert, update, or delete.
3. Use SQL-based view objects for query–only views, which do not need the functionality of entity objects.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:42:48
No, service methods can return only primitive/scalar data types.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:42:00
Yes, Service Methods can Return type Void
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:41:38
Service Methods can return Scalar or Primitive Datatypes.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:41:13
* You can use the scheduler trigger or time window trigger to schedule a pipeline.
* The trigger uses a wall-clock calendar schedule, which can schedule pipelines periodically or in calendar-based recurrent patterns (for example, on Mondays at 6:00 PM and Thursdays at 9:00 PM).
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:40:16
Oracle ADF has the following components
1. ADF Business Components: VO, EO & AM
2. ADF Model : DataBinding (.cpx, .xml) & DataControls(.dcx)
3. ADF View: JSP, JSF, ADF Faces etc.
4. ADF Controller: Task flows (adf-config.xml), faces-config.xml
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:38:27
The most used component of the model layer is the tester, which is used to run and check the data model that is implemented. This serves as the first line of defense to see if data is exposed as we need it and to test the data model without a need to create a UI.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:37:57
* They define the join or the link among EO’s and VO’s. The association defines the link between EO’s. They can be considered as PrimaryKey/ForeignKey relationship between tables.
* The View link is for a VO. It defines the Join conditions. A view link can be based on an association or based on attributes, Basing view links on associations have the same advantage of entity cache and a few more which are unveiled later.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:37:37
Mapping data flow activity is a visually designed data transformation activity that allows us to design a graphical data transformation logic without the need to be an expert developer, and executed as an activity within the ADF pipeline on an ADF fully managed scaled-out Spark cluster.
Wrangling data flow activity is a code-free data preparation activity that integrates with Power Query Online in order to make the Power Query M functions available for data wrangling using spark execution.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:37:01
<> Azure Integration Runtime: used for copying data from or to data stores accessed publicly via the internet.
<> Self-Hosted Integration Runtime: used for copying data from or to an on-premises data store or networks with access control.
<> Azure SSIS Integration Runtime: used to run SSIS packages in the Data Factory.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:36:27
The six phases of the JSF application lifecycle are as follows (note the event processing at each phase):
Restore view
* Apply request values; process events
* Process validations; process events
* Update model values; process events
* Invoke application; process events
* Render response
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:35:38
We should ideally be writing validations at an Entity Object level because they provide the highest degree of reuse.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:35:01
Application Module, manages transactions.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:34:46
All of these features can be summarized by saying that using ADF Business Components for your J2EE business service layer makes your life a lot easier. The key ADF Business Components that cooperate to provide the business service implementation are:
1. Entity Object: An entity object represents a row in a database table and simplifies modifying its data by handling all DML operations for you. It can encapsulate business logic for the row to ensure your business rules are consistently enforced. You associate an entity object with others to reflect relationships in the underlying database schema to create a layer of business domain objects to reuse in multiple applications.
2. Application Module: An application module is a transactional component that UI clients use to work with application data. It defines an updatable data model and top-level procedures and functions (called service methods) related to a logical unit of work related to an end-user task.
3. View Object: A view object represents a SQL query and simplifies working with its results. You use the full power of the familiar SQL language to join, project, filter, sort, and aggregate data into exactly the “shape†required by the end-user task at hand. This includes the ability to link a view object with others to create master/detail hierarchies of any complexity. When end users modify data in the user interface, your view objects collaborate with entity objects to consistently validate and save the changes.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:34:28
An action listener is a class that wants to be notified when a command component fires an action event. An action listener contains an action listener method that processes the action event object passed to it by the command component
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:33:45
Navigation rules tells JSF implementation which page to send back to the browser after a form has been submitted. We can declare the page navigation as follows:
This declaration states that the login action navigates to /welcome.jsp, if it occurred inside /index.jsp.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:33:26
JSF supports three Bean Scopes.
* Request Scope: The request scope is short-lived. It starts when an HTTP request is submitted and ends when the response is sent back to the client.
* Session Scope: The session scope persists from the time that a session is established until session termination.
* Application Scope: The application scope persists for the entire duration of the web application. This scope is shared among all the requests and sessions.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:33:03
JavaBean objects managed by a JSF implementation are called managed beans. A managed bean describes how a bean is created and managed. It has nothing to do with the bean’s functionality.
A managed bean is about how the bean is created and initialized. As you know, JSF uses the lazy initialization model. It means that the bean in the particular scope is created and initialized not at the moment when the scope is started, but on-demand, i.e. when the bean is the first time required.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:32:19
Azure Blob Storage is a service for storing large amounts of unstructured object data, such as text or binary data. You can use Blob Storage to expose data publicly to the world or to store application data privately. Common uses of Blob Storage include:
* Serving images or documents directly to a browser
* Storing files for distributed access
* Streaming video and audio
* Storing data for backup and restore disaster recovery, and archiving
* Storing data for analysis by an on-premises or Azure-hosted service
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:32:06
1. Top Link is an Object-Relational Mapping layer that provides a map between the Java objects that the model uses and the database that is the source of their data.
2. By default, a session is created named default. In the following steps, you create a new session.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:29:54
An action listener is a class that wants to be notified when a command component fires an action event. An action listener contains an action listener method that processes the action event object passed to it by the command component.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 04:29:28
The Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) is an end-to-end application framework that builds on J2EE standards and open-source technologies to simplify and accelerate implementing service-oriented applications. If you develop enterprise solutions that search, display, create, modify, and validate data using web, wireless, desktop, or web services interfaces, Oracle ADF can simplify your job. Used in tandem, Oracle JDeveloper 10g, and Oracle ADF give you an environment that covers the full development lifecycle from design to deployment, with drag-and-drop data binding, visual UI design, and team development features built-in.
Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 03:57:45