How can digest cycle time be decreased?Angular JS interview question set 1/Angular JS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

How can digest cycle time be decreased?

Digest cycle time can be decreased by decreasing the number of watchers. To do this, you can:

Use web worker
Work in batches
Cache DOM
Remove unnecessary watchers
Use one-time Angular binding

Posted Date:- 2021-08-25 09:25:38

What is the factory function in AngularJS?

How are AngularJS prefixes $ and $$ used?

Explain injector in AngularJS

Explain the linking function and its types

Explain the differences between one-way binding and two-way binding.

What is the digest cycle in AngularJs?

Explain directives and their types

What is string interpolation in Angular.JS ?

Difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript?

Explain Eager loading in Angular

What is the controller in AngularJS ?

What are the different types of component decorators in Angular 4?

Describe the use of TypeScript in Angular 4?

What is deep linking in Angular 4?

Describe ElementRef in Angular 4?

10) What is internationalization in Angularjs ?

How do you share data between controllers in AngularJs ?

Describe different types of binding in Angular 4?

What is binding?

What is Unit Testing in Angular 4?

How can we share the data between controllers in AngularJS?

Why to use AngularJS Global Object services?

What are the directive scopes in AngularJS?

What are the Angular Modules?

Write all the steps to configure an Angular App(ng-app).

What is Controller?

How can digest cycle time be decreased?

How can a SPA be implemented in AngularJS?

What is a Single Page Application (SPA)?

What are the benefits of dependency injection?

What is dependency injection?

Explain e2e testing of AngularJS applications.

What is Module ?

Explain what the link function is and how it differs from compile.

Explain what a digest cycle is in AngularJS.

In what ways can you use a directive?

Distinguish between AngularJS and JavaScript expressions.

What are directives?

What is data binding in AngularJS and What is the difference between one-way and two-way binding?

Explain the concept of scope hierarchy.

What is the main thing that you would need to change if you were migrating from AngularJS 1.4 to AngularJS 1.5?

Explain what is Dependency Injection in AngularJS?

How to use Currency Filter in AngularJS

What is currency filter in AngularJS

What are expressions in AngularJS?

Define Data Binding.

Define the features of AngularJS.

Explain services in AngularJS

Explain function scope in AngularJS

What is AngularJS?

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