What do you understand about Kafka MirrorMaker?kafka Interview Questions for Experienced/kafka Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What do you understand about Kafka MirrorMaker?

The MirrorMaker is a standalone utility for copying data from one Apache Kafka cluster to another. The MirrorMaker reads data from original cluster topics and writes it to a destination cluster with the same topic name. The source and destination clusters are separate entities that can have various partition counts and offset values.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-12 09:19:49

Explain customer serialization and deserialization in Kafka.

Can the number of partitions for a topic be reduced?

How can Kafka retention time be changed at runtime?

What causes OutOfMemoryException?

When does Kafka throw a BufferExhaustedException?

Why is the Kafka broker said to be “dumb”?

Can the number of partitions for a topic be changed in Kafka?

What do you know about log compaction in Kafka?

What do you mean by graceful shutdown in Kafka?

How will you expand a cluster in Kafka?

What do you understand about log compaction and quotas in Kafka?

Describe message compression in Kafka. What is the need of message compression in Kafka? Also mention if there are any disadvantages of it.

What are some disadvantages of message compression in Kafka?

What is a Smart producer/ dumb broker?

What is Kafka producer Acknowledgement?

Tell us the cases where Kafka does not fit.

What do you understand by multi-tenancy?

How can the throughput of a remote consumer be improved?

What are Replication Tool and its types?

What is the importance of replication in Kafka?

How does The process of Assigning partitions to broker Work?

What Is The Benefits Of Apache Kafka Over The Traditional Technique?

What is meant by partition offset in Kafka?

How is the log cleaner configured?

Differentiate between Kafka and Flume.

How can the Kafka cluster be rebalanced?

Is getting message offset possible after producing?

Mention What Is The Maximum Size Of The Message Does Kafka Server Can Receive?

When does QueueFullException occur in the Producer API?

How long are messages retained in Kafka?

What does it mean when a Replica is outside the ISR for an extended period of time?

What advantages does Kafka have over Flume?

How is load balancing maintained in Kafka?

Can Kafka be used without a ZooKeeper?

Explain how to Tune Kafka for Optimal Performance.

What is Data Log in Kafka?

Explain the term “Log Anatomy”.

Compare: Traditional queuing systems vs Apache Kafka

Is it possible to get the message offset after producing?

Compare: RabbitMQ vs Apache Kafka

What do you understand about Kafka MirrorMaker?

What is the role of Consumer API?

Explain Multi-tenancy?

What is Geo-Replication in Kafka?

Mention what happens if the preferred replica is not in the ISR?

What does it indicate if replica stays out of ISR for a long time?

Why replication is required in Kafka?

Explain how you can get exactly once messaging from Kafka during data production?

What is the main difference between Kafka and Flume?

What are the parameters that you should look for while optimising kafka for optimal performance?

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