What is used of Python? Some uses with practical Python

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What is Python used for? 10 practical Python uses 


Despite starting out as a hobby project named after Monty Python, Python is now one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. Besides web and software development, Python is used for data analytics, machine learning, and even design. 


We take a closer look at some of the uses of Python, as well as why it’s such a popular and versatile programming language. We’ve also picked out some of our top courses for learning Python, and some ideas for Python projects for beginners.  


Python – the basics

Before we get into the details of what you can do with Python, let’s get some of the essentials out of the way. If you’re hoping to learn a programming language, these basics can help you understand why Python could be an excellent choice.  


What is Python?

As we outlined in our summary post on what different programming languages are used for, Python is an object-oriented (based around data), high-level (easier for humans to understand) programming language. First launched in 1992, it’s built in a way that it’s relatively intuitive to write and understand. As such, it’s an ideal coding language for those who want rapid development. 


If you’re wondering who uses Python, you’ll find that many of the biggest organisations in the world implement it in some form. NASA, Google, Netflix, Spotify, and countless more all use the language to help power their services. 


Why is Python so popular? 

According to the TIOBE index, which measures the popularity of programming languages, Python is the third most popular programming language in the world, behind only Java and C. There are many reasons for the ubiquity of Python, including: 


  • Its ease of use. For those who are new to coding and programming, Python can be an excellent first step. It’s relatively easy to learn, making it a great way to start building your programming knowledge.
  • Its simple syntax. Python is relatively easy to read and understand, as its syntax is more like English. Its straightforward layout means that you can work out what each line of code is doing. 
  • Its thriving community. As it’s an open-source language, anyone can use Python to code. What’s more, there is a community that supports and develops the ecosystem, adding their own contributions and libraries. 


Why learn Python? 

So, we know why Python is so popular at the moment, but why should you learn how to use it? Aside from the ease of use and versatility mentioned above, there are several good reasons to learn Python: 


Python developers are in demand. Across a wide range of fields, there is a demand for those with Python skills. If you’re looking to start or change your career, it could be a vital skill to help you. 

It could lead to a well-paid career. Data suggests that the median annual salary for those with Python skills is around £65,000 in the UK. 

There will be many job opportunities. Given that Python can be used in many emerging technologies, such as AI, machine learning, and data analytics, it’s likely that it’s a future-proof skill. Learning Python now could benefit you across your career. 


How long does it take to learn Python?

As we’ve mentioned already, Python is a relatively straightforward programming language compared to many others. As such, it’s possible to learn the basics over just a few weeks. Many of our short courses, such as Getting Started with Python, take 6-8 weeks to complete, with only a few hours of learning required each week. 


1. AI and machine learning 

Because Python is such a stable, flexible, and simple programming language, it’s perfect for various machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) projects. In fact, Python is among the favourite languages among data scientists, and there are many Python machine learning and AI libraries and packages available. 


2. Data analytics 

Much like AI and machine learning, data analytics is another rapidly developing field that utilises Python programming. At a time when we’re creating more data than ever before, there is a need for those who can collect, manipulate and organise the information. 


Python for data science and analytics makes sense. The language is easy-to-learn, flexible, and well-supported, meaning it’s relatively quick and easy to use for analysing data. When working with large amounts of information, it’s useful for manipulating data and carrying out repetitive tasks.


3. Data visualisation 

Data visualisation is another popular and developing area of interest. Again, it plays into many of the strengths of Python. As well as its flexibility and the fact it’s open-source, Python provides a variety of graphing libraries with all kinds of features. 


Whether you’re looking to create a simple graphical representation or a more interactive plot, you can find a library to match your needs. Examples include Pandas Visualization and Plotly. The possibilities are vast, allowing you to transform data into meaningful insights.


4. Programming applications 

You can program all kinds of applications using Python. The general-purpose language can be used to read and create file directories, create GUIs and APIs, and more. Whether it’s blockchain applications, audio and video apps, or machine learning applications, you can build them all with Python. 


5. Web development 

Python is a great choice for web development. This is largely due to the fact that there are many Python web development frameworks to choose from, such as Django, Pyramid, and Flask. These frameworks have been used to create sites and services such as Spotify, Reddit and Mozilla. 


6. Game development 

Although far from an industry-standard in game development, Python does have its uses in the industry. It’s possible to create simple games using the programming language, which means it can be a useful tool for quickly developing a prototype. Similarly, certain functions (such as dialogue tree creation) are possible in Python. 


7. Language development

The simple and elegant design of Python and its syntax means that it has inspired the creation of new programming languages. Languages such as Cobra, CoffeeScript, and Go all use a similar syntax to Python. 


8. Finance 

Python is increasingly being utilised in the world of finance, often in areas such as quantitative and qualitative analysis. It can be a valuable tool in determining asset price trends and predictions, as well as in automating workflows across different data sources.


9. SEO

Another slightly surprising entry on our list of Python uses is in the field of search engine optimisation (SEO). It’s an area that often benefits from automation, which is certainly possible through Python. Whether it’s implementing changes across multiple pages or categorising keywords, Python can help. 


10. Design  

When asking ‘what is Python used for?’ you probably weren’t expecting design to feature on the list. However, Python can be used to develop graphic design applications. Surprisingly, the language is used across a range of 2D imaging software, such as Paint Shop Pro and Gimp. 


Python projects for beginners 

So, if you were wondering what to do with Python and who uses Python, we’ve given plenty of ideas for how it’s used. But what about if you’re just starting out with the language and want to become a Python developer? 


Below, we’ve outlined some Python project ideas for beginners. These can help you develop your knowledge and challenge your abilities with the programming language: 


Build a guessing game 

Design a text-based adventure game 

Create a simple Python calculator

Write a simple, interactive quiz 

Build an alarm clock 


Final thoughts 

That concludes our look at what Python programming can be used for. As you can see, there are many applications for this popular language, with a wide support network and a diverse range of libraries that can help. 

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