NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022/NEET Biology MCQS Mock Test Paper 13 MCQs :- multiple choice questions and answers. e.g NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022 MCQS,NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022 Mock Tests , NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022 Practice Papers ,NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022 Sample Test,NEET Test Series-2021 to 2022 Sample questions

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Question 1: If the plasmid and the foreign DNA are cut by the same restriction endonuclease; recombinant DNA can be formed by joining both by

Polymerase III



Taq polymerase

Total MCQS Questions are 50 in this paper NEET Biology MCQS Mock Test Paper 13