Engineering/Software Engineering Multiple Choice Question Set 2 MCQs :- multiple choice questions and answers. e.g Engineering MCQS,Engineering Mock Tests , Engineering Practice Papers ,Engineering Sample Test,Engineering Sample questions

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Question 1: Match the software maintenance activities in List-I to its meaning in List-II. List-I List-II I. Corrective (a) Concerned with performing activities to reduce the software complexity thereby improving program understandability and increasing software maintainability. II. Adaptive (b) Concerned with fixing errors that are observed when the software is in use. III. Perfective (c) Concerned with the change in the software that takes place to make the software adaptable to new environment (both hardware and software). IV. Preventive (d) Concerned with the change in the software that takes place to make the software adaptable to changing user requirements. Codes: I II III IV

(b) (d) (c) (a)

(b) (c) (d) (a)

(c) (b) (d) (a)

(a) (d) (b) (c)

Total MCQS Questions are 75 in this paper Software Engineering Multiple Choice Question Set 2